Comments and corrections welcomed.

Madden NFL database file format

Header (starts at 0)

Offset 0 (2 bytes): Database identifier.
Offset 2 (2 bytes): File format version.
Madden NFL 2003 is 7 (0x0007). Madden NFL 2004 is 8 (0x0008).
Offset 4 (4 bytes): Unknown.
It's always 2011665408 (0x77e79400) for my franchises in 2003. It's zero in the 2004 franchises sent to me.
Offset 8 (4 bytes): Databse size.
Contains the length of the entire file, beginning to end.
Offset 12 (4 bytes): Zero.
Always contains zero in the franchises I've seen.
Offset 16 (4 bytes): Table count.
Contains how many tables can be found in the index that follows.
Offset 20 (4 bytes): Unknown (2004 only)
It has been 4098197738 (0xf44588ea) and 1524647641 (0x5ae046d9) in the franchises sent to me. It is possible that this field replaced the one at offset 4 for Madden NFL 2004.

Table index (starts at 20:2003, 24:2004)

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Table name.
The table names are always 4 characters long with no NUL termination.
Offset 4 (4 bytes): Table offset.
Where to find the start of the table data, relative to the end of the table index. In 2004, the table data offset is 4 bytes more than how it is calculated in 2003, even after compensating for the extra 4 byte header field in 2004. Not sure why as there is no other extra data present.
Offset end (4 bytes): Unknown. (checksum?)
Based on pattern and contents, this is another checksum.


Table Header (sub-offset 0)

Madden NFL 2003

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Unknown. (table type?)
Varies between 6, 10, 14, 26, and 30; probably a bitvector.
Offset 4 (4 bytes): Record length.
Size of each record, in bytes.
Offset 8 (4 bytes): Record length in bits.
Size of each record, in bits.
Offset 12 (2 bytes): Records allocated in table.
How many records there is space for (but not necessarily used) in the table.
Offset 14 (2 bytes): Records in use.
How many records are actually in use in the table. The same as records allocated for many tables.
Offset 16 (4 bytes? probably 2 related 2-byte values): Unknown.
This field is 4294901760 (0xffff0000) for most tables. Some of the ones with other values in 2003 (from two different franchises):
  • COCH: 0x00430002 - 4390914
  • DCHT: 0x0b600001 - 190840833, 0x055e00b7 - 90046647
  • INJY: 0x0060003d - 6291517, 0x00650012 - 6619154
  • PLAY: 0x04a60047 - 77987911, 0x07cd00af - 130875567
  • PKSI: 0x01930003 - 26411011
  • PKSP: 0x00780007 - 7864327
  • PSNG: 0x00e40026 - 14942246, 0x08130058 - 135463000
  • PSOL: 0x047d0013 - 75300883, 0x048e0024 - 76415012
Offset 20 (1 byte): Field count.
The number of fields to be read from the folowing section.
Offset 21 (1 byte): Index count.
Number of index records that follow the table data. Probably used to denote fields the database should keep sorted for easy sorting.
Offset 22 (2 bytes): Unknown.
It's 86 for all tables except the first (HOFM: Hall of Fame).

Madden NFL 2004

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Unknown. (table type?)
Varies between 2, 6, 10, 14, 26, and 30; probably a bitvector.
Offset 4 (4 bytes): Record length.
Size of each record, in bytes.
Offset 8 (4 bytes): Record length in bits.
Size of each record, in bits.
Offset 12 (4 bytes): Zero. (2004 only)
Always zero in the two franchises sent to me.
Offset 16 (2 bytes): Records allocated in table.
How many records there is space for (but not necessarily used) in the table.
Offset 18 (2 bytes): Records in use.
How many records are actually in use in the table. The same as records allocated for many tables.
Offset 20 (4 bytes? probably 2 related 2-byte values): Unknown.
This field is 4294901760 (0xffff0000) for most tables. See the 2003 entry for examples of other values.
Offset 24 (1 byte): Field count.
The number of fields to be read from the folowing section.
Offset 25 (1 byte): Index count.
Number of index records that follow the table data. Probably used to denote fields the database should keep sorted for easy sorting.
Offset 26 (2 bytes): Zero.
Always zero in the two franchises I have.
Offset 28 (4 bytes): Zero. (2004 only)
Always zero in the two franchises I have.
Offset 32 (4 bytes): Unknown. (2004 only)
Varies wildly between tables. Could be a CRC seed?

Table Fields (sub-offset 24:2003, 34:2004)

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Field type.
Either 0, 2, or 3. "0" appears to be for a text field, "3" for a number field, and "2" I'm not sure.
Offset 4 (4 bytes): Field offset.
The position of the data for the field within the record, in bits.
Offset 8 (4 bytes): Field name.
Four letters or textual-numbers containing the name of the field.
Offset 12 (4 bytes): Field size.
How many bits of data are used by the field in the record. NOTE: Fields may span byte boundaries.

Table Data (sub-offset: varies based on field data)

All information about how to read the table data is the previous section, field data, and will vary for every table.

Table Indicies (2003 only)

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Unknown.
Four ASCII characters, which result in printing a number: 80 or 84.
Offset 4 (4 bytes?): Unknown.
Always 71 (0x47).
Offset 8 (4 bytes?): Unknown.
Always 73 (0x49).
Offset 12 (4 bytes?): Unknown.
Always 68 (0x44).

Table Footer (sub-offset: varies by table fields, table data, and indicies)

Offset 0 (4 bytes): Checksum.
An (Adler32?) checksum for the table. What and how it checksums is unknown.

-- by George Greer (, greerga@)
Last updated: Sun Mar 28 21:42:36 EST 2004