. _JNNNN ""4NN) F I N A L (NN) (NN) F A N T A S Y (NN) (NN) T A C T I C S (NN) .NNNN) (NN) JN _____ NNNNN) (NN).NNNNNNN. _JNNNLJNNNNNN_.JNNNNNNL .JNNNNNNNNN` "" (NNNNNNNNNNNNL `4NNNN""""NNNNF""""NNNNN .NNNNF""NNNN (NNF `NNNN) (NN) 4NNN (NNN) JNNF (NN) (NN) NNNN (NN) NNN NNN) NNN 4N) (NN) (NNN (NN) NNN (NN) 4NN JN) JNN) (NNN (NN) NNN (NN) `NNL .NN` NNN) (NNF (NN) NNN (NN) `NNN___NNN` NNNN .NNN` (NN) NNN (NN) JNNNNNNF` NNNNL. JNNN` (NN) NNN (NN) NN) NN`"NNNNNNN" NNNNNNN) NNNNNNN (NNNNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNNNL. (N) 4NNNNNNNNNNNNNL (N BATTLE MECHANICS GUIDE VERSION 5.2 .NNF" `"NNN () ---------------------------------- NNF NN written by aerostar NNN JNF NNN. _NNF february 22, 2004 NNNNNL__NNNNN` . 4NNNNNNNN" with aaditya rangan and town knave ******************************************************************************* * FONT CHECK: This file does not exceed 79 characters on a line at its widest * * point. For optimal viewing, ensure that this entire box, bounded by the * * asterisks, is fully visible and properly aligned. * ******************************************************************************* Wow... it's getting huge. The BMG now weighs in at over 550 K! In recognition of this fact, with this version I've made it easier than ever to find what you need using your text editor or web brower's Find/Search feature. Take a look at the Contents and the beginning of section 3.3 for tips on searching the BMG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== For updates to the BMG, look on these websites: * http://www.fftactics.net/fftmech/ The FFT Battle Mechanics Guide homepage. Find the latest version of the Guide along with an archive of previous versions. Special thanks go to George Greer for allowing me to host the site on his server space. * http://www.gamefaqs.com/ New versions of the BMG, unless they contain extremely minor revisions, will usually be posted to GameFAQs as well. This is a wonderful site and, if you haven't been there, you've got to check it out! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the guide begins, I'd like to take a bit of space to thank everyone for their positive feedback, helpful hints and suggestions for improving the guide. Thanks to all of the people below for bits of information and inspiration: - Degenerator 12 - Karsten - triptolemus - Elmor the Elf - Kochocobo - Andy Harrington - rain duragan - A P - Master Daravon - Notti - George Greer - Garanhir - Jjukil - Dragon Fogel - Owvin - Johan Bager - Nick Lang - Jivera - Kantolin - NeoKamek New in this version: (version 5.2) - Made minor revisions to abnormal status and reaction/support/move abilities sections - Added all equipment to Appendix B; added a listing for when enemies start to use each piece of equipment - Corrected several errors in formulas, found thanks to NeoKamek's careful review of the RAM dump in the GS Handbook (version 5.0) - Biggest change: Added a new Part 3, featuring detailed information about every action ability in the game. This replaces the old parts 6 and 7 - Revised sections on abnormal status - Revised sections on reaction, support, and movement abilities - Revised several miscellany sections; added list of crystal probabilities in section 5.1 - Changed formatting slightly to facilitate searching via Ctrl + F (version 4.3) - Expanded and clarified section on reaction abilities - Made corrections in tables in part 8 by checking against NeoKamek's RAM dump - Corrected and expanded algorithm for damage modifiers for physical and magical attacks - Miscellaneous minor revisions, additions and corrections (version 4.2) - Added a new section, 5.6, on which abilities can activate Counter - Made some corrections to the section on monster attacks - Corrected (again) the damage formula for 'Holy Bracelet' (thanks Notti!) - Added the effect of snowstorms on Ice damage in the Weather and Terrain section, 5.5 - Made various minor additions and corrections (version 4.1) - Added Appendix B - Corrected the damage formula for 'Holy Bracelet' - Added more information on the 'Golem' spell - Corrected Regen, Poison, Move-HP Up and Move-MP Up formulae - Introduced (x..y) notation for generation of random numbers - As always, made various corrections and clarifications (version 4.0) - Restructured the guide, moving the complicated gameflow section to the end and moving the crux of the FAQ (current parts 2 and 3, former parts 4, 5, and 6) closer to the beginning. - Expanded the section on elemental attributes - Expanded the section on evasion - Made some corrections in the chart of monster attacks, including the Monster Skills of Bull Demon and Morbol. Also found out, through testing, that 'Tail Swing' does random damage between 1 and 15 * PA. - Added sections on Brave and Faith limits as well as how to handle stat modifications in equations with two instances of the same variable - Revised or rewrote several sections - Abolished the frivolous subsection headings - Expanded lists of Reaction, Support, and Move abilities in 7.2 - 7.4 - Expanded section on weather and terrain effects - Corrected errors in the HOLY SWORD formulae - Corrected the range of THROW - Rewrote the stat-determining equation in 7.2 to reflect more accurately how the game stores the data - Made other sundry corrections (version 3.21) - Corrected some of the values in the table in 9.3 - Corrected typo in teleport success equation (thanks to Nick Lang for pointing this out) (version 3.2) - Added table of inherent abilities and statuses in 2.6.6 - Revised sections on evasion - Revised TRUTH and UN-TRUTH formulae (thanks to Notti for spotting the errors) - Corrected the requisite minor errors (those never seem to go away, do they?) (version 3.1) - Added several subsections in the miscellany section 2.6, including the formulae for teleport success, falling damage, and the success of random events (thanks to Goryus for most of this information) - Added information on critical hits <3.1.3>, as well as more detailed information on the randomization of axe, flail, and bag damage <3.1.2> - Corrected formula for UN-TRUTH damage - As always, sundry minor corrections and revisions (version 3.05) - Revised section 9.3, on levelling up, and added section 9.4, on levelling down - Moved data on initial stat point values into 9.2; revised those values - Corrected typo in equation for JP gain - Corrected other minor errors (version 3.00) - Added Part 9, on character statistics and level up bonuses - Added equations for gained Exp and JP - Revised status/effect magic formula into a clearer form - Made miscellaneous revisions and corrections (version 2.66) - Corrected Sing and Dance percentages - Added Galaxy Stop percentage - Fixed Battle Skill formulae - Changed formulae for Nanoflare and the Tiamat skills into the forms used internally by the game (version 2.60) - Corrected various errors - Did some other stuff I can't remember because I did it before I went home for vacation but forgot to upload the FAQ :) (version 2.56) - Corrected miscellaneous errors - Added game-flow section - Converted all Speed data to ctr data - Added approximate success percentages for SING and DANCE - Renumbered sections (version 2.1) - Updated list of monster attacks; corrected physical vs. magical attack inaccuracies for monster attacks - Rewrote definitions of 'physical' and 'magical' attacks - Updated information on 'Blood Suck' status - Made a few miscellaneous revisions and clarifications (version 2.0) - Section on abnormal status totally rewritten - Information on JP sharing, counter magic, and learning magic updated and revised - Equations for Zodiac effects and miscellaneous other PA / MA bonuses rewritten to more accurately reflect the game's calculation - Errors in some weapon formulae corrected - Spell multiplier charts updated to include information on reflectability, calculability, avoidability, and ability to be countered - Vertical tolerances added to the range and effect notation of EVERY attack! - Talk Skill is not affected by evade percentages. Oops. - List of monster abilities now includes names of the different 'species' in the monster 'genus' - TONS of new information added on damage & probability modifiers - Several corrections, clarifications, and updates made to part 7 Special thanks to Notti for a thorough critique of version 1.5 of the FAQ and the contribution of several pieces of information. Thanks also to Master Daravon , who pointed out the inaccuracies in the monster abilities section in version 2.01. In addition, kudos to Aaditya Rangan for dealing with all the game-flow stuff, which all happens to quickly within the game for me to deal with . Finally, thanks to all the regulars on the GameFAQs FFT Message Board , many of whom also offered insightful comments on how I might make this file better. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C O N T E N T S F F T B M G v 5 . 0 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` TO SKIP TO A SECTION: Find (Ctrl + F) the number of the section between brackets. For instance, if you wanted to skip to section 9.3, you would Find "[9.3]" (without the quotes). (No, there is no 9.3. This is to prevent you from Finding this description when you search for a section number!) TO FIND ALL REFERENCES TO A SECTION: Eliminate the brackets in the previous search. TO RETURN TO THE CONTENTS: Find ",," (without the quotes) PART 1: Mechanics Fundamentals 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Abbreviations & Symbols 1.3 Signs of the Zodiac 1.4 Evasion 1.5 Protect and Shell 1.6 The Elements 1.7 Handling Multiple Instances of the Same Variable PART 2: Direct commands: these are commands that do more than prompt you to select an attack from a list -- they require a bit more explanation than other attacks. 2.1 ATTACK 2.2 CHARGE 2.3 JUMP 2.4 THROW 2.5 ITEM 2.6 ELEMENTAL 2.7 MATH SKILL PART 3: Individual attacks: these are the attacks that are mixed and matched to generate FFT's command sets. They include all magic; physical attacks like BATTLE SKILL, PUNCH ART, and STEAL; and all monster attacks. Detailed information is given about each and every attack. 3.1 Legend 3.2 Damage and Success Rate Modifiers 3.3 List of Attacks - To find an individual attack, Find "| attack name", where "attack name" is the name of the attack you're interested in. Leave one space between the "|" character and the name of the attack. PART 4: Abnormal Status 4.1 Preparative Status Changes 4.2 Supportive Status Changes 4.3 Negative Status Changes 4.4 Damage-derived Status Changes 4.5 Other Status Changes PART 5: Miscellany 5.1 Crystals 5.2 Counter Magic 5.3 Experience and Job Points 5.4 Learning Magic without JP 5.5 Weather and Terrain 5.6 Blade Grasp 5.7 Teleport 5.8 Random Events 5.9 Modifying Longbow Range 5.10 On Brave and Faith 5.11 Enemy Levels PART 6: Reaction, Support, & Movement Abilities 6.1 Rection Abilities 6.2 Support Abilities 6.3 Movement Abilities PART 7: Stats and Stat Growth 7.1 The Stats You Know 7.2 The Stats You Don't Know 7.3 Levelling Up 7.4 Levelling Down 7.5 List of Inherent Abilities APPENDIX A: Aaditya Rangan's Theory of Gameflow A.1 Action and Reaction A.2 Gameflow Basics A.3 The Mime Cycle A.4 The Quick and the Dead APPENDIX B: Details on Weapons, Shields, and Mantles B.1 Weapons B.2 Shields B.3 Mantles FINAL FANTASY TACTICS BATTLE MECHANICS GUIDE version 5.0 __NN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN M E C H A N I C S F U N D A M E N T A L S _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.1] definitions ========================================================================= Here are a few definitions of terms that will recur throughout the rest of the guide. - A UNIT is any person or monster on the battlefield. - An attack (lowercase) is any action taken by a unit in battle except for 'Move', 'Defend', 'Wait', or 'Equip Change'. ATTACK, in uppercase, refers to the specific command ATTACK. - The CASTER is the unit executing an attack. This doesn't necessarily have to refer to spells; a unit striking another with a sword is a 'caster' as well. This is somewhat counterintuitive, but it is easier to refer to all executors of attacks as 'casters' rather than using the words 'caster', 'attacker', 'stealer', etc. to refer to what is basically the same thing. - The TARGET is the unit(s) on the receiving end of the attack. The caster and target can be the same unit. - DAMAGE refers to loss of HP or MP. Unless otherwise stated, assume that the term 'damage' refers to HP damage. - An EFFECTIVE statistic is one that is not actually displayed on the status screen in the game, but is used internally by the game for calculation of the formula in which it appears. - PHYSICAL AT (PA) is the number next to the sword icon on the middle panel of the status screen. It indicates a character's physical attack power. In this guide, Physical AT is usually abbreviated 'PA'. A unit can have a PA no less than 1 and no greater than 99. Note: if your PA is high enough, you can actually raise your effective PA higher than 99 with Attack UP or Martial Arts. - MAGICAL AT (MA) is the number next to the sceptre icon on the middle panel of the status screen. It indicates a character's magical ability. In this guide, Magical AT is usually abbreviated as 'MA'. Like PA, this statistic is bounded by 1 and 99. Also like PA, if your MA is high enough, you can raise your effective MA higher than 99 with Magic Attack UP. - An ATTACK STAT (XA) is a general term that can stand for any statistic -- usually PA, MA, or Speed -- that may influence the damage or success rate of an attack. It is used in discussions where the same formula applies to two types of attacks, but different stats are plugged into the formula for each attack. For instance, rods and staves share the damage formula of XA * WP, where the attack stat XA = PA for rods and XA = MA for staves. - An ACTIVE TURN (AT, or simply TURN) occurs when a character is given the option to Move, Act, and/or Wait. Do not confuse this with the AT in physical AT and magic AT, which stands for 'attack' and has nothing to do with this. - WEAPON POWER is a property of weapons which determines their strength. It can be seen on the middle panel of the status screen, next to the letter of the appropriate hand ('R' or 'L'). - A PHYSICAL ATTACK is one that meets at least ONE of the three following criteria: (a) Damage or success rate is increased by the caster's having Attack UP (b) Damage or success rate is decreased by the target's having Defense UP or Protect status (c) Success rate is decreased by the target's physical evade. - A MAGICAL ATTACK is one that meets at least ONE of the three following criteria: (a) Damage or success rate is increased by the caster's having Magic AttackUP (b) Damage or success rate is decreased by the target's having Magic DefendUP or Shell status. (c) Success rate is decreased by the target's magical evade. (In general, magical attacks that have beneficial effects, such as Cure and Protect are not susceptible to Shell, Magic DefendUP, or magic evade.) - A NEUTRAL ATTACK is defined as one that is neither physical nor magical. Examples include TALK SKILL, DANCE, SING, the DRAW OUT ability 'Murasame', and the Bomb's 'Self-Destruct' command. - A CLOCKTICK is the basic unit of time of an FFT battle. During one clocktick, each unit's CT meter increases by an amount equal to the unit's Speed. Strictly, a clocktick is defined as the period of time between two consecutive S+ phases (don't worry about this now; see the gameflow section, Appendix A, for details). - A SLOW ACTION is any attack which requires a charging time between the time it is selected and the time when it is actually executed. Each slow action has an associated value known as 'ctr' (clockticks till resolution) which specifies this duration in clockticks. See the gameflow section for details. - A FAST ACTION is any attack which is resolved immediately upon selection. See the gameflow section, Appendix A, for details. - A REACTION is any attack immediately executed by the target of a just-resolved slow action, fast action, or act of mimicry. Reaction abilities cannot be reacted to or mimed. The nature of the reaction is determined by a unit's reaction ability. - BRAVE, which is listed on-screen under the character's name and occupation, is a stat which supposedly represents courage in battle. It's a factor in a few special skills and some weapon attacks, and also represents the rate at which you'll use your Reaction Ability. In this guide, you will see it abbreviated as 'Br'. Brave is on a scale from 0 to 100; if you fall below 10 Brave, you'll be afflicted with the Chicken status ailment (i.e., figurative chickens become literal chickens). - FAITH, listed on-screen next to Brave, is supposed to represent belief in miracles and supernatural phenomena. It factors into both magic damage and rate of success, and is an important stat for a mage. We abbreviate it here as 'Fa'. Like Brave, it varies from 0 to 100. Any character except for Ramza or a Guest that has Faith exceeding 90 at the end of a battle will leave the party. - To ADD a status change is to cause a unit to be affected by that status change. - To CANCEL a status change is to remove a status change that had previously been added to a unit. - The RANGE of an attack is the number of squares, counted in a straight line, that the attack has the potential to target (not counting the caster himself). It is represented on the screen when an attack is selected by red, glowing panels. Examples: (X = Caster) # # # ### # # ### ##### # #X# ##X## ###X### ###X### # ### ##### # # ### # Range 1 Range 2 # # Range 3 Range 3 (4 directions) Usually, Range is independent of vertical height, but for some skills (e.g., TALK SKILL), it can be limited by height difference. If this is so, it will be noted in the guide with a "vX" after the range number, where X is the vertical tolerance of the attack in height units. For instance, the range of 'Threaten' is 3v2. - The EFFECT AREA of an attack determines which panels will actually be hit by the attack. It's determined by counting the number of squares an attack can hit from the centre to one corner of the effect area. Effect area is usually restricted by height. Height restrictions will be noted in the guide with "vX" appended on to the effect number, with X being the vertical tolerance of the attack in height units. For instance, the effect area of 'Haste 2' is 2v3. Examples: O O OOO O OOO OOOOO O OOO O Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 A combination of range and effect area is used to determine the attack's firing range. We represent this in the guide as two numbers, the first being the range and the second the effect area. For instance, a spell with firing range {5/1} means it has a range of 5 and an effect area of 1. If there is an effect area greater than one, it can make the attack go further than the range. Special firing ranges: - for LINEAR firing ranges, the range is measured in the number of directions the line can go in. The effect area is measured by the number of squares it affects, and the number of directions in which it does so. For example, the 'Holy Explosion' attack is {4dir/5(1dir)}. - for AUTOMATIC firing ranges, the range and the effect area are always the same. This is denoted by {A/N}, where N is the number of squares, in a straight line counted from the centre of the effect area, that the attack effects. For instance, {A/3} is illustrated below. If the attack is helpful, the caster will usually also be targeted; if the attack is harmful, the caster will usually not be targeted. X: caster #: panel in range O: affected panel O OOO O #O# O O O ##### O OOO #X# ###X### ###X### OOXOO # ##### # OOO ### # O # # 1/1 3/2 4directions/ A/3 3(1direction) (caster may or may not be affected.) - LINE-OF-SIGHT (LOS) means that the target of an attack must lie along a roughly linear path from the caster without any obstacles or other units intervening. For longbows, this path can be concave-down parabolic as well as linear (the arrow can arc) If an obstacle blocks the line of sight, a line-of-sight attack will fail. If another unit blocks the line of sight, the attack will be executed on the other unit instead of the intended target. This can be used to your advantage with guns and bows to hit targets that are closer than 3 panels (which can't normally be fired on): target a panel directly behind the unit you want to hit, and since he blocks your shot, you'll hit the intended target instead! Sometimes this won't work with longbows because the arrow will arc over the intervening target. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.2] abbreviations & symbols ========================================================================= Listed below are abbreviations and symbols, both mathematical and game-related, that will be used throughout the guide. MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS ---------------------- ARITHMETIC * signifies multiplication / signifies division FFT uses integer division, meaning that it truncates all remainders. To emphasize this, I place instances of division within square brackets: [20 / 4] = 5 [21 / 4] = 5 [22 / 4] = 5 [23 / 4] = 5 [24 / 4] = 6 As the above implies, [x] in this guide means to truncate x -- that is, convert x to a decimal and then drop all decimal places, regardless of what numbers they contain. Forinstance, [3.001] = 3; [3.999] = 3; [0.556] = 0; [-0.872] = 0; [-7.25] = -7. Note that this differs from the greatest integer (floor) function in its treatment of negative numbers: [-9.1] = -9 while floor(-9.1) = -10. FFT uses truncation, not floor. The symbol [x * y/z] is short-hand for [(x * y)/z]. In a few instances, the game will round the result of a division UP instead of dropping the remainder. To deal with this, I define the 'round-up division' function, RU{x / y} as follows: RU{x,y} = [(x + y - 1) / y] This is more intuitive if you think of it as dividing X by Y and rounding up to the nearest integer. MAXIMUM & MINIMUM FUNCTIONS max{x,y} = (x if x > y) or (y if y > x) Intuitively, this function means to take whichever is largest of the two options separated by the comma. min{x,y} = (x if x < y) or (y if y < x) Similarly, this means to take whichever is the smallest of the two options in the brackets. RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION (x..y) means that the game generates a random integer between x and y, inclusive. HEXADECIMAL Where it is necessary for clarity, hexadecimal numbers are prefaced by a "$" character. So "$2710" means 2710 hex, or 10,000 decimal. GAME-RELATED ABBREVIATIONS -------------------------- a : can only target allies (in range/effect notation) A/2, A/3, etc. : automatic firing range 2, 3, etc. (see above) Br : Brave C_x : caster's (attribute x) CFa : caster's Faith CT : charge time CTR : clockticks 'til resolution CurHP : current HP (in HP 500/556, 500 is the CurHP) CurMP : current MP dir : directions e : can only affect enemies (in range/effect notation) Fa : Faith LOS : line-of-sight Lv : Level M.AEv : magical accessory Evade% M.CEv : magical inherent Evade% M.SEv : magical shield Evade% MA : Magical AT MaxHP : maximum HP (in HP 500/556, 556 is the MaxHP) MaxMP : maximum MP P.AEv : physical accessory Evade% P.CEv : physical inherent Evade% P.SEv : physical shield Evade% PA : Physical AT R/E : Range / Effect area (= firing range) Spd : Speed (statistic) SP : Speed (of a spell or attack) T_x : Target's (attribute x) TFa : Target's Faith v : vertical (in effect area) WEv : weapon Evade% WP, WpnPwr : weapon's power XA : attack stat >> In the formulae, assume that any statistic is that of the user of the ability unless otherwise specified (e.g., 'Level' refers to 'caster's Level'). >> In this guide, commands and command sets are generally rendered in ALL CAPITALS. So 'BLOOD SUCK' refers to the command set, while 'Blood Suck' refers to the specific attack or status ailment. An "attack" is a general term, but "ATTACK" is the specific command used in battle. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.3] signs of the zodiac ========================================================================= What would the Zodiac Brave Story be without Zodiac compatibility? Every unit in FFT has a Zodiac sign. The interaction of the Zodiac signs is almost always an effect in damage calculation. The few attacks which are exempt from Zodiac compatibility include (1) Damaging attacks where the damage is based on the current or maximum values of HP and/or MP. These attacks include the Bomb's 'Self-Destruct', the MAGIC SWORD attack 'Shock!', the Byblos' 'Shock', and the Archaic Demon's 'Lifebreak', among others. (2) The DRAW OUT attack Murasame, which restores (Caster's MA * 12) HP to all targets, regardless of Zodiac compatibility. This is probably a programming oversight. In general, the better the compatibility, the higher the damage or the success rate of attacks exchanged between two units. COMPATIBILITY CHART ------------------- Ar Ta Ge Cn Lo Vg Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Se Aries O O O - + O ? O + - O O O Taurus O O O O - + O ? O + - O O Gemini O O O O O - + 0 ? 0 + - O Cancer - O O O O O - + O ? O + O Leo + - O O O O O - + O ? O O Virgo O + - O O O O O - + O ? O Libra ? O + - O O O O O - + O O Scorpio O ? O + - O O O O O - + O Sagittarius + O ? O + - O O O O O - O Capricorn - + O ? O + - O O O O O O Aquarius O - + O ? O + - O O O O O Pisces O O - + O ? O + - O O O O Serpentarius O O O O O O O O O O O O O O: Neutral +: Good -: Bad ?: Worst (same sex), Best (opposite sex), Bad (monsters) In terms of Zodiac compatibility, attacks fall into two major classes: those with variable damage, and those with variable success rate. 'Variable damage' is here defined as damage that is influenced by any of the caster's statistics EXCEPT for HP or MP. 'Variable success rate' means that some statistic of the caster can influence the success rate of the attack. VARIABLE DAMAGE --------------- In general, damaging attacks will have one stat (or two; see below) that influence the magnitude of the damage. If we call the relevant stat XA, Zodiac compatibility modifies the XA as follows: 'Neutral' compatibility: XA_zodiac = XA 'Good' compatibility: XA_zodiac = XA + [XA / 4] 'Best' compatibility: XA_zodiac = XA + [XA / 2] 'Bad' compatibility: XA_zodiac = XA - [XA / 4] 'Worst' compatibility: XA_zodiac = XA - [XA / 2] Once you have calculated XA_zodiac, use XA_zodiac instead of the original XA in calculating the damage or success rate of an attack. VARIABLE SUCCESS RATE --------------------- Instead of affecting only the attack stat, Zodiac compatibility is usually applied to the success rate as a whole: 'Neutral' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% 'Good' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% + [success% / 4] 'Best' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% + [success% / 2] 'Bad' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% - [success% / 4] 'Worst' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% - [success% / 2] TALK SKILL provides a good example of this -- say you have a Mediator with an MA of 21. The success rate of 'Death Sentence' against a neutral target would be (MA + 30) = 51%. Against a target with good compatibility, success is 51 + [51/4] = 51 + 12 = 63%. Applying the zodiac just to the MA would give you ((21 + [21/4]) + 30) = 26 + 30 = 56%, which is wrong. Variable success rate attacks are often subject to evasion as well. An important thing to keep in mind is that ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY DOES NOT AFFECT EVASION; it can only affect the base success percentage of an attack. Since monsters are unisex, they are immune from 'Best' and 'Worst'. So, for a monster, any unit that would normally be 'Best' or 'Worst' is instead 'Bad'. NOTE -- some of the Lucavi beasts actually have their sex bit set to MALE or FEMALE and thus are not monsters even though they appear to be. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.4] evasion ========================================================================= When you attack a unit, it has a chance to dodge your attack with four parameters: (1) its natural stealth (C-EV); (2) its shield (S-EV); (3) its accessory (A-EV); (4) its weapon (W-EV), if it has the reaction ability 'Weapon Guard' set. There are separate categories for physical (P.SEV, P.AEV, P.CEV) and magical (M.SEV, M.AEV, M.CEV) evade. Weapon evasion only works on physical attacks, and for the purpose of these equations, W.EV = 0 unless the evading unit has 'Weapon Guard'. EVADING PHYSICAL ATTACKS ------------------------ Physical attack evasion depends on the attacker's position relative to the target. These equations will produce a percentage from 0 to 100. from front: hit% = [(base hit%)*(100-P.CEV)*(100-P.SEV)*(100-P.AEV)*(100-W.EV) / (10^8)] from side: hit% = [(base hit%) * (100-P.SEV) * (100-P.AEV) * (100-W.EV) / (10^6)] from rear: hit% = [(base hit%) * (100-P.AEV) / 100] The above equations were designed with the constraints of FFT's math system in mind. Since we are capable of noninteger division, it may be easier to remove the final division by the large power of 10, and to think of each factor of (100 - P.xEV) as equivalent to (1 - P.xEV/100), in decimal form. - To determine whether an attack is subject to evade, check out the information for the attack in question in Part 2 or 3 of this guide. - For normal weapon attacks, THROW, sword skills, Spin Fist, Repeating Fist, Wave Fist, Earth Slash, Throw Stone, and Dash, the base hit% is 100. For other attacks, see the appropriate section of Part 2 or 3 for how to determine the base hit%. - Even if you fire BATTLE SKILL attacks out of a gun, they are still subject to evasion. - MIGHTY SWORD has a 00% success rate if the target is not equipped with an appropriate item for the Mighty Sword skill to break. Consequently, all monsters are unaffected by MIGHTY SWORD. - What is considered the 'front', 'side', and 'back' can be confusing when dealing with ranged attacks like arrows and Wave Fist. The following diagram should help (thanks to Notti for giving me the idea to present the information in this way). ___________________ | | | | | | If the target is standing on the panel marked 'X' | S | B | B | B | S | and facing in the direction indicated by the arrow, |___|___|___|___|___| if you are attacking from a panel marked 'F', you | | | | | | are considered to be attacking from the front; if | S | S | B | S | S | you attack from a panel marked 'S', the game |___|___|___|___|___| considers you to be attacking from the side; and | | | || | | if you attack from a panel marked 'B', you are | S | S | Xv| S | S | attacking from the rear. Basically, the game |___|___|___|___|___| just decides whether your forward, sideways, or | | | | | | behind distance from your opponent is greater, and | S | F | F | F | S | takes that to be your orientation. In the event |___|___|___|___|___| of a tie, the foremost direction is the winner | | | | | | (front over side, side over back). Note that this | F | F | F | F | F | is absolutely independent of the relative panel |___|___|___|___|___| heights. EVADING MAGICAL ATTACKS ----------------------- any position: hit% = [(base hit%) * (100 - M.SEV) * (100 - M.AEV) / 10000] This applies to most magic attacks, whether they be status-inducing or damage-causing. - A unit will not try to evade attacks that are curative or that add helpful status. See the relevant section of Part 3 to determine whether a magic attack is subject to evade. For an example of how evade percentages work (using the simplified versions of the equations that involve noninteger division), let's say Ramza attacks Algus -- who is equipped with a Crystal Shield (P.SEV +40%, M.SEV +15%) and a Feather Mantle (P.AEV +40%, M.AEV +30%) -- from the side. Inherent evade% (P.CEV) is ineffective from the side, but Algus' shield (P.SEV) and cloak (P.AEV) will give him a chance to avoid the damage: Orig% Shield Mantle Ramza's Hit% = [100 * (1-.40) * (1-.40)] = [100 * .6 * .6] = 36%. And if Ramza now decides to cast 'Flare' on Algus, Algus is also considerably protected due to M.SEV and M.AEV: Shield Mantle Flare Hit% = [100 * (1-.15) * (1-.30)] = [100 * .85 * .7] = [.595] = 59% Note that the inherent magical evade percent (M.CEV) stat is useless, as it is 0% for all classes. We will therefore ignore it for the rest of this guide. If a target is somehow protected from a particular attack (for instance, if he has Rubber Shoes [cancel: Lightning] equipped and is targeted with Bolt 3, or is targeted with Seal Evil and is not undead), that attack will have a 00% success rate, regardless of zodiac sign, evasion multipliers, percentage multipliers, or anything else. The reaction ability 'Abandon' causes all of a unit's evasion percentages to be doubled for the entire battle (it does not require a trigger, despite what the in-game description says). The 'Defending' status causes the same effect temporarily. If a target evades an attack due to its C-Ev, a 'Missed!' message will be displayed. If a target evades an attack due to its A-Ev or S-Ev, a 'Guarded' message will be displayed. As mentioned in the Zodiac section above, Zodiac compatibility has NO effect on evasion percentages. For a list of S-Ev values for each shield, see section B.2. For a list of A-Ev values for each mantle, see B.3. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.5] protect and shell ========================================================================= The 'Protect' and 'Shell' statuses can protect units from several attacks in a variety of ways. Here is a summary of the different types of defense afforded by these statuses. - If a physical attack does damage and the target has Protect, the attack stat (XA) in the damage equation will be modified such that new_XA = [XA * 2/3]. If a physical attack inflicts a status, the XA in the success rate equation will be modified such that new_XA = [XA * 2/3]. If a physical attack causes damage calculated from the max or current HP of the target (e.g., Mutilate), Protect will only affect the success rate of the attack, and not the damage. - If a magical attack does damage and the target has shell, the attack stat (XA) in the damage equation will be modified such that new_XA = [XA * 2/3]. If a magical attack inflicts a status, the XA in the success rate equation will be modified such that new_XA = [XA * 2/3]. If a magical attack causes damage calculated from the max or current HP/MP of the target (e.g., Demi, Demi 2, Life Drain, Spell Absorb, Gravi2, Lich), Shell will only affect the success rate of the attack, and not the damage. Unlike Zodiac compatibility, Protect and Shell ONLY affect the XA for variable success rate attacks -- not the entire percentage. Consequently, with the exception of some (MA+K)%-based attacks of high-level monsters, Protect and Shell's effect on success rates of attacks is far less signficant than the effect of Zodiac compatibility. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.6] the elements ========================================================================= There are eight elemental properties in the game: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind, Dark, and Holy. In turn, there are two separate effects that can be caused by an elemental attribute. They are (1) MA strengthening for a caster, and (2) damage modification for a target. If the caster of an elemental spell has equipment endowed with 'Strengthen: (element)', when he casts spells of that element, his strengthened_MA will be equal to [MA * 5/4]. Note that this applies to the MA of the caster, and not to the damage caused by the spell. Though this will increase the damage of most spells (e.g., Fire 4, Shiva, Holy), if the spell normally does damage that is independent of MA (e.g., Lich), it will do no more damage from the 'Strengthen' effect (the success percentage, however, which does depend on MA, will be increased). The 'Strengthen' bonus works the same for elemental weapons like Ice Brand and Holy Lance, except it is applied to the appropriate attack stat(s) of the weapon. The target of an elemental spell can have a variety of properties that modify the actual DAMAGE dealt by the spells on that target (and not the caster's MA): 'Weak: (Element)' ... Damage from this element is doubled, even when the amount of damage is unaffected by other types of modifiers. This doubling takes the form of an extra factor of two in the damage equation, inserted just before the final rounding (e.g., Tiamats receive RU{(MaxHP*68)/100} damage from Hurricane instead of RU{(MaxHP*34)/100} because they are weak against Wind). 'Half: (Element)' ... Damage from this element is halved (and truncated). As with 'Weak', this applies even to attacks not normally susceptible to damage modification, and the factor of 1/2 is inserted just before the final rounding. 'Cancel: (Element)' .. Attacks of this element cannot succeed (the prediction will just say 00%) 'Absorb: (Element)' .. Damage from element is added to, instead of subtracted from, the HP total. Note that Weak, Half, Absorb and Cancel have no effect on the success rate of elemental attacks. For Geomancy, only MA is affected by elemental attributes, even though PA is also used to calculate the damage. The elemental affiliations of an attack are listed in its description (press SELECT), and also in the big list in section 3.3. Example of elemental effects: This example allows you to appreciate the subtle difference between the two kinds of elemental effects. Let's assume you have a Summoner with 20 MA and 70 Fa casting Lich on a target with 501 Max HP, neutral Zodiac compability and 60 Fa. Lich does damage equal to RU{Target's MaxHP/2} with a success rate of [(Caster Fa)*(Target Fa)*(MA+160) / 10000]. Now envision some scenarios: 1. Normal. Lich does RU{501/2} = 251 damage with a success rate of [70*60*180/10000] = 75%. 2. The Summoner equips himself with 108 Gems, which strengthens Dark elemental. This means that wherever MA is considered, new_MA = [MA * 5/4]. Because MA doesn't determine the damage done by Lich, the damage is unaffected, and remains at 251. The success rate, however, increases slightly, because new_MA = [20 * 5/4] = 25. So the success rate is now [70*60*185/10000] = 77%. 3. Suppose the Summoner unequips the Gems, then the target equips himself with an N-Kai Armlet, which has the property 'Half: Dark'. Since 'Half' affects damage itself and NOT MA directly, this time the damage done by the spell will be affected, but the success rate will not. The damage will now be equal to RU{MaxHP/4}, or 126. The success rate, however, remains unaffected at 75%. Weather-related effects on magic -- such as the strengthening of Lightning during thunderstorms, the weakening of Fire during thunderstorms, and the strengthening of Ice during snowstorms (see 5.5) -- are effects of the second type, influencing the actual damage done by the spell rather than the caster's MA. Certain attacks -- such as ATTACK, CHARGE, BATTLE SKILL and HOLY SWORD directives -- are weapon-elemental, meaning they acquire the elemental properties of the weapon the caster is equipped with. If the caster's weapon has no elemental affiliation, weapon-elemental attacks will be non-elemental. In addition, physical attacks that are weapon-elemental only receive a bonus from the 'Martial Arts' ability if the caster is barehanded. _______________________________________________________________________________ [1.7] handling multiple instances of the same variable ========================================================================= A number of multipliers can act on the variables you'll find in the equations throughout this guide. In a few of these equations, the same variable appears twice; in these cases, it can be hard to determine where to apply the variable modifiers. Usually only one instance of the variable is modified. The list below shows these equations, with the modifiable variable marked with a "!". ATTACK barehanded Damage = PA! * [PA * Br/100] Monster attacks Damage = PA! * [PA * Br/100] Physical Gun ATTACK Damage = WP! * WP Spin Fist Damage = PA! * [PA / 2] Repeating Fist Expected Damage = 5 * (PA! + [PA / 2]) Wave Fist Damage = PA! * ([PA / 2] + 1) Earth Slash Damage = PA! * [PA / 2] TRUTH Damage = MA! * [(MA + K)/2] Snake Carrier Damage = PA! * [(PA + 5) / 2] Nanoflare Damage = MA! * [(MA + 5) / 2] Sudden Cry Damage = PA! * [(PA + 2) / 2] Turn Punch Damage = PA! * [PA / 2] Wave Around Damage = PA! * [PA / 2] Choco Ball Damage = PA! * [PA / 2] Triple Flame Damage = MA! * [(MA + 24) / 2] Triple Thunder Damage = MA! * [(MA + 12) / 2] Dark Whisper Damage = MA! * [(MA + 1) / 2] JNNNNNNNNNNN. .NNNNNNNNNNNNNNL (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNN) JNNNN NN) JNNNNN) JNNNNNN` .JNNNNNN` .JNNNNNN` . JNNNNNF` (NNN) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" D I R E C T C O M M A N D S _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.1] attack ========================================================================= The ATTACK directive is the most basic command in FFT, as well as one of the most often used. The following formulae prescribe how much damage an attack with a particular type of weapon can do. This damage is subject to specific modifications, which are detailed in the next section. See [B.1] for a list of the values of WP for each weapon in the game. WEAPON | FORMULA | NOTES =============================================================================== Bare Hands | [(PA * Br) / 100] * PA | enables 'Martial Arts' bonus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knife | [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword | PA * WP | non-Knight swords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight Sword | [(PA * Br) / 100] * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Sword | [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katana | [(PA * Br) / 100] * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff | MA * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod | PA * WP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossbow | PA * WP | range 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Longbow | [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP | range 5, but subject to | | modification (see section 5.8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun (regular) | WP * WP | range 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun (magical) | [(CFa*TFa*Q*WP) / 10000] | range 8 | | Q = 14 .... 60% probability | | Q = 18 .... 30% probability | | Q = 24 .... 10% probability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flail (= Hammer) | F * WP (actual) | F is a random integer between | ([PA/2]+1)*WP (expected) | 1 and PA, inclusive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe | F * WP (actual) | F is a random integer between | ([PA/2]+1)*WP (expected) | 1 and PA, inclusive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stick | MA * WP | range 2 [4 directions] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spear | PA * WP | range 2 [4 directions] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musical Instrument | [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP | range 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary | [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP | range 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloth | [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP | range 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bag | F * WP (actual) | F is a random integer between | ([PA/2]+1)*WP (expected) | 1 and PA, inclusive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HITS ------------- Approximately 5% of the time, the ATTACK command will deliver a critical hit. The sound of the hit will be more sharp and sudden, and the damage numbers will be animated slightly differently. Critical hits randomly modify the ATTACKing unit's PA, MA, and/or Speed (depending on what weapon the unit is equipped with) to increase damage. This modified PA, MA, or Speed is then plugged into the appropriate formula above to calculate the final damage. Critical hit bonus: modified_XA = normal_XA + (1..normal_XA) - 1 This equation is equivalent to modified_XA = normal_XA + (0..(normal_XA-1)) but I suspect that it is the first equation that FFT actually uses, given that in other cases it generates random numbers of the form (1..x) rather than (0..x). However, I don't know for sure. Regardless, the max damage a critical hit can do is equal to ((2 * normal_XA) - 1) * WP -- slightly less than twice normal damage -- and the least it can do is normal damage. Most often it will be between these two extrema. Critical hits will also knock the target back one square fifty percent of the time (assuming that there is an unoccupied square directly behind the target). DAMAGE MODIFIERS ---------------- Many factors -- including the attacker's abilities and status, the target's abilities and status, as well as Zodiac compatibility -- can affect the damage done by weapon attacks. The procedure outlined below is a summary of how to apply all these different modifiers. 'XA' below stands for whatever expression that the weapon multiplies by Weapon Power to get the final damage. For example, XA = PA for swords, XA = [(PA + Sp) / 2] for longbows, and XA = WP for physical guns. If there are multiple instances of the _same_ statistic in a damage equation (for instance, the non-magic gun and barehand equations), only modify _one_ instance of the statistic. See section 1.7 for a clarification on this. Let 'XA0' be the attacker's XA on the stat screen. The 'Attacker' is the unit making the attack, and the 'Defender' is the unit being attacked. 1. If this is a critical hit, then XA1 = XA0 + (1..XA0) - 1. See section 2.1 for details. 2. If the weapon is endowed with an Element, and the attacker has equipment that 'Strengthens' that element, then (XA2 = [XA1 * 5/4]), else XA2 = XA1 3. If attacker has Attack UP, then (XA3 = [XA2 * 4/3]), else XA3 = XA2 4. If attacker has Martial Arts and is barehanded, then (XA4 = [XA3 * 3/2]), else XA4 = XA3 5. If attacker is Berserk, then (XA5 = [XA4 * 3/2]), else XA5 = XA4 6. If defender has Defense UP, then (XA6 = [XA5 * 2/3]), else XA6 = XA5 7. If defender has Protect, then (XA7 = [XA6 * 2/3]), else XA7 = XA6 8. If defender is Charging, then (XA8 = [XA7 * 3/2]), else XA8 = XA7 9. If defender is Sleeping, then (XA9 = [XA8 * 3/2]), else XA9 = XA8 10. If defender is a Chicken and/or a Frog, then (XA10 = [XA9 * 3/2]), else XA10 = XA9 11. Apply zodiac multipliers: If compatibility is 'Good', then (XA11 = XA10 + [(XA10)/4])) elseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then (XA11 = XA10 - [(XA10)/4]) elseIf compatibility is 'Best', then (XA11 = XA10 + [(XA10)/2]) elseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then (XA11 = XA10 - [(XA10)/2]) else XA11 = XA10 12. Apply weapon's damage formula using XA = XA11 (if there is more than one instance of XA, only set _one_ instance to XA11 and leave the other as XA0 (see above). Also remember that weapon attacks can be evaded. See section 1.3 for details. ______________________________________________________________________________ [2.2] charge ======================================================================== Damage from the Archer's CHARGE command is calculated using the normal weapon equations, with the following modifications. For Charge +K, damage is equal to: Bare Hands: [((PA + K) * Br) / 100] * PA Knife: [((PA + K) + (Spd + K)) / 2] * WP Sword: (PA + K) * WP Knight Sword: [((PA + K) * Br) / 100] * WP Ninja Sword: [((PA + K) + (Sp + K)) / 2] * WP Katana: [((PA + K) * Br) / 100] * WP Staff: (MA + K) * WP Rod: (PA + K) * WP Crossbow: (PA + K) * WP Bow: [((PA + K) + (Spd + K)) / 2] * WP Gun (standard): (WP + K) * WP Gun (magic): [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (WP + K) * Q] Flail: F * WP | F = (1..(PA + K)) Axe: F * WP | F = (1..(PA + K)) Stick: (MA + K) * WP Spear: (PA + K) * WP Musical Instrument: [(PA+K + MA+K) / 2] * WP (range 3) Dictionary: [(PA+K + MA+K) / 2] * WP (range 3) Cloth: [(PA+K + MA+K) / 2] * WP (range 2) Bag: F * WP | F = (1..(PA + K)) CHARGE abilities are slow actions and have the following initial values of ctr: ATTACK NAME INITIAL CTR ----------- ------------- Charge +1 ... 4 clockticks Charge +2 ... 5 clockticks Charge +3 ... 6 clockticks Charge +4 ... 8 clockticks Charge +5 ... 10 clockticks Charge +7 ... 14 clockticks Charge +10... 20 clockticks Charge +20... 35 clockticks These ctr values are not affected by the 'Short Charge' or 'Non-charge' abilities. A CHARGE directive can only target a panel, not a unit. If the target of the CHARGE moves before the CHARGE is executed, the attack will fail to connect. If the caster of the CHARGE moves while charging or if his weapon is broken while he is charging, the CHARGE will be aborted. (Exception: The undead Archer's version of CHARGE does not have the latter restriction. If the charging unit's weapon is broken, the CHARGE will continue and will resolve as a fist attack, even if the original weapon was a long-distance weapon.) In terms of damage, evasion, and modifiers, CHARGE attacks are treated just like normal weapon attacks (see section 2.1 for details). CHARGE attacks are weapon-elemental. _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.3] jump ========================================================================= Damage from a JUMP is calculated as follows: If caster is equipped with any weapon, then damage = (PA * K) * WP If caster is barehanded, then damage = [(PA * Br) / 100] * PA where K = 3/2 if the jumping character is equipped with a spear K = 1 otherwise The JUMP directive will leave the jumper in the air for a number of clockticks, ctr: ctr = [50 / (Jumper's Speed)] This ctr value is unaffected by the 'Short Charge' and 'Non-Charge' abilities. Haste status is ignored in this equation -- a Hasted jumper will land in the same number of clockticks as an un-Hasted jumper with the same Speed. While JUMP is charging, the jumper cannot be a target. A jumper's CT will still increase while he is in the air, although the counters on time-dependent status effects will pause. Normal jumpers will land with ~50 CT; Hasted jumpers will land with ~75 CT. Range of the jump is determined by the specific Lancer abilities that the jumper has learned: range/effect = XvY/1 where X = 1 if no Level Jump abilities have been learned X = 2 if Level Jump2 is the highest Level Jump ability learned X = 3 if Level Jump3 is the highest Level Jump ability learned X = 4 if Level Jump4 is the highest Level Jump ability learned X = 5 if Level Jump5 is the highest Level Jump ability learned . . . X = 8 if Level Jump8 is the highest Level Jump ability learned and Y = 1 if no Vertical Jump abilities have been learned Y = 2 if Vertical Jump2 is the highest Vertical Jump ability learned Y = 3 if Vertical Jump3 is the highest Vertical Jump ability learned . . . Y = 8 if Vertical Jump8 is the highest Vertical Jump ability learned The JP cost of these abilities is as follows: Level Jump2 ... 150 JP Vertical Jump2 ... 100 JP Level Jump3 ... 300 JP Vertical Jump3 ... 200 JP Level Jump4 ... 450 JP Vertical Jump4 ... 300 JP Level Jump5 ... 600 JP Vertical Jump5 ... 400 JP Level Jump8 ... 900 JP Vertical Jump6 ... 500 JP Vertical Jump7 ... 600 JP Vertical Jump8 ... 900 JP - - - - - MODIFIERS - - - - - JUMP damage is subject to several modifiers. Let PA0 be the jumper's PA as displayed on the status screen. 1. If target has Defense UP, then (PA1 = [PA0 * 2/3]), else PA1 = PA0 2. If target has Protect, then (PA2 = [PA1 * 2/3]), else PA2 = PA1 3. If target is Charging, then (PA3 = [PA2 * 3/2]), else PA3 = PA2 4. If target is Sleeping, then (PA4 = [PA3 * 3/2]), else PA4 = PA3 5. If target is a Frog and/or Chicken, then (PA5 = [PA4 * 3/2]), else PA5 = PA4 6. If caster is equipped with a spear, then (PA6 = [PA5 * 3/2]), else PA6 = PA5 7. Factor in zodiac compatibility: If compatibility is 'Good', then (PA7 = PA6 + [(PA6)/4])) ElseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then (PA7 = PA6 - [(PA6)/4]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Best', then (PA7 = PA6 + [(PA6)/2]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then (PA7 = PA6 - [(PA6)/2]) Else PA7 = PA6 7. Damage = PA7 * WP (armed) or damage = PA7 * [PA0 * Br/100] (unarmed) Miscellaneous properties of JUMP: > Physical attack > Weapon-elemental > Cannot be Reflected > Cannot be evaded > Triggers Countergrasp reactions > Triggers Counter Flood > Does not trigger Counter Magic > Affected by Protect and Defense UP > NOT affected by Attack UP or Martial Arts > Can only target panels, not specific units > The (PA * WP) component of the damage formula remains the same regardless of the weapon equipped -- even if that weapon does not use this formula to calculate its ATTACK damage (e.g. staves, dictionaries, knives, guns). > Jump +X and Ignore Height have NO effect on the JUMP command -- these abilities influence the Jump statistic, which is completely different from the JUMP action ability. _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.4] throw ========================================================================= THROW damage is calculated by the following equation. damage = (Caster_Speed * ThrownWeaponPower) 'ThrownWeaponPower' is the WP of the thrown weapon (see Appendix B for a list of Weapon Powers). The range and effect of THROW are M/1 (line of sight), where M is equal to your 'Move' statistic. In order to THROW a weapon, you must learn the Ninja ability corresponding to that weapon's type. These abilities are as follows: Shuriken ......... 50 JP; allows the unit to THROW shuriken Ball ............. 70 JP; allows the unit to THROW bombs Knife ............ 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW daggers Sword ............ 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW regular swords Hammer ........... 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW flails Katana ........... 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW katana Ninja Sword ...... 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW ninja swords Axe .............. 120 JP; allows the unit to THROW axes Spear ............ 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW spears Stick ............ 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW sticks Knight Sword ..... 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW knight swords Dictionary ....... 100 JP; allows the unit to THROW dictionaries - - - - - MODIFIERS - - - - - THROW is a physical attack, but oddly enough it is not affected by Attack UP. Below is a summary of the different multipliers that may be applied to it. The 'thrower' is the unit throwing the weapon, and the 'target' is the unit being attacked. Let 'Sp0' be the thrower's initial Speed, given on the status screen. 1. If target has Defense UP, then (Sp1 = [Sp0 * 2/3]), else Sp1 = Sp0 2. If target has Protect, then (Sp2 = [Sp1 * 2/3]), else Sp2 = Sp1 3. If target is Charging, then (Sp3 = [Sp2 * 3/2]), else Sp3 = Sp2 4. If target is Sleeping, then (Sp4 = [Sp3 * 3/2]), else Sp4 = Sp3 5. If target is a Frog and/or Chicken, then (Sp5 = [Sp4 * 3/2]), else Sp5 = Sp4 6. Apply zodiac multipliers: If compatibility is 'Good', then (Sp6 = Sp5 + [(Sp5)/4])) ElseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then (Sp6 = Sp5 - [(Sp5)/4]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Best', then (Sp6 = Sp5 + [(Sp5)/2]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then (Sp6 = Sp5 - [(Sp5)/2]) Else Sp6 = Sp5 7. Damage = Sp6 * (ThrownWpnPwr) Evasion for THROW attacks works the same as it does for normal weapon attacks (see 1.4). Miscellaneous properties of THROW: > Physical attack > Acquires the elemental of the thrown weapon > Cannot be Reflected > Can be evaded > Triggers Countergrasp reactions > Triggers Counter Flood > Triggers Catch: If Catch succeeds, the THROW directive is aborted, a 'Caught' message is displayed, and the thrown weapon is added to the catcher's inventory. > Does not trigger Counter Magic > Affected by Protect and Defense UP > NOT affected by Attack UP _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.5] item ========================================================================= The Chemist's ITEM command allows a unit to use various curative items in battle. In order to use an ITEM ability, you must have at least one of the appropriate item in your inventory; each time you use an ITEM command, your stock of that item will be depleted by 1. The range and effect of ITEM are 4/1 (line of sight) if the item-user has the 'Throw Item' support ability (this includes all Chemists, which have 'Throw Item' inherently), and 1/1 otherwise. Here is a list of all usable items, their effects, their costs in gil, and the JP cost to learn the Chemist ability that allows you to use them in battle. NAME JP EFFECT / HOW TO OBTAIN ----------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------- Potion .......... 30 Restore 30 HP (buy for 50 gil) Hi-Potion ....... 200 Restore 70 HP (buy for 200 gil) X-Potion ........ 300 Restore 150 HP (buy for 700 gil) Ether ........... 300 Restore 20 MP (buy for 200 gil) Hi-Ether ........ 400 Restore 50 MP (buy for 600 gil) Elixir .......... 900 Restore full HP & MP (poach Great Morbols) Antidote ........ 70 Cancel: Poison (buy for 50 gil) Eye Drop ........ 80 Cancel: Darkness (buy for 50 gil) Echo Grass ...... 120 Cancel: Silence (buy for 50 gil) Maiden's Kiss ... 200 Cancel: Frog (buy for 50 gil) Soft ............ 250 Cancel: Petrify (buy for 100 gil) Holy Water ...... 400 Cancel: Undead, Blood Suck (buy for 1000 gil) Remedy .......... 700 Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep (buy for 350 gil) Phoenix Down .... 90 Cancel: Dead; restore (1..20) HP (buy for 300 gil) _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.6] elemental ========================================================================= Selecting the ELEMENTAL command will automatically use the ELEMENTAL command associated with the type of panel the caster is standing on. Here is a summary list: Topography | ELEMENTAL attack used | Element | Random Status =========================================================================== Natural Surface, Road, | | | Wasteland | Pitfall | none | Don't Move --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waterway, River, Lake, | | | Sea, Waterfall | Water Ball | Water | Frog --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grassland, Thicket, | | | Water Plant, Ivy | Hell Ivy | none | Stop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gravel, Stone Wall | | | Stone Floor, Tombstone,| | | Mud Wall | Carve Model | none | Petrify --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocky Cliff, Lava Rocks | Local Quake | Earth | Confusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book, Tree, Brick, Moss, | | | Bridge, Furniture, | | | Iron Plate, Coffin | Kamaitachi | Wind | Don't Act --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Floor, Rug, Box, | | | Stairs, Deck | Demon Fire | Fire | Sleep --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swamp, Marsh, | | | Death Poisoned Marsh | Quicksand | Water | Sentence --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Area, Stalactite, | | | Salt | Sand Storm | Wind | Darkness --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow, Ice | Blizzard | Ice | Silence --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roof, Sky, Chimney | Gusty Wind | Wind | Slow --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lava, Machine | Lava Ball | Fire | Dead --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As detailed in Part 3, each ELEMENTAL attack is magical and deals damage equal to [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA. _______________________________________________________________________________ [2.7] math skill ========================================================================= The MATH SKILL command, one of the game's most exploitable, allows you to cast various magic spells on many targets, instantly and without MP cost. Upon choosing MATH SKILL, you will be presented with three menus that you will use to set the parameters that govern the MATH SKILL attack. First menu: Here you set the criterion that will determine who the spell targets. The more Calculator JP you spend, the more options will appear here: CT 250 JP Target based on units' CT Level 350 JP Target based on units' Level Height 200 JP Target based on units' height Second menu: Here you define the numerical properties of the MATH SKILL. Prime Number 300 JP Targets prime integers 5 200 JP Targets integer multiples of 5 4 400 JP Targets integer multiples of 4 3 600 JP Targets integer multiples of 3 By 'integer multiple of n', I mean any integer Z such that n * j = Z for some integer j, j > 0. Third menu: Here you select the spell you want to use. These are all marked as "CALC: +" in section 3.3, and are listed below. Cure Wall Ice Stop Zombie Cure 2 Esuna Ice 2 Don't Move Silence Song Cure 3 Holy Ice 3 Float Blind Rage Raise Fire Poison Reflect Foxbird Raise 2 Fire 2 Frog Demi Confusion Song Reraise Fire 3 Death Demi 2 Dispel Magic Regen Bolt Flare Blind Paralyze Protect Bolt 2 Haste Pray Faith Sleep Shell Bolt 3 Slow Doubt Faith Petrify The MATH SKILL will then be cast, using the parameters you selected from the first, second and third menus. The spell will not cost any MP, and will be executed instantly. Damage formulas, success rates, and evade percentages work exactly as if the spell had been cast by normal means. JNNNNNNNNNNN. .NNNNNNNNNNNNNNL (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNN) NNNN `""N) .NNNN (NNNNNNNN` (NNNNNNNN_ _ `"""""4NNN) NNNN (NNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN` `4NNNNNNNNNNNF` I N D I V I D U A L A T T A C K S _______________________________________________________________________________ [3.1] legend ========================================================================= What follows is a chart containing detailed information on the 356 action abilities in FFT that were not covered in Part 2. In this section is a key to the abbreviations that appear in the chart. [ xxx ] ..... The number between brackets at the top-center of each box is the index number for this attack, in hexadecimal. Attacks with an index number less than or equal to 095 can be Mimicked; those with an index number of 096 or greater cannot. The words in ALL CAPS in the upper-right-hand corner are the command set from which the attack originates. Some attacks are found in more than one command set; for these, only one set is listed. physical .... This attack meets at least one of the three following criteria: (a) Damage or success rate is increased by the caster's having 'Attack UP' (b) Damage or success rate is decreased by the target's having 'Defense UP' or 'Protect' status (c) Success rate is decreased by the target's physical evade. If a physical attack does not meet one or two of these criteria, it will be noted in the attack description (or as EVD: -). magical ..... This attack meets at least one of the three following criteria: (a) Damage or success rate is increased by the caster's having 'Magic AttackUP' (b) Damage or success rate is decreased by the target's having 'Magic DefendUP' or 'Shell' status. (c) Success rate is decreased by the target's magical evade. Most magical attacks meet more than one of these criteria; if an attack does not meet one of them, it will be noted in the attack description (or as EVD: -). (In general, magical attacks that have beneficial effects, such as Cure and Protect, are not susceptible to 'Shell', 'Magic DefendUP', or magic evade.) neutral ..... This attack is neither physical nor magical. REFL ........ + This attack is redirected if target has 'Reflect' status. - This attack is unaffected by 'Reflect'. CALC ........ + This attack can be used with MATH SKILL. - This attack cannot be used with MATH SKILL. ELEM ........ Indicates the attack's elemental affiliation. See section 1.6 for more information. F = Fire A = Wind (Air) H = Holy I = Ice W = Water D = Dark L = Lightning E = Earth wpn = Weapon-elemental Weapon-elemental (wpn) attacks use the elemental property of whatever weapon the caster is equipped with (if the caster has two weapons, the weapon equipped in the top hand takes precedence). In addition, weapon-elemental attacks are not subject to any bonus from 'Martial Arts'. MOD ......... Indicates the type of damage or success rate modifiers that apply to this attack. See section 3.2 for details. CBG ......... + This attack activates Countergrasp reactions (see 6.1) - This attack does not activate Countergrasp reactions CM .......... + This attack activates 'Counter Magic' (see 6.1) - This attack does not activate 'Counter Magic' CF .......... + This attack activates 'Counter Flood' (see 6.1) - This attack does not activate 'Counter Flood' EVD ......... + This attack is subject to evade (physical if it is a physical attack, magical if it is a magical attack) - This attack is not subject to evade MP .......... Amount of Magic Points required to use this attack CTR ......... Number of clockticks that must elapse before the attack resolves. If CTR = 0, the attack is a fast-action. If CTR > 0, the caster will be inflicted with 'Charging' status until the attack resolves or until the caster cancels 'Charging' by selecting another command during another AT. Exception: if the attack is a SING or DANCE attack, 'Performing' will be inflicted on the caster instead of 'Charging'. 'Performing' will not be cancelled unless the caster chooses another command from the AT menu on a subsequent AT; barring this, the SING or DANCE attack will continue to be executed every Nth clocktick, where N = CTR. JP .......... Job Points required to purchase this ability MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS -------------------- [x / y] Divide x by y and take only the integer part of the quotient, discarding the remainder. For example, [12 / 4] = 3, [13 / 4] = 3, [-14 / 4] = -3, [15 / 4] = 3, [16 / 4] = 4. RU{x / y} This is defined as [(x + y - 1) / y]. Intuitively, you can think of it as dividing and, if there is a nonzero remainder, rounding up to the nearest integer. (x..y) The game generates a random integer between x and y, inclusive. OTHER ABBREVIATIONS ------------------- Critical hit possible .......... This attack has the potential to cause a critical hit. Critical hits will occur ~5% of the time. To calculate critical hit damage, see the procedure in section 3.2 under "MOD: 2". Drain ............. Damage from this attack is subtracted from the target's current HP or MP and then added to the caster's current HP or MP. Undead reversal ... If the target of this attack is Undead, then any damage done to that target will instead heal the target by an amount equal to the putative damage. In addition, if the target of this attack is Undead, any healing done to that target will instead damage the target; the damage will be equal in magnitude to the putative healing. C_x ............... "Caster's x" -- for example, "C_MaxHP" means caster's maximum HP. T_x ............... "Target's x" -- for example, "T_MaxHP" means target's maximum HP. LOS ............... Target must lie along caster's line of sight in order for this attack to hit; if another unit intervenes on this line between caster and target, the other unit will suffer the effect of the spell instead of the target. CI ................ Caster immune. If placed after the Range number, this means that the caster cannot target himself with this attack. If placed after the Effect number, this means that if even if the caster is within the effect area of this attack, the attack will not hit him. If an attack is CI in Range, it will always be CI in Effect, but this will not be explicitly listed. 4 directions ...... Range extends linearly in four directions: in front of caster, behind caster, and to both sides of caster. 3 directions ...... Effect area extends linearly in three directions: in front of caster and to both sides of caster. MaxHP ............. Maximum HP CurrentHP ......... HP currently remaining MaxMP ............. Maximum MP CurrentMP ......... MP currently remaining Sp ................ Speed PA ................ Physical attack power MA ................ Magical attack power Br ................ Brave CFa ............... Caster's Faith TFa ............... Target's Faith _______________________________________________________________________________ [3.2] damage and success rate modifiers ========================================================================= The attacks of FFT fall into several categories of damage & success modifiers. In the list below, they will be classified into 6 different types. To quickly jump back to these descriptions, Search for "[MOD: n]" (without the quotes), where n is the MOD value for the attack you're interested in. [MOD: 0] ~ immutable -------------------- The damage or success rate of these attacks is subject to no modifications -- it is not even affected by Zodiac compatibility. [MOD: 1] ~ zodiac only ---------------------- The damage or success rate of these attacks is affected only by Zodiac compatibility -- nothing else. [MOD: 2] ~ physical attacks : damage variable --------------------------------------------- 'XA' below stands for the relevant attack stat for the attack in question. If there are multiple instances of the _same_ statistic in a damage equation, only modify _one_ instance of the statistic. See section 1.7 for a clarification on this. Let 'XA0' be the attacker's XA on the stat screen. The 'Attacker' is the unit making the attack, and the 'Defender' is the unit being attacked. 1. If this is a critical hit, then XA1 = XA0 + (1..XA0) - 1. 2. If the attack is endowed with an Element, and the attacker has equipment that 'Strengthens' that element, then (XA2 = [XA1 * 5/4]), else XA2 = XA1 3. If attacker has Attack UP, then (XA3 = [XA2 * 4/3]), else XA3 = XA2 4. If attacker has Martial Arts AND this is not a wpn-elemental attack, then (XA4 = [XA3 * 3/2]), else XA4 = XA3 5. If attacker is Berserk, then (XA5 = [XA4 * 3/2]), else XA5 = XA4 6. If defender has Defense UP, then (XA6 = [XA5 * 2/3]), else XA6 = XA5 7. If defender has Protect, then (XA7 = [XA6 * 2/3]), else XA7 = XA6 8. If defender is Charging, then (XA8 = [XA7 * 3/2]), else XA8 = XA7 9. If defender is Sleeping, then (XA9 = [XA8 * 3/2]), else XA9 = XA8 10. If defender is a Chicken and/or a Frog, then (XA10 = [XA9 * 3/2]), else XA10 = XA9 11. Apply zodiac multipliers: If compatibility is 'Good', then (XA11 = XA10 + [(XA10)/4])) elseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then (XA11 = XA10 - [(XA10)/4]) elseIf compatibility is 'Best', then (XA11 = XA10 + [(XA10)/2]) elseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then (XA11 = XA10 - [(XA10)/2]) else XA11 = XA10 12. Apply damage formula using XA = XA11 (if there is more than one instance of XA, only set _one_ instance to XA11 and leave the other as XA0 (see above). [MOD: 3] ~ physical attacks : success rate variable --------------------------------------------------- 1. If caster has Attack UP, then (XA1 = [XA0 * 4/3]), else XA1 = XA0 2. If caster has Martial Arts and is bare-handed, then (XA2 = [XA1 * 3/2]), else XA2 = XA1 3. If target has Defense UP, then (XA3 = [XA2 * 2/3]), else XA3 = XA2 4. If target has Protect, then (XA4 = [XA3 * 2/3]), else XA4 = XA3 5. If target is Charging, then (XA5 = [XA4 * 3/2]), else XA5 = XA4 6. If target is Sleeping, then (XA6 = [XA5 * 3/2]), else XA6 = XA5 7. If target is a Frog and/or Chicken, then (XA7 = [XA6 * 3/2]), else XA7 = XA6 8. Calculate Z (zodiac addend): If compatibility is 'Good', then Z = [(XA7 + K) / 4] ElseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then Z = -[(XA7 + K) / 4] ElseIf compatibility is 'Best', then Z = [(XA7 + K) / 2] ElseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then Z = -[(XA7 + K) / 2] Else Z = 0 XA8 = XA7 + Z 9. Apply success rate formula using XA8. 10. Consider physical evasion multipliers, if applicable. Note that elementals have no effect on MOD 3 attacks. [MOD: 4] ~ steal ---------------- Attacks of this type are all STEAL directives. The 'caster' is the unit executing the STEAL directive, and the 'target' is the unit being stolen from. Let 'Sp0' be the caster's original Speed as given on the status screen. 1. If caster has Attack UP, then (Sp1 = [Sp0 * 4/3]), else Sp1 = Sp0 2. If caster has Martial Arts, then (Sp2 = [Sp1 * 3/2]), else Sp2 = Sp1 3. If target has Defense UP, then (Sp3 = [Sp2 * 2/3]), else Sp3 = Sp2 4. If target has Protect, then (Sp4 = [Sp3 * 2/3]), else Sp4 = Sp3 5. If target is Charging, then (Sp5 = [Sp4 * 3/2]), else Sp5 = Sp4 6. If target is Sleeping, then (Sp6 = [Sp5 * 3/2]), else Sp6 = Sp5 7. If target is a Frog and/or Chicken, then (Sp7 = [Sp6 * 3/2]), else Sp7 = Sp6 8. Calculate Z (zodiac addend): If compatibility is 'Good', then Z = [(Sp7 + K)/4] ElseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then Z = -[(Sp7 + K)/4] ElseIf compatibility is 'Best', then Z = [(Sp7 + K)/2] ElseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then Z = -[(Sp7 + K)/2] Else Z = 0 Sp8 = Sp7 + Z 9. Success% = (Sp8 + K) 10. Consider physical evasion multipliers, if applicable. [MOD: 5] ~ magical attacks : damage variable -------------------------------------------- Let MA0 be the caster's MA on the status screen. 1. If caster has 'Strengthen: [element of spell]', then (MA1 = [MA0 * 5/4]) else MA1 = MA0 2. If caster has Magic AttackUP, then (MA2 = [MA1 * 4/3]), else MA2 = MA1 3. If target has Magic DefendUP, then (MA3 = [MA2 * 2/3]), else MA3 = MA2 4. If target has Shell, then (MA4 = [MA3 * 2/3]), else MA5 = MA4 5. Apply zodiac multipliers: If compatibility is 'Good', then (MA5 = MA4 + [(MA4)/4])) ElseIf compatibility is 'Bad', then (MA5 = MA4 - [(MA4)/4]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Best', then (MA5 = MA4 + [(MA4)/2]) ElseIf compatibility is 'Worst', then (MA5 = MA4 - [(MA4)/2]) Else MA5 = MA4 6. Apply the spell's damage formula using MA5 = MA. If there is more than one instance of MA in the equation, set the MA that is a stand-alone multiplier to MA5, but _leave_ the other one as MA0 (see section 1.7 for more details). If caster or target has Faith status, then CFa = 100 or TFa = 100, respectively. If caster or target has Innocent status, then CFa = 0 or TFa = 0, respectively. 7. If this is a snowstorm and the spell is ice-elemental, then damage1 = [damage * 5/4] If this is a thunderstorm and the spell is fire-elemental, then damage1 = [damage * 3/4] If this is a thunderstorm and the spell is lightning-elemental, then damage1 = [damage * 5/4] Else damage1 = damage 8. If target is 'Weak' against spell's element, then damage2 = damage1 * 2 Else damage2 = damage1 9. If target has 'Half' spell's element, then damage3 = [damage2 / 2] Else damage3 = damage2 10. If target has 'Absorb' spell's element, then damage4 = -(damage3) Else damage4 = damage3 Damage4 will then be the amount of damage that the spell does. [MOD: 6] ~ magical attacks : success rate variable -------------------------------------------------- Let MA0 be the caster's MA as listed on the stat screen. 1. If caster has 'Strengthen: [element of spell]', then (MA1 = [MA0 * 5/4]) else MA1 = MA0 2. If caster has Magic AttackUP, then (MA2 = [MA1 * 4/3]), else MA2 = MA1 3. If target has Magic DefendUP, then (MA3 = [MA2 * 2/3]), else MA3 = MA2 4. If target has Shell, then (MA4 = [MA3 * 2/3]), else MA4 = MA3 5. Apply the spell's success% formula using MA = MA4. If caster or target has Faith status, then CFa = 100 or TFa = 100, respectively. If caster or target has Innocent status, then CFa = 0 or TFa = 0, respectively. 6. Apply Zodiac modifiers to the success%: 'Good' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% + [success% / 4] 'Best' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% + [success% / 2] 'Bad' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% - [success% / 4] 'Worst' compatibility: success%_zodiac = success% - [success% / 2] 7. Apply any evasion percentages that the target has due to his equipment. If the attack also does damage and is elemental, the same elemental multipliers apply to the damage as detailed in MOD 5 above. _______________________________________________________________________________ [3.3] the big list ========================================================================= The list is in the following format: _____________________________________________________________________________ | Attack Name [ ### ] COMMAND SET | |=============================================================================| | phys/mag | CBG:+/-| MP: ## | Formula for damage and/or success rate; | | REFL:+/- | CM:+/-| CTR: ## | Additional information about the attack | | CALC:+/- | CF:+/-| JP: ### | | | ELEM:+/- | EVD:+/-| MOD: # | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: # / Effect: #v# | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The attacks are listed in order of index number; this is the bracketed number in the center of the top line of each box. To find an attack: use the Find or Search feature (often Ctrl + F), and search for "| Attack name" (without the quotes), where "Attack name" is the name of the attack you're interested in. Make sure to leave one, and only one, space after the "|" character. To find an index number reference from the chart or from elsewhere in the BMG, search for "[ xxx ]" (without the quotes), where xxx is the index number (in hex) of the attack. Make sure to leave spaces between the brackets and the beginning and end of the index number. And away we go.... * _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cure [ 001 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 14] HP | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | If target is Undead, HP is subtracted | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 50 | instead of added. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cure 2 [ 002 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 20] HP | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 5 | If target is Undead, HP is subtracted | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 180 | instead of added. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cure 3 [ 003 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 30] HP | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 7 | If target is Undead, HP is subtracted | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 400 | instead of added. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cure 4 [ 004 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 40] HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | If target is Undead, HP is subtracted | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 700 | instead of added. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Raise [ 005 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Cancel: Dead & Restore RU{T_MaxHP / 2} | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Spell will miss unless target is Dead. | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 180 | If target is Undead, RU{T_MaxHP / 2} will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | be substracted from its HP total. | |--------------------------------| If target is Dead and Undead, spell will | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | miss. Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Raise 2 [ 006 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Cancel: Dead & Restore (Target's Max HP | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 10 | Spell will miss unless target is Dead. | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 500 | If target is Undead, (T_MaxHP) will be | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | subtracted from its HP total. | |--------------------------------| If target is Dead and Undead, spell will | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | miss. Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Reraise [ 007 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Reraise | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 7 | If target is Undead, spell will miss. | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 800 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140)]| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Regen [ 008 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Add: Regen | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 170)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 300 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Protect [ 009 ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Protect | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 70 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Protect 2 [ 00A ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Protect | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shell [ 00B ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Shell | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 70 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shell 2 [ 00C ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Add: Shell | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wall [ 00D ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Protect, Shell | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 380 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Esuna [ 00E ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 18 | Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 3 | Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 280 | Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| |--------------------------------| Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Holy [ 00F ] WHITE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 56 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 50] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 600 | | | ELEM: H | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire [ 010 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 14] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 50 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire 2 [ 011 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 18] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire 3 [ 012 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 480 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire 4 [ 013 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 48 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 32] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 850 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3(CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bolt [ 014 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 14] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 50 | | | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bolt 2 [ 015 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 18] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bolt 3 [ 016 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 480 | | | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bolt 4 [ 017 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 48 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 32] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 850 | | | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3(CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice [ 018 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 14] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 50 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice 2 [ 019 ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 18] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice 3 [ 01A ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 480 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice 4 [ 01B ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 48 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 32] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 850 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3(CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Poison [ 01C ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Poison | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Frog [ 01D ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Add: Frog | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | If target is a Frog, Cancel: Frog | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 500 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Death [ 01E ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Dead | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 10 | Damage = (Target's MaxHP). This damage | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 600 | cannot be reduced or increased and is | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | unaffected by Zodiac (although the | |--------------------------------| success rate is affected). | | | If target is Undead, then Death will not | | Range: 4 | add: Dead, and will restore (T_MaxHP) | | Effect: 1 | rather than damaging for that amount. | | | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Flare [ 01F ] BLACK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 60 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 46] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 900 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Haste [ 020 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Add: Haste | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 2 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 100 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Haste 2 [ 021 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 30 | Add: Haste | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 240)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 550 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Slow [ 022 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Add: Slow | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 2 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 80 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Slow 2 [ 023 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 30 | Add: Slow | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 240)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 520 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Stop [ 024 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 14 | Add: Stop | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 330 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Don't Move [ 025 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Add: Don't Move | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 100 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Float [ 026 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Add: Float | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 2 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Reflect [ 027 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Add: Reflect | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 2 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 330 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Quick [ 029 ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Quick | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 800 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Demi [ 02A ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Deal RU{Target_MaxHP / 4} damage; the | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | magnitude of this damage is unaffected by | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 250 | Zodiac and other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Demi 2 [ 02B ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 50 | Deal RU{Target_MaxHP / 2} damage; the | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 9 | magnitude of this damage is unaffected by | | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 550 | Zodiac and other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Meteor [ 02C ] TIME MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 70 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 60] | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 13 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:1500 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blind [ 02E ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 4 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 2 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 100 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Spell Absorb [ 02F ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 2 | Drain RU{T_MaxMP / 3} MP. The amount of | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 2 | damage is unaffected by Zodiac and other | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Life Drain [ 030 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Drain RU{T_MaxHP / 4} HP. The amount of | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 2 | damage is unaffected by Zodiac and other | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 350 | modifiers. If the target is Undead, the | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | target will gain this amount of HP and | |--------------------------------| the caster will lose this amount of HP, | | | regardless of whether the caster is | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Undead. | | | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pray Faith [ 031 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Faith | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 150)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Doubt Faith [ 032 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Innocent | | REFL: + | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 150)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Zombie [ 033 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Add: Undead | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 100)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 300 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Silence Song [ 034 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Silence | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 170 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blind Rage [ 035 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Berserk | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Foxbird [ 036 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Decrease target's Brave by 30 | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Confusion Song [ 037 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Add: Confusion | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 130)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dispel Magic [ 038 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 34 | Cancel: Protect, Shell, Haste, Float, | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 3 | Regen, Reraise, Transparent, Faith,| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 700 | Reflect | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 220)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Paralyze [ 039 ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Add: Don't Act | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 100 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sleep [ 03A ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 170)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 350 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Petrify [ 03B ] YIN-YANG MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 9 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| | CALC: + | CF: - | JP: 580 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Moogle [ 03C ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 12] HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 2 | If target is Undead, then Moogle does | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 110 | damage instead of restoring HP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 ally | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shiva [ 03D ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ramuh [ 03E ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: L | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ifrit [ 03F ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Titan [ 040 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 30 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 28] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 220 | | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Golem [ 041 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 40 | Golem will absorb, in total, (Caster_MaxHP)| | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 3 | worth of damage dealt to any of caster's | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | allies from ATTACK (except spell guns), | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | JUMP, THROW, and CHARGE directives. | |--------------------------------| Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | Range: Auto / Effect: 1 | (target = caster) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Carbunkle [ 042 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 30 | Add: Reflect | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 150)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 350 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 ally | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bahamut [ 043 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 60 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 46] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:1200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Odin [ 044 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 50 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 40] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 9 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 900 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Leviathan [ 045 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 48 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 38] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 9 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 850 | | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Salamander [ 046 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 48 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 38] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 9 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 820 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Silf [ 047 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 26 | Add: Silence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 150)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fairy [ 048 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 28 | Restore [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | If target is Undead, Fairy does damage | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | instead of restoring HP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 ally | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lich [ 049 ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Deals RU{T_MaxHP / 2} damage. The amount | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 9 | of damage is unaffected by Zodiac and | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | other modifiers. However, unlike other | | ELEM: D | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | similar attacks, Lich is elemental. | |--------------------------------| This means that if the target has | | | properties that affect Dark-elemental | | | DAMAGE (i.e., Half, Cancel, Weak), the | | | damage will be adjusted accordingly. The | | | damage is UNAFFECTED if the caster has | | Range: 4 | `Strengthen: Dark', because `Strengthen' | | Effect: 3v2 enemy | affects MA for elemental attacks, and not| | | the damage itself; the damage is not MA- | | | dependent. The success rate of Lich, | | | which is MA-dependent, will be increased | | | slightly by `Strengthen: Dark'. | | | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cyclops [ 04A ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 62 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 50] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 9 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:1000 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Zodiac [ 04B ] SUMMON MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 99 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 96] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: --- | Zodiac cannot be purchased with JP -- it | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | must be cast on a Summoner, must do at | |--------------------------------| least 1 damage, and he must survive it. | | Range: 4 | If these conditions are met, the target | | Effect: 4v3 enemy | will be given a chance to learn Zodiac. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Asura [ 04C ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 8 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Asura Knife in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | your inventory to use Asura. There is a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | ~15% chance that one Asura Knife will | |--------------------------------| break after each casting of Asura. | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Koutetsu [ 04D ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Kotetsu Knife | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 180 | in your inventory to use Koutetsu. There | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | is a ~15% chance that one Kotetsu Knife | |--------------------------------| will break after each casting of | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| Koutetsu. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bizen Boat [ 04E ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to MP = MA * 4 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Bizen Boat in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 260 | your inventory to use Bizen Boat. There | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | is a ~15% chance that one Bizen Boat | |--------------------------------| will break after each casting of | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| Bizen Boat. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Murasame [ 04F ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Heals (MA * 12) HP. The amount of healing | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | is unaffected by Zodiac and other | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 340 | modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Undead reversal | |--------------------------------| You must have at least one Murasame in your| | | inventory to use Murasame. There is a | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 ally | ~15% chance that one Murasame will break | | | after each casting of Murasame. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Heaven's Cloud [ 050 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 14 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Slow (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 420 | You must have at least one Heaven's Cloud | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | in your inventory to use Heaven's Cloud. | |--------------------------------| There is a ~15% chance that one Heaven's | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| Cloud will break after each casting of | | | Heaven's Cloud. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Kiyomori [ 051 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Protect, Shell | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Kiyomori in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | your inventory to use Kiyomori. There | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | is a ~15% chance that one Kiyomori will | |--------------------------------| break after each casting of Kiyomori. | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 ally | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Muramasa [ 052 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 18 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Confusion, Death Sentence (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 580 | You must have at least one Muramasa in | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | your inventory to use Muramasa. There | |--------------------------------| is a ~15% chance that one Muramasa will | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| break after each casting of Muramasa. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Kikuichimoji [ 053 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 16 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Kikuichimoji in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 660 | your inventory to use Kikuichimoji. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | There is a ~15% chance that one | |--------------------------------| Kikuichimoji will break after each | | Range: 4 directions (linear,CI)| casting of Kikuichimoji. | | Effect: 8v3 enemy (linear) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Masamune [ 054 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Regen, Haste | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Masamune in your| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 740 | your inventory to use Masamune. There | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | is a ~15% chance that one Masamune will | |--------------------------------| break after each casting of Masamune. | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 ally | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Chirijiraden [ 055 ] DRAW OUT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 30 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | You must have at least one Chirijiraden in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 820 | your inventory to use Chirijiraden. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | There is a ~15% chance that one | |--------------------------------| Chirijiraden will break after each | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 enemy| casting of Chirijiraden. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Angel Song [ 056 ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore (MA + 20) MP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Angel Song, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Angel Song| |--------------------------------| will be executed every 6 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All allies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Life Song [ 057 ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore (MA + 10) HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Life Song, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Life Song | |--------------------------------| will be executed every 6 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All allies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cheer Song [ 058 ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Speed +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 8 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Cheer Song, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Cheer Song| |--------------------------------| will be executed every 8 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All allies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Battle Song [ 059 ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's PA +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 8 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Battle Song, the caster will| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, & Battle Song | |--------------------------------| will be executed every 8 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All allies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Magic Song [ 05A ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's MA +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Magic Song, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Magic Song| |--------------------------------| will be executed every 10 clockticks | | Range: Auto | until the caster has an AT and chooses | | Effect: All allies | to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Nameless Song [ 05B ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Ref. | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Nameless Song, the caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | will enter `Performing' status, and | |--------------------------------| Nameless Song will be executed every 10 | | Range: Auto | clockticks until the caster has an AT | | Effect: All allies | and chooses to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Last Song [ 05C ] SING | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Quick | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 20 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Last Song, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Last Song | |--------------------------------| will be executed every 20 clockticks | | Range: Auto | until the caster has an AT and chooses | | Effect: All allies | to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Witch Hunt [ 05D ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to MP = PA + [(PA * Br) / 100] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Witch Hunt, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Witch Hunt| |--------------------------------| will be executed every 6 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All enemies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wiznaibus [ 05E ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA + [(PA * Br) / 100] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Wiznaibus, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Wiznaibus | |--------------------------------| will be executed every 6 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All enemies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Slow Dance [ 05F ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Speed -1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 8 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Slow Dance, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and Slow Dance| |--------------------------------| will be executed every 8 clockticks until| | Range: Auto | the caster has an AT and chooses to stop.| | Effect: All enemies | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Polka Polka [ 060 ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's PA -1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 8 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Polka Polka, the caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | will enter `Performing' status, and | |--------------------------------| Polka Polka will be executed every 8 | | Range: Auto | clockticks until the caster has an AT | | Effect: All enemies | and chooses to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Disillusion [ 061 ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's MA -1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 8 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Disillusion, the caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | will enter `Performing' status, and | |--------------------------------| Disillusion will be executed every 8 | | Range: Auto | clockticks until the caster has an AT | | Effect: All enemies | and chooses to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Nameless Dance [ 062 ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Frog, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | Poison, Slow, Stop, Sleep | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Success% = 50 | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Upon selecting Nameless Dance, the caster | |--------------------------------| will enter `Performing' status, and | | | Nameless Dance will be executed every 10 | | Range: Auto | clockticks until the caster has an AT | | Effect: All enemies | and chooses to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Last Dance [ 063 ] DANCE | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's CT is set to 0 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 20 | Success% = 34 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Upon selecting Last Dance, the caster will | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | enter `Performing' status, and | |--------------------------------| Last Dance will be executed every 20 | | Range: Auto | clockticks until the caster has an AT | | Effect: All enemies | and chooses to stop. | | | Always misses if target has Sleep status. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Spin Fist [ 064 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 150 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | Critical hit possible | |--------------------------------| | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Repeating Fist [ 065 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (1..9) * (PA + [PA / 2]) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | Critical hit possible | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wave Fist [ 066 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * ([PA / 2] + 1) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | Critical hit possible | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Earth Slash [ 067 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Critical hit possible | |--------------------------------------------------------- | | Range: 4 directions (linear, CI) / Effect: 8v2 (linear) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Secret Fist [ 068 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Death Sentence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Martial Arts gives MA bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Stigma Magic [ 069 ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Frog, Silence, Berserk, Poison, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Success% = 100 | |--------------------------------| | | Range: Auto / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Chakra [ 06A ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore (PA * 5) HP and [PA * 5/2] MP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 350 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Ignores Protect and Defense UP | |--------------------------------| | | Range: Auto / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Revive [ 06B ] PUNCH ART | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Dead; Restore RU{T_MaxHP / 5} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 70 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Gil Taking [ 06C ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal [Caster_Lv * Caster_Sp] gil | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 200 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 10 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Heart [ 06D ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Charm | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 150 | Does not work if target is same sex as | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | caster -- males can Steal Heart females | |--------------------------------| and monsters; females can Steal Heart | | Range: 3 (CI) | males and monsters; monsters can Steal | | Effect: 1 enemy | Heart males and females. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Helmet [ 06E ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal item equipped on target's head | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 350 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Armor [ 06F ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal item equipped on target's body | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 35 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 450 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Shield [ 070 ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal target's shield | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 35 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 350 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Weapon [ 071 ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal target's weapon | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 30 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Accessry [ 072 ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal target's accessory | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus even if caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 4 | is not barehanded | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Steal Exp. [ 073 ] STEAL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Steal min{(Sp + 5), Target_Exp} Exp. | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 70 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | Martial Arts gives Sp bonus | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 4 | (MartialArtsSp = [Sp * 3/2]) | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Invitation [ 074 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Invite | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 20 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | An Invited unit cannot be Invited back by | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | the opposing team. | |--------------------------------| Does not work on monsters unless caster | | Range: 3v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Persuade [ 075 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Set target's CT to 0 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 30 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Praise [ 076 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Brave +4 (+1 permanently) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Threaten [ 077 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Brave -20 (-5 permanently) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 90 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Preach [ 078 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Faith +4 (+1 permanently) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Solution [ 079 ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Faith -20 (-5 permanently) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 90 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Death Sentence [ 07A ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Death Sentence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 30 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Negotiate [ 07B ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Steal (Lv * Sp) gil | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 90 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Insult [ 07C ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Berserk | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mimic Daravon [ 07D ] TALK SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Does not work on monsters unless caster | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | has the `Monster Talk' ability. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3v3 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pitfall [ 07E ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Don't Move (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Natural Surface, Road, | |--------------------------------| Wasteland | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Water Ball [ 07F ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Frog (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Waterway, River, Lake, Sea, | |--------------------------------| Waterfall | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Hell Ivy [ 080 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Stop (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Grassland, Thicket, | |--------------------------------| Water Plant, Ivy | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Carve Model [ 081 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Petrify (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Gravel, Stone Wall, | |--------------------------------| Stone Floor, Tombstone, | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | Mud Wall | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Local Quake [ 082 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Confusion (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Rocky Cliff, Lava Rocks | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Kamaitachi [ 083 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Don't Act (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: A | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Book, Tree, Brick, Moss, | |--------------------------------| Bridge, Furniture, Iron Plate, | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | Coffin | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Demon Fire [ 084 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Sleep (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Wooden Floor, Rug, Box, | |--------------------------------| Stairs, Deck | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Quicksand [ 085 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Death Sentence (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Swamp, Marsh, Poisoned Marsh | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blizzard [ 086 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Silence (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: I | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Snow, Ice | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Gusty Wind [ 087 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Slow (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Roof, Sky, Chimney | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lava Ball [ 088 ] ELEMENTAL | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(PA + 2) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Dead (20 - 25%) | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Topography: Lava, Machine | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Head Break [ 08A ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Breaks item equipped on target's head | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + WP + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | Identical to ATTACK if target has nothing | |--------------------------------| equipped on head | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Armor Break [ 08B ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Breaks item equipped on target's body | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + WP + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | Identical to ATTACK if target has nothing | |--------------------------------| equipped on body | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shield Break [ 08C ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Breaks target's shield | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + WP + 55 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Weapon attack | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | Identical to ATTACK if target has no | |--------------------------------| shield equipped | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Weapon Break [ 08D ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Breaks target's weapon | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + WP + 30 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | If target has weapons in both hands, the | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | weapon in the top hand will be broken. | |--------------------------------| Another successful casting of Weapon | | | Break can then destroy the other weapon. | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | Identical to ATTACK if target has no | | | weapon equipped | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Magic Break [ 08E ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage to MP = RU{T_MaxMP / 2} | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Speed Break [ 08F ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Target's Speed -2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Power Break [ 090 ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Target's PA -3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mind Break [ 091 ] BATTLE SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Target's MA -3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Accumulate [ 092 ] BASIC SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's PA +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: Auto / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dash [ 093 ] BASIC SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (1..4) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Causes knockback (~50%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 75 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Throw Stone [ 094 ] BASIC SKILL | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (1..2) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Causes knockback (~50%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 90 | Martial Arts gives PA bonus | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | (MartialArtsPA = [PA * 3/2]) | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Heal [ 095 ] BASIC SKILL | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Darkness, Silence, Poison | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Yell [ 096 ] GUTS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Speed +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cheer Up [ 097 ] GUTS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Brave +5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wish [ 098 ] GUTS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore RU{Caster_MaxHP * 2/5} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | to target; | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Damage = RU{Caster_MaxHP * 1/5} to caster. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | The amount of healing and damage is | |--------------------------------| unaffected by Zodiac compatibility. | | Range: 1v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Success% = 100 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Scream [ 099 ] GUTS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Brave +10, PA +1, MA +1, Speed +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: Auto / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ultima [ 09A ] GUTS | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 23] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: --- | Ultima cannot be purchased with JP -- it | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | must be cast on a (03)-Squire, | |--------------------------------| (14 or 2C)-Cleric, (2D or 2E)-Assassin, | | | must do at least 1 damage, and the | | Range: 4 | target must survive. If these conditions | | Effect: 2v1 | are met, the target will be given a | | | chance to learn Ultima. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Stasis Sword [ 09B ] HOLY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (WP + 2) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Stop (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 100 | May critically hit | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 2 / Effect: 2v0 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Split Punch [ 09C ] HOLY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (WP + 3) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Death Sentence (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | May critically hit (~5%) | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 3v2 / Effect: 1 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Crush Punch [ 09D ] HOLY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (WP + 2) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Dead (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | May critically hit (~5%) | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 3v1 / Effect: 1 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lightning Stab [ 09C ] HOLY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (WP + 4) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Silence (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 700 | May critically hit (~5%) | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v1 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Holy Explosion [ 09F ] HOLY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (WP + 5) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May add: Confusion (25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 800 | May critically hit (~5%) | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 4 directions (linear,CI)| | | Effect: 5v2 (linear) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shellbust Stab [ 0A0 ] MIGHTY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * WP; May critically hit (~5%) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Breaks item equipped on target's body | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Will miss if target has nothing equipped | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | on its body. | |--------------------------------| Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | equipped in order to use this skill. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blastar Punch [ 0A1 ] MIGHTY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * WP; May critically hit (~5%) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Breaks item equipped on target's head | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | Will miss if target has nothing equipped | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | on its head. | |--------------------------------| Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | equipped in order to use this skill. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Hellcry Punch [ 0A2 ] MIGHTY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * WP; May critically hit (~5%) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Breaks target's weapon; if target has two | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | weapons equipped, the one in the top hand| | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | will be broken; a subsequent casting of | |--------------------------------| Hellcry Punch will then break the weapon | | | in the bottom hand. | | | Will miss if target has no weapon equipped | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | in either hand. | | | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | | | equipped in order to use this skill. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Icewolf Bite [ 0A3 ] MIGHTY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * WP; May critically hit (~5%) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Breaks target's equipped accessory | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 800 | Will miss if target has no accessory | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | equipped. | |--------------------------------| Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | equipped in order to use this skill. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dark Sword [ 0A4 ] DARK SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Drain (PA * WP) MP from target | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May critically hit (~5%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | |--------------------------------| equipped in order to use this skill. | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Night Sword [ 0A5 ] DARK SWORD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Drain (PA * WP) HP from target | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | May critically hit (~5%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | Undead reversal | | ELEM:wpn | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | | |--------------------------------| Caster must have a Sword or Knight Sword | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | equipped in order to use this skill. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dark Holy [ 0A6 ] DARK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 40 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 37] | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: D | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Deathspell 2 [ 0A7 ] HOLY MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Cancel: Petrify, Confusion, Silence, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Blood Suck, Frog, Poison, Stop, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Galaxy Stop [ 0A8 ] STARRY HEAVEN | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Act, Don't Move, and Stop | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Success% = 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | All enemies | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Heaven Thunder [ 0A9 ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 8) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 3 | Heaven Thunder will hit random panels in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | its effect area, and it will strike a | | ELEM: L | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | random number of times between 1 and 6, | |--------------------------------| inclusive. Each strike affects one | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | panel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Asura [ 0AA ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 9) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Asura will hit random panels in its effect | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | area, and it will strike a random number | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | of times between 1 and 6, inclusive. | |--------------------------------| Each strike affects one panel. | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Diamond Sword [ 0AB ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 10) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Diamond Sword will hit random panels in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | its effect area, and it will strike a | | ELEM: A | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | random number of times between 1 and 6, | |--------------------------------| inclusive. Each strike affects one | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | panel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Hydragon Pit [ 0AC ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 12) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Hydragon Pit will hit random panels in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | its effect area, and it will strike a | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | random number of times between 1 and 6, | |--------------------------------| inclusive. Each strike affects one | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | panel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Space Storage [ 0AD ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 6) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | May add any ONE of the following: Darkness,| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | Confusion, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Sleep (6 - 10%) | |--------------------------------| Space Storage will hit random panels in its| | | effect area, and it will strike a random | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | number of times between 1 and 6, | | | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sky Demon [ 0AE ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 20) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Sky Demon will hit random panels in its | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | effect area, and it will strike a random | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | number of times between 1 and 6, | |--------------------------------| inclusive. Each strike affects one | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | panel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Heaven Bltback [ 0AF ] UN-TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 3 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 27) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Heaven Bltback will hit random panels in | | ELEM: L | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | its effect area, and it will strike a | |--------------------------------| random number of times between 1 and 6, | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Asura Back [ 0B0 ] UN-TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 30) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Asura Back will hit random panels in its | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | effect area, and will strike a random | |--------------------------------| number of times between 1 and 6, | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dia Swd Back [ 0B1 ] UN-TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 34) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Dia Swd Back will hit random panels in | | ELEM: A | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | its effect area, and it will strike a | |--------------------------------| random number of times between 1 and 6, | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dragon Pit Back [ 0B2 ] UN-TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 6 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 40) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | Dragon Pit Back will hit random panels in | | ELEM: W | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | its effect area, and it will strike a | |--------------------------------| random number of times between 1 and 6, | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Space Str Back [ 0B3 ] TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 20) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | May add any ONE of the following: Darkness,| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Confusion, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, | |--------------------------------| Sleep (6 - 10%) | | | Space Str Back will hit random panels in | | Range: 4 | its effect area, and it will strike a | | Effect: 2v3 | random number of times between 1 and 6, | | | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sky Demon Back [ 0B4 ] UN-TRUTH | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Unfaith = (1 - CFa/100) * (1 - TFa/100) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Damage = [Unfaith * [(MA + 60) / 2] * MA] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | Sky Demon Back will hit random panels in | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | its effect area, and it will strike a | |--------------------------------| random number of times between 1 and 6, | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 | inclusive. Each strike affects one panel.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Seal [ 0B5 ] USE HAND | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 6 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shadow Stitch [ 0B6 ] USE HAND | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Stop | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | If target does not currently have Stop | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | status, then success% = 100 | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Else success% = 0 | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Stop Bracelet [ 0B7 ] USE HAND | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Dead | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shock [ 0B9 ] BYBLOS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Zodiac compatibility. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Difference [ 0BA ] BYBLOS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Target_CurrentMP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Zodiac compatibility. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Seal [ 0BB ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Chicken Race [ 0BC ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Act | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Hold Tight [ 0BD ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Move | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Darkness [ 0BE ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lose Voice [ 0BF ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Silence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Loss [ 0C0 ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Confusion | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Spell [ 0C1 ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Stop | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Nightmare [ 0C2 ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Either Sleep OR Death Sentence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | (randomly chosen, unless target is | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | protected against one of the two). | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Success% = 100 | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Death Cold [ 0C3 ] FEAR | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Slow | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Magic Ruin [ 0C4 ] DESTROY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Damage to MP = RU{Target_MaxMP / 2} | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 250)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Speed Ruin [ 0C5 ] DESTROY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Target's Speed -3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 250)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Power Ruin [ 0C6 ] DESTROY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Target's PA -5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 250)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mind Ruin [ 0C7 ] DESTROY SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Target's MA -5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 250)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blood Suck [ 0C8 ] BLOOD SUCK | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Drain RU{Target_MaxHP / 4} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Add: Blood Suck (100%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = 100 | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Undead reversal | |--------------------------------| Blood Suck is unaffected by Zodiac | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | compatibility | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Allure [ 0C9 ] USE HAND | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Add: Charm | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 70 + MA if target and caster | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | are different genders | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | Success% = 0 if target and caster are | |--------------------------------| same gender | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 enemy| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio [ 0CA ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 12] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | May add: Darkness (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio [ 0CB ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 12] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | May add: Poison (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio [ 0CC ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 8 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 12] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 3 | May add: Oil (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v2 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 2 [ 0CD ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Frog | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 2 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 2 [ 0CE ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Slow | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 2 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 2 [ 0CF ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Silence | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 120)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 2 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 2 [ 0D0 ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 5 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 110)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 2 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 3 [ 0D1 ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | May add: Dead (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 3 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 3 [ 0D2 ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | May add: Undead (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 3 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bio 3 [ 0D3 ] BIO | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 24] | | REFL: + | CM: + | CTR: 6 | May add: Petrify (6 - 10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Bio 3 cannot hit its caster, even if s/he | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | is in the effect area of the spell. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | MBarrier [ 0D4 ] HOLY MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 30 | Add: Regen, Reraise, Haste, Protect, Shell | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Ignores Shell and Magic DefendUP. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Leg Aim [ 0D5 ] SNIPE | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Move | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Arm Aim [ 0D6 ] SNIPE | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Act | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Seal Evil [ 0D7 ] SNIPE | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 70 if target is Undead | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | 0 if target is not Undead | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: weapon / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Melt [ 0D8 ] DIMENSION MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 70 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 38] | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:9999 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Tornado [ 0D9 ] DIMENSION MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 70 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 37] | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:9999 | | | ELEM: A | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Quake [ 0DA ] DIMENSION MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 70 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 39] | | REFL: - | CM: + | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:9999 | | | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 4v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Toad 2 [ 0DD ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Add: Frog | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Gravi 2 [ 0DE ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Damage = (Target_CurrentHP - 1) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | The amount of damage is not affected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Zodiac compatibility or other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Flare 2 [ 0DF ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 38] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blind 2 [ 0E0 ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Small Bomb [ 0E1 ] BOMB | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | There are three versions of Small Bomb. | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | This is the Grenade's _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | version. | | |--------------------------------| See also [0E2], [114]. | Grenade | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Small Bomb [ 0E2 ] BOMB | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | There are three versions of Small Bomb. | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | This is the Explosive's _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | version. | | |--------------------------------| See also [0E1], [114]. | | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | [Explosive] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Confuse 2 [ 0E3 ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Add: Confusion | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 160)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sleep 2 [ 0E4 ] JA MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 35 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 150)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 2v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ultima [ 0E5 ] ULTIMATE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 25 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 30] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | All-ultima [ 0E6 ] COMPLETE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 50 | Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 55] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 15 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 5 / Effect: 4v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mute [ 0E7 ] SATURATION | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to MP = (Target_CurrentMP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Zodiac compatibility and other modifiers.| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Despair 2 [ 0E8 ] SATURATION | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Float, Regen, Reraise, Protect, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Shell, Haste, Transparent, Faith, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Reflect | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Return 2 [ 0E9 ] SATURATION | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's CT goes to 0 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blind [ 0EA ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 6 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 220)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 50 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Blind. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Aspel [ 0EB ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 2 | Drain RU{Target_MaxMP / 2} MP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Zodiac and other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| |--------------------------------| Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Knight Sword in order to use Aspel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Drain [ 0EC ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Drain RU{Target_MaxHP / 2} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 180 | Zodiac and other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| |--------------------------------| Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Knight Sword in order to use Drain. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Faith [ 0ED ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Add: Faith | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Faith. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Innocent [ 0EE ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 10 | Add: Innocent | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Innocent. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Zombie [ 0EF ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 14 | Add: Undead | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 150 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Zombie. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Silence [ 0F0 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Silence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 90 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Silence. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Berserk [ 0F1 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 16 | Add: Berserk | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Berserk. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Chicken [ 0F2 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 12 | Target's Brave -50 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 500 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Chicken. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Confuse [ 0F3 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 14 | Add: Confusion | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Confuse. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Despair [ 0F4 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Cancel: Float, Regen, Reraise, Protect, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Shell, Haste, Transparent, Faith, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Reflect | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| |--------------------------------| Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Knight Sword in order to use Despair. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Don't Act [ 0F5 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 14 | Add: Don't Act | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 200)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 50 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Don't Act. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sleep [ 0F6 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 190)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 170 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Sleep. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Break [ 0F7 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 24 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180)]| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | |--------------------------------| Knight Sword in order to use Break. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shock! [ 100 ] MAGIC SWORD | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 20 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | The amount of damage is unaffected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 600 | Zodiac compatibility and other modifiers.| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Success% = 100 | |--------------------------------| Caster must be equipped with a Sword or | | Range: 8 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Knight Sword in order to use Shock!. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice Bracelet [ 0F8 ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Ice Bracelet will hit whichever unit is | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | encountered first along the line of sight| | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | from the caster to the target. | |--------------------------------| NOTE: This is the Dragoner's version. It | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | uses a different damage formula from that | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | of the monster version [151]. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire Bracelet [ 0F9 ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Fire Bracelet will hit whichever unit is | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | encountered first along the line of sight| | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | from the caster to the target. | |--------------------------------| NOTE: This is the Dragoner's version. It | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | uses a different damage formula from that | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | of the monster version [152]. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Thnder Brcelet [ 0FA ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Thnder Brcelet will hit whichever unit is | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | encountered first along the line of sight| | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | from the caster to the target. | |--------------------------------| NOTE: This is the Dragoner's version. It | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | uses a different damage formula from that | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | of the monster version [151]. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dragon Tame [ 0FB ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Invite | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 if target is a Dragon, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Hyudra, Hydra, Tiamat, or | |--------------------------------| Holy Dragon | | Range: 2v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | 0 otherwise | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dragon Care [ 0FC ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to caster = [Caster_MaxHP / 5] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Restores [Caster_MaxHP * 2/5] HP to target | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 300 | Success% = 100 if target is a Dragon, Blue | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Dragon, Red Dragon, Hyudra, | |--------------------------------| Hydra, Tiamat, Holy Dragon | | Range: 2v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | 0 otherwise | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dragon PowerUp [ 0FD ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Sp +2, PA +2, MA +2, Br +5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 if target is a Dragon, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Hyudra, Hydra, Tiamat, or | |--------------------------------| Holy Dragon | | Range: 2v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | 0 otherwise | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dragon LevelUp [ 0FE ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Quick | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 if target is a Dragon, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 400 | Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Hyudra, Hydra, Tiamat, or | |--------------------------------| Holy Dragon | | Range: 2v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | 0 otherwise | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Holy Bracelet [ 0FF ] DRAGON | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = [(MA + 20) / 2] * MA | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Holy Bracelet will hit random panels in its| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 900 | effect area, and will strike a random | | ELEM: H | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | number of times between 1 and 4, | |--------------------------------| inclusive. Each strike affects one | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v3 (CI) | panel. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Braver [ 101 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 3 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 150 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use Braver. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cross-slash [ 102 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 22 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 4 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 200 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use | |--------------------------------| Cross-slash. | | Range: 2 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blade Beam [ 103 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 250 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use | |--------------------------------| Blade Beam. | | Range: 2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Climhazzard [ 104 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Target_MaxHP - Target_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 7 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 450 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use | |--------------------------------| Climhazzard. | | Range: 2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Meteorain [ 105 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 26 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 560 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use Meteorain. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 3v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Finish Touch [ 106 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add any one (randomly determined) of the | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | following: Dead, Petrify, Stop | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 670 | Success% = 100 | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Caster must be equipped with a | |--------------------------------| Materia Blade in order to use | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | Finish Touch. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Omnislash [ 107 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 40 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 15 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 900 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use Omnislash. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 3v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cherry Blossom [ 108 ] LIMIT | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 60 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 20 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP:1200 | Caster must be equipped with a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Materia Blade in order to use | |--------------------------------| Cherry Blossom. | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 3v0 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Choco Attack [ 109 ] (CHOCOBO)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * Br/100] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Chocobo | |--------------------------------| | Black Chocobo | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Red Chocobo | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Choco Ball [ 10A ] (CHOCOBO)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Caster cannot be targeted | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Critical hit possible _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | | |--------------------------------| | Black Chocobo | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Red Chocobo | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Choco Meteor [ 10A ] (CHOCOBO)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 4 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Black Chocobo] | | Range: 5 / Effect: 1 | | Red Chocobo | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Choco Esuna [ 10C ] (CHOCOBO)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison,| | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = MA + 65 _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Affects the caster. | [Chocobo] | |--------------------------------| Ignores Shell and | Black Chocobo | | Range: Auto / Effect: 2v2 | Magic DefendUP. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Choco Cure [ 10D ] (CHOCOBO)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restores (MA * 3) HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | If target is undead, does damage instead | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | of restoring HP. _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Affects the caster. | Chocobo | |--------------------------------| Ignores Shell and | | | Range: Auto / Effect: 2v2 | Magic DefendUP. | [Red Chocobo] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Tackle [ 10E ] (GOBLIN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * Br/100] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Goblin | |--------------------------------| | Black Goblin | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Gobbledeguck | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Goblin Punch [ 10F ] (GOBLIN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = PA + 35 | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | [Goblin] | |--------------------------------| | [Black Goblin] | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Gobbledeguck | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Turn Punch [ 110 ] (GOBLIN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | | |--------------------------------| | Black Goblin | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Eye Gouge [ 111 ] (GOBLIN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | Goblin | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Gobbledeguck | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mutilate [ 112 ] (GOBLIN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Drain RU{Target_MaxHP * 3/4} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | The amount of damage done is unaffected | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | by Zodiac and other _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | modifiers. | | |--------------------------------| Undead reversal | | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Success% = MA + 30 | [Gobbledeguck] | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bite [ 113] (BOMB)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damge = PA * [PA * Br/100] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Criical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | __________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Bomb | |--------------------------------| | Grenade | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Explosive | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Small Bomb [ 114 ] (BOMB)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 4 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | There are three versions of Small Bomb. | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | This is the Bomb's _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | version; it is magical, | [Bomb] | |--------------------------------| unlike the others. | | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | See also [0E1], [0E2]. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Self-Destruct [ 115 ] (BOMB)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to caster = (C_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage to target = (C_MaxHP - C_CurrentHP) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Add: Oil _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Success% = 100 | Bomb | |--------------------------------| Ignores Zodiac compat- | Grenade | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v3 | ibility. | Explosive | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Flame Attack [ 116 ] (BOMB)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Grenade] | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Spark [ 117 ] (BOMB)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Affects the caster. | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v1 | | Explosive | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Scratch [ 118 ] (COEURL)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br / 100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Red Panther | |--------------------------------| | Cuar | | Range: 1v3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Vampire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Cat Kick [ 119 ] (COEURL)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (1..8) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Causes knockback (~50%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | [Red Panther] | |--------------------------------| | Cuar | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Vampire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blaster [ 11A ] (COEURL)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: either Petrify or Stop | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 30 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Cuar] | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | Vampire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Poison Nail [ 11B ] (COEURL)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Poison | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | Red Panther | |--------------------------------| | Cuar | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blood Suck [ 11C ] (COEURL)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Drain RU{Target_MaxHP / 4} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Undead reversal; damage unaffected by | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Zodiac and other modifiers. Damage has a | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | 100% success rate and is unaffected by | |--------------------------------| evade percentages. -----------------| | | Add: Blood Suck (25%) | | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | | | | [Vampire] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Tentacle [ 11D ] (MINDFLAYER)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br / 100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Pisco Demon | |--------------------------------| | Squidlarkin | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Mindflare | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Black Ink [ 11E ] (MINDFLAYER)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Darkness | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | _________________| |--------------------------------| | [Pisco Demon] | | Range: 2 (4 directions, CI) | | Squidlarkin | | Effect: 1 | | Mindflare | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Odd Soundwave [ 11F ] (MINDFLAYER)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Float, Reraise, Transparent, Regen,| | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Reflect _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | Success% = 100 | | |--------------------------------| | Squidlarkin | | Range: Auto / Effect: 3v1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mind Blast [ 120 ] (MINDFLAYER)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: either Confusion or Berserk | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 35 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Caster immune _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Squidlarkin] | | Range: 3 / Effect: 2v1 | | Mindflare | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Level Blast [ 121 ] (MINDFLAYER)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Level -1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 60 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | [Mindflare] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Knife Hand [ 122 ] (SKELETON)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br / 100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Skeleton | |--------------------------------| | Bone Snatch | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Living Bone | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Thunder Soul [ 123 ] (SKELETON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | Skeleton | |--------------------------------| | Bone Snatch | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | Living Bone | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Aqua Soul [ 124 ] (SKELETON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: W | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | [Skeleton] | |--------------------------------| | Bone Snatch | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice Soul [ 125 ] (SKELETON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Bone Snatch] | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | Living Bone | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wind Soul [ 126 ] (SKELETON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: A | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | [Living Bone] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Throw Spirit [ 127 ] (GHOST)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Ghoul | |--------------------------------| | Gust | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | Revenant | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Zombie Touch [ 128 ] (GHOST)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Undead | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | [Revenant] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sleep Touch [ 129 ] (GHOST)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | Ghoul | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Drain Touch [ 12A ] (GHOST)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Drain RU{Target_MaxHP * 34 / 100} HP | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Undead reversal | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = MA + 60 _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Gust] | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Revenant | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Grease Touch [ 12B ] (GHOST)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Oil | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 50 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | [Ghoul] | |--------------------------------| | Gust | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wing Attack [ 12C ] (AHRIMAN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Flotiball | |--------------------------------| | Ahriman | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Plague | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Look of Devil [ 12D ] (AHRIMAN)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add one of the following: Petrify, Stop, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Don't Act, Silence, Darkness | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = 35 + MA _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | | |--------------------------------| | Ahriman | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | Plague | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Look of Fright [ 12E ] (AHRIMAN)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's Brave -10 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 40 + MA | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | | [Flotiball] | |--------------------------------| | Ahriman | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 (LOS)| | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Circle [ 12F ] (AHRIMAN)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's MA -2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 55 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | [Plague] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Death Sentence [ 130 ] (AHRIMAN)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Death Sentence | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 40 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Ahriman] | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Plague | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Scratch Up [ 131 ] (COCKATRICE)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Juravis | |--------------------------------| | Steel Hawk | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Cocatoris | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Beak [ 132 ] (COCKATRICE)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 37 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 3 | | | |--------------------------------| | [Steel Hawk] | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Cocatoris | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shine Lover [ 133 ] (COCKATRICE)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Steal [Caster_Level * Caster_Speed] gil | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = Sp + 200 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | (fun game: try to get _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | | the success rate | | |--------------------------------| below 100%!) | Steel Hawk | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Feather Bomb [ 134 ] (COCKATRICE)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | [Juravis] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 3 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Cocatoris | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Beaking [ 135 ] (COCKATRICE)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Target's PA -2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | NB: I believe this is _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 6 | the ONLY magic attack | | |--------------------------------| in the game that can be | | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | Counter-grasped. | [Cocatoris] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Straight Dash [ 136 ] (URIBO)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Uribo | |--------------------------------| | Porky | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Wildbow | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Nose Bracelet [ 137 ] (URIBO)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Charm | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 40 + MA if target is not the | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | same sex as _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | caster; | | |--------------------------------| 0 otherwise | [Porky] | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 en | | Wildbow | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Oink [ 138 ] (URIBO)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Cancel: Dead | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Restore (Target_MaxHP) to target | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = PA + 70 _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 3 | if target is | [Uribo] | |--------------------------------| Dead; | | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | 0 otherwise | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pooh- [ 139 ] (URIBO)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Sleep | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | | |--------------------------------| | Porky | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Please Eat [ 13A ] (URIBO)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Effect on target: Level +1 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Effect on caster: Add: Crystal | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = 100 _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | [Wildbow] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Leaf Dance [ 13B ] (DRYAD)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | Woodman | |--------------------------------| | Trent | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | Taiju | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Protect Spirit [ 13C ] (DRYAD)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Protect | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Ignores Shell and _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Magic DefendUP | [Woodman] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | Taiju | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Clam Spirit [ 13D ] (DRYAD)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Shell | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = MA + 45 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Ignores Shell and _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Magic DefendUP | [Woodman] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | Taiju | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Spirit of Life [ 13E ] (DRYAD)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore (MA * 2) HP to target | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Undead reversal | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Ignores Shell and _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | Magic DefendUP | | |--------------------------------| | Trent | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Magic Spirit [ 13F ] (DRYAD)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restore (MA * 1) MP to target | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Ignores Shell and | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Magic DefendUP _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | | [Taiju] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Shake Off [ 140 ] (MINOTAUR)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Bull Demon | |--------------------------------| | Minitaurus | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Sacred | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Wave Around [ 141 ] (MINOTAUR)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [(PA + 1) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 2 | | | |--------------------------------| | Minitaurus | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 2v1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Mimic Titan [ 142 ] (MINOTAUR)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 3 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: E | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 3v1 | | Sacred | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Gather Power [ 143 ] (MINOTAUR)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target's PA +2 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | [Bull Demon] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: Auto / Effect: 1 | | Sacred | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Blow Fire [ 144 ] (MINOTAUR)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 4 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | _________________| |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | | [Minitaurus] | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | | [Sacred] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Tentacle [ 145 ] (MORBOL)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Morbol | |--------------------------------| | Ochu | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Great Morbol | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lick [ 146 ] (MORBOL)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Reflect | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | Morbol | |--------------------------------| | [Ochu] | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Goo [ 147 ] (MORBOL)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Add: Don't Move | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | | |--------------------------------| | Ochu | | Range: 1v1 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Bad Bracelet [ 148 ] (MORBOL)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify, Stop, Sleep, Poison, Silence,| | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Frog (25% chance of adding each; | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | each status is _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | treated as a | [Morbol] | |--------------------------------| separate event.) | | | Range: Auto (CI) / Effect: 3v0 | | Great Morbol | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Moldball Virus [ 149 ] (MORBOL)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Target becomes a Morbol | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = (MA + 5) if target's base class | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | is monster or generic _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | human; 0 otherwise | | |--------------------------------| | Ochu | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Stab Up [ 14A ] (BEHEMOTH)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Behemoth | |--------------------------------| | King Behemoth | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Dark Behemoth | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Sudden Cry [ 14A ] (BEHEMOTH)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [(PA + 2) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Add: Dead (20-25%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Critical hit possible _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Behemoth | |--------------------------------| | King Behemoth | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Dark Behemoth | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Hurricane [ 14C ] (BEHEMOTH)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = RU{(Target_MaxHP * 34) / 100} | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage is not subject to modifiers except| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | for elemental Weak, _________________| | ELEM: A | EVD: - | MOD: 6 | Half, and Cancel. | | |--------------------------------| Success% = MA + 50 | [King Behemoth] | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ulmaguest [ 14D ] (BEHEMOTH)| |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage is unaffected by Zodiac and other | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | modifiers. _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v1 | | [Dark Behemoth] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Giga Flare [ 14E ] (BEHEMOTH)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 7 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | [Behemoth] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v0 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dash [ 14F ] (DRAGON)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [(PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | Dragon | |--------------------------------| | Blue Dragon | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | Red Dragon | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Tail Swing [ 150 ] (DRAGON)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * (1..15) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | (Damage forecast = PA * 8) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Causes knockback (~50%) _________________| | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | [Dragon] | |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice Bracelet [ 151 ] (DRAGON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | NB: This is the monster version. The | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Dragoner's version [0F8] uses a | | ELEM: I | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | different formula. _________________| |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | | Blue Dragon | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Fire Bracelet [ 152 ] (DRAGON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | NB: This is the monster version. The | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Dragoner's version [0F9] uses a | | ELEM: F | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | different formula. _________________| |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | | | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | | [Red Dragon] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Thnder Brcelet [ 153 ] (DRAGON)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 5 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | NB: This is the monster version. The | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Dragoner's version [0FA] uses a | | ELEM: L | EVD: + | MOD: 5 | different formula. __________________| |--------------------------------| | | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | | [Blue Dragon] | | Effect: 1 (LOS) | | Red Dragon | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Triple Attack [ 154 ] (HYDRA)| |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [(PA * (Br/100)] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Critical hit possible | | CALC: - | CF: + | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | _________________| |--------------------------------| | Hyudra | | Range: 1v1 (CI) | | Hydra | | Effect: 1 (x3 directions) v1 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Triple Bracelet [ 155 ] (HYDRA)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = RU{Target_MaxHP / 2} | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage is not subject to modifiers. | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Success% = MA + 120 | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 0 | _________________| |--------------------------------| | [Hyudra] | | Range: 2v2 (4 directions, CI) | | | | Effect: 2 (x3 directions) v2 | | Tiamat | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Triple Thunder [ 156 ] (HYDRA)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * [(MA + 12) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Triple Thunder will strike random panels in| | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | its effect area, and _________________| | ELEM: L | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | will strike 3 times. | | |--------------------------------| Each strike affects | [Hydra] | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | one panel. | Tiamat | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Triple Flame [ 157 ] (HYDRA)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * [(MA + 24) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Triple Flame will strike random panels in | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | its effect area, and _________________| | ELEM: F | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | will strike 3 times. | | |--------------------------------| Each strike affects | Hydra | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 2v0 | one panel. | Tiamat | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dark Whisper [ 158 ] (HYDRA)| |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * [(MA + 1) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Add: Sleep or Dead (6-10%) | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Dark Whisper will strike random panels in | | ELEM: D | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | its effect area, and _________________| |--------------------------------| will strike 6 times. | | | Range: 4 (CI) | Each strike affects | | | Effect: 2v0 | one panel. | [Tiamat] | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Snake Carrier [ 159 ] DARK CLOUD | |=============================================================================| | physical | CBG: + | MP: 0 | Damage = PA * [(PA + 5) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: + | MOD: 2 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Poison Frog [ 15A ] DARK CLOUD | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Poison, Frog | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Success% = 100 | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v1 (CI) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Midgar Swarm [ 15B ] DARK CLOUD | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * 24 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 10 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Lifebreak [ 15C ] DARK MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 2 | This damage is not affected by Zodiac | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | compatibility or other modifiers. | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Nanoflare [ 15D ] NIGHT MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | magical | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage = MA * [(MA + 5) / 2] | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 5 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Grand Cross [ 15E ] COMPLETE MAGIC | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 5 | Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Sleep | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Grand Cross has a 25% chance of adding | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | each status ailment; each status is | |--------------------------------| treated as an independent event. | | Range: 4 / Effect: 3v2 enemy | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Destroy [ 15F ] WORK | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to target: PA * 10 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage to caster: [(PA * 10) / 8] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Compress [ 160 ] WORK | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to target: PA * 12 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage to caster: [(PA * 12) / 6] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v2 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Dispose [ 161 ] WORK | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to target: PA * 10 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage to caster: [(PA * 10) / 4] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 8 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Crush [ 162 ] WORK | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Damage to target: PA * 16 | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Damage to caster: [(PA * 16) / 4] | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 1 | | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 1v0 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Energy [ 163 ] BYBLOS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Restores RU{C_MaxHP / 2} HP to target; | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Deals RU{C_MaxHP / 4} damage to caster | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | This damage is not affected by Zodiac or | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | other modifiers. | |--------------------------------| | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ | Parasite [ 164 ] BYBLOS | |=============================================================================| | neutral | CBG: - | MP: 0 | Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, | | REFL: - | CM: - | CTR: 0 | Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep | | CALC: - | CF: - | JP: 0 | Parasite has a 25% chance of adding each | | ELEM: - | EVD: - | MOD: 0 | status ailment; each status is treated | |--------------------------------| as an independent event. | | Range: 4 (CI) / Effect: 1 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .NNNN JNNNNN .NNNNNNN JNNNNNNNN .NNNNF NNNN .NNNNN` NNNN JNNNNF NNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) """""""""""NNNN"""` NNNN NNNN A B N O R M A L S T A T U S CREDITS ********************************************************* > Jjukil provided a lot of information on the Frog status. ********************************************************* There are five types of status alterations in Final Fantasy Tactics: preparative, supportive, negative, damaged-derived, and miscellaneous. Below are summaries of all the status ailments, the effects they have on your units, and how they can be identified. Abbrevations: DO - identifies a DRAW OUT technique MS - identifies a MAGIC SWORD technique (25) - status is randomly added to the target of this ability or weapon. rate of status addition is ~25%. (6) - status is randomly added to the target of this ability or weapon. rate of status addition is ~6.25%. (R) - status is added as a reaction ability (A) - this item confers Auto-status (1) - character starts battle with this status when this item is equipped The 'Duration:' category indicates the length of time that the status will remain in effect if left to its own devices (i.e., if the character is targeted by no spells or effects that add, remove, or cancel out that status). See section A.2 for definitions of the phases of battle and of 'clockticks'. 'Infinite' in this category means the effect will last the entire battle; all effects except 'Invite' and 'Morbol' will wear off at the end of battle. An ability in [brackets] indicates that the ability can only target a certain type of unit (e.g., [Dragon Tame] only affects Dragons and Hydras). Look the ability up in section 3.3 for more details. Auto-statuses, set by pieces of equipment like Excalibur (Auto-Haste) and Robe of Lords (Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell), cannot be removed unless the equipment is de-equipped, broken, or stolen. If a unit with an Auto-status (e.g., Auto-Regen) is afflicted with another status that normally would cancel the first (e.g., Poison), the second status will take effect for its normal duration (e.g., 35 clockticks) and then the first status will return. During the period that the second status is in effect, both statuses will technically be set, but only the second status will be 'expressed'. If an item that imparts an Auto-status is equipped in battle via Equip Change,the status will take effect immediately and last until the equipment is de-equiped, broken, or stolen. Auto-statuses are not subject to clocktick limits. Initial-statuses, set by equipment like the Angel Ring (Initial-Reraise) and the Stone Gun (Initial-Petrify) take effect at the beginning of battle and can be removed as normal. If an item that imparts an Initial-status is equipped in battle via Equip Change, the status will NOT take effect. To find a status by name, search for the name between brackets [ ]. _______________________________________________________________________________ [4.1] preparative status changes ========================================================================= These status changes occur when a character is preparing to execute an action. They will be cancelled when the action is executed or (at your option) at the character's next AT. [Charging] Appearance: 'C' in a starburst above character's head Description: This status occurs when a character is charging up a slow-action. When a character is in 'Charging' status, his evade percentages will all drop to 0%, and all units attacking him physically will receive a bonus to their PA (new PA = [PA * 3/2]) (i.e., the charging character will take about 1.5 times as much damage from physical attacks, and physical abilities which cause non- damaging effects (e.g., BATTLE SKILL) will have a higher chance of working). Add with: Initiate spell-casting or CHARGE directive Cancel with: Execute directive; cancel on next AT; add Berserk; add Blood Suck Duration: until the S+ phase when the slow-action is resolved. [Defending] Appearance: Arms crossed in defensive stance Description: This status is activated when the 'Defend' command is selected. When a character is 'Defending', his evade percentages will all be doubled. Note: if the character also has 'Abandon', his evade percentages will be quadrupled. If a chracter with Abandon is defending and is attacked by a character with Darkness, his evade percentages will be octupled! Add with: DEFEND, Caution (R) Cancel with: cancelled on next AT; add Berserk; add Blood Suck Duration: one turn [Performing] Appearance: Character is singing or dancing Description: This status is activated when a SING or DANCE directive is selected. When a character is 'Performing', his evade percentages will all drop to 0%. Add with: SING, DANCE Cancel with: cancellation of SING or DANCE directive; add Berserk; add Blood Suck Duration: player-determined _______________________________________________________________________________ [4.2] supportive status changes ========================================================================= These status changes will afford special abilities or protections to your characters. [Float] Appearance: Character is floating 1h above the ground Description: This status is invoked by the 'Float' spell, the accessory 'Feather Boots', or the Move ability, 'Float'. Characters with 'Float' will act as if they are stationed 1h above where they are actually standing. For example, if a character with Float is standing at height 9, and there is a character at height 7 trying to attack the floating character with an attack which has a vertical tolerance of 2, he will be unable to do so because the floater will behave as if he were standing at height 10. In addition, floating characters can move over rugged terrain such as lava and water without penalty to their movement, and are unaffected by other terrain-based penalties such as the inability to move in water of depth 2h or greater (a character with 'Float' will float 1h above the water level). Furthermore, floating characters are immune to Earth-elemental attacks. Characters with the 'Float' movement ability (but _not_ those who received the status from the boots, the Cherche, or from the TIME MAGIC), will be able to stop over lava. Add with: Float (TIME MAGIC), Feather Boots (A), Cherche (A), Float (M) Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave Duration: infinite [Haste] Appearance: Animation is sped up Description: Effective Speed = [Speed * 3/2]. Note that this is only applied in CT incrementing, and has no effect on formulas that depend on Speed, such as the damage for the THROW directive or an ATTACK with a longbow. Haste also has no effect on the charge time of a JUMP directive. Cancels: Slow Add with: Haste, Haste 2, MBarrier, DO Masamune, Excalibur (A), Setiemson (A), Nameless Song Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, add Slow Duration: 31 clockticks [Protect] Appearance: Triangle in dialogue balloon above character's head Description: Reduces physical damage by one-third. More precisely, any unit attacking the Protected unit with a physical attack will receive a PA penalty such that (revised PA) = [PA * 2/3]. Also note that though PA is the stat usually modified by Protect, it doesn't _have_ to be. Some physical attacks calculate damage or success rate based on MA or Speed. For these attacks, Protect acts as above, except replace 'PA' with 'MA' or 'Speed'. In addition, physical attacks that have stat-dependent success rates (e.g., BATTLE SKILL, STEAL) will face a penalty such that revised stat = [stat * 2/3] when targeting a Protected unit; consequently, Protect can lower either the success rate or the damage of physical attacks. Unless it is imparted by an item, Protect will wear off on its own after a time. Add with: Protect, Protect 2, Wall, MBarrier, Protect Spirit, DO Kiyomori, Salty Rage (A), Save the Queen (A), Robe of Lords (A), Nameless Song Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave Duration: 31 clockticks [Regen] Appearance: Character has a bluish glow Description: At the end of every AT, a character with Regen will gain back [MaxHP / 8] HP. Regen will wear off on its own after a time unless it is imparted by an item. Cancels: Poison Add with: Regen, MBarrier, DO Masamune, Chaos Blade (A), Chantage (A), Regenerator (R), Nameless Song Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, add Poison Duration: 35 clockticks [Reraise] Appearance: Angel hovering above character's head Description: If character is put into 'Dead' status, he will be revived with RU{MaxHP/10} on what would be his first AT after dying. Reraise is cancelled when a character is revived by it. If an Undead character has Reraise (this can only be accomplished with Auto-Reraise), Reraise will have no effect other than to prevent you from seeing the Dead counter, and to block the 50% chance of auto-revival normally associated with Undead status. Blocks: Undead Add with: Reraise, MBarrier, Angel Ring (1), Chantage (A), Dragon Spirit (R), Nameless Song Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, Duration: until revival, one AT after Dead is added [Shell] Appearance: Square in dialogue balloon above character's head Description: The caster of magical attacks against a unit will Shell will have his or her MA reduced to [MA * 2/3]. This in effect reduces the damage or success rate of magical attacks executed against the unit with Shell. Note that Shell does NOT affect damage from spells that subtract a certain percentage of the target's HP (such as Demi, Lich and Life Drain), though it may affect the success rate of these spells. Unless imparted by an item, Shell will wear off on its own after a time. Add with: Shell, Shell 2, Wall, MBarrier, DO Kiyomori, Clam Spirit, Ragnarok (A), Salty Rage (A), Robe of Lords (A), Nameless Song Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave Duration: 31 clockticks [Transparent] Appearance: Character is translucent Description: Character is ignored by computer-controlled units. Attacks made by a Transparent character ignore all evade percentages -- physical AND magical. Transparent is cancelled at the end of any AT during which the Transparent character takes an action or the Transparent character takes any damage. Add with: Sunken State (R), Secret Clothes (1), Vanish Mantle (1), Setiemson (1) Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, act with Transparent unit, damage Transparent unit Duration: player-determined _______________________________________________________________________________ [4.3] negative status changes ========================================================================= These status changes will weaken your characters or impede them from battling normally. [Blood Suck] Appearance: Character is colored purple Description: Character is a vampire. He will be uncontrollable, and attack random units with the human version of the 'Blood Suck' [0C8] attack. All evade percentages will drop to 0, and character will be unable to use reaction abilities and certain move abilities like Move-HP Up and Move-Get Exp. All monsters are inherently immune to Blood Suck. A unit with Blood Suck is considered Unable to Fight. If all units on one team are simultaneously Unable to Fight, that team loses the battle. Cancels: Charging, Defending, Performing Add with: Blood Suck [0C8] (from the BLOOD SUCK command set), Blood Suck [11C] (25%) (from the Vampire's command set) Cancel with: Deathspell 2, Holy Water Block with: 108 Gems, Barette, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Charm] Appearance: Heart in dialogue balloon above character's head Description: Character perceives enemies as allies, and allies as enemies. For instance, a Charmed enemy can cast harmful SUMMON MAGIC on other enemies. However, the (original) allies of a Charmed unit will NOT perceive it as an enemy. For example, if one of your Summoners becomes Charmed, she can cast Shiva on your party while Charmed, but other units in your party cannot cast Shiva on her. If a unit on team A is charmed by a unit on team B, mimes on team A will not mimic that unit's actions while she is Charmed, but mimes on team B will. The only effect of Charming an allied unit is to put that unit under AI control until Charm is removed. Add with: Steal Heart, Allure, Fairy Harp (25%) Cancel with: HP damage to unit Block with: N-Kai Armlet, Barette, Ribbon Duration: 31 clockticks [Chicken] Appearance: Character is, well... a chicken Description: This status is caused by a character having less than 10 Brave. The character will flee from all foes, and regain 1 Brave per AT until he reaches 10 Brave, at which point Chicken will be cancelled. Characters attacking a chicken will receive a PA bonus (usually, new PA = [PA * 3/2]) (i.e., Chickens will take about 1.5 times as much damage from physical attacks). Weapon attacks that normally have a vertical 3 tolerance when attacking from above will only have a vetical 2 tolerance if the target is a Chicken. Add with: lower Brave to 9 or less Cancel with: raise Brave to 10 Block with: nothing Duration: the number of turns it takes for Brave to increment to 10 [Confusion] Appearance: Awkward movements by character, speech balloon with '?' Description: Character will attack the unit closest to it, regardless of whether that unit is an ally or enemy, with random attacks. Confused units will also sometimes charge spells on unoccupied panels. Evasion percentages of targets attacked by a Confused unit will be doubled. Confusion also prevents the use of reaction abilities and special effect- generating Move abilities like Move-HP Up and Move-Get Exp. Confusion will be cancelled if the afflicted character takes damage. Add with: Confusion Song, MS Confuse, Confuse 2, Mind Blast, Nameless Dance, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Grand Cross, Loss, Muramasa (25%), Local Quake (25%), Holy Explosion (25%), Ramia Harp (25%) Cancel with: Esuna, Remedy, Deathspell 2, Stigma Magic, {Dragon Care}, HP damage Block with: N-Kai Armlet, Barette, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Darkness] Appearance: Eye with 'x' hovering above character Description: For physical attacks executed by a unit with Darkness, all targets' evade percentages are doubled. Add with: Blind, MS Blind, Blind 2, Darkness, Eye Gouge, Black Ink, Parasite, Bad Breath, Nameless Dance, Grand Cross, Look of Devil, Sand Storm (25%), [0CA] Bio (6%), Blind Knife (25%), Night Killer (25%) Cancel with: Esuna, Remedy, Stigma Magic, Choco Esuna, Eye Drop, Heal, {Dragon Care}, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: Angel Ring, Grand Helmet Duration: infinite [Death Sentence] Appearance: Number hovering above character Description: A countdown will start from 3 and decrement during each of the affected character's ATs. When the countdown reaches 0, the character is given 'Dead' status. The AI will ignore enemy units afflicted with Death Sentence, as if they were Transparent. If the afflicted unit is immune to Dead, Death Sentence will expire without any ill effects when the countdown reaches 0. Add with: Death Sentence (TALK SKILL), Death Sentence (Ahriman), Nightmare, Secret Fist, Quicksand (25%), Muramasa (25%), Assassin Dagger (25%) Cancel with: add Undead, add Petrify, White Staff (25%) Block with: Defense Ring, Ribbon Duration: three turns [Don't Act] Appearance: 'DA' in dialogue balloon above character's head Description: 'Act' command is sealed. Unit cannot act, evade, or use reaction abilities, including Blade Grasp and Abandon. At the end of an AT, a unit with Don't Act will have his CT decremented as if he had acted. Add with: Paralyze, MS Don't Act, Arm Aim, Galaxy Stop, Look of Devil, Chicken Race, Kamaitachi (25%), Spell Edge (25%) Cancel with: Esuna, Choco Esuna, Deathspell 2, Stigma Magic, {Dragon Care}, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: Thief Hat, Ribbon Duration: 23 clockticks [Don't Move] Appearance: 'DM' in dialogue balloon above character's head Description: 'Move' command is sealed. At the end of an AT, a unit with Don't Move will have his CT decremented as if he had moved. Add with: Don't Move, Leg Aim, Hold Tight, Galaxy Stop, Look of Devil, Goo, Pitfall (25%), Ancient Sword (25%) Cancel with: Esuna, Choco Esuna, Deathspell 2, Stigma Magic, {Dragon Care}, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: Rubber Shoes, Thief Hat, Ribbon Duration: 23 clockticks [Frog] Appearance: Character is a frog Description: Character cannot do anything but use the ATTACK command and the 'Frog' BLACK MAGIC spell; characters attacking a Frog will receive a PA bonus (new PA = [PA * 3/2]) (i.e., Frogs will take about 1.5 times as much damage from physical attacks). Attacking frogs deal damage equal to [PA * Br/100]. Berserk status has no effect on Frogs' attack damage. (Thanks to Jjukil for this detailed information on the Frog status.) Weapon attacks that normally have a vertical 3 tolerance when attacking from above will only have a vetical 2 tolerance if the target is a Frog. Frogs controlled by the AI will not trigger Countergrasp reaction abilities when they attack. Add with: Frog, Toad 2, Poison Frog, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Grand Cross, Nameless Dance, [0CD] Bio 2, Water Ball (25%), Nagrarock (25%) Cancel with: Frog, Toad 2, Poison Frog, Esuna, Stigma Magic, Remedy, Deathspell 2, Maiden's Kiss, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: 108 Gems, Cachusha, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Morbol] Appearance: Character is a Morbol Description: Works only on monsters and generic humans. Character has been transformed into a Morbol. Add with: Moldball Virus Cannot be cancelled. Duration: _really_ infinite (lasts even after battle!) [Oil] Appearance: Character is tinted black Description: This is supposed to increase damage from fire attacks. Because of a glitch, it has no effect. Add with: Self-Destruct, Grease Touch, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Bio [0CC] (6%) Cancel with: Remedy, {Dragon Care}, Octagon Rod (25%), fire-elemental attack Block with: Duration: infinite [Petrify] Appearance: Character is completely gray and does not move Description: Character's CT does not increment. Character cannot move or act. Character cannot be the target of spells or effects except for those that cancel Petrify; character cannot be damaged or healed. A unit with Petrify is considered Unable to Fight. If all units on a team are Unable to Fight, that team loses the battle. Cancels: Death Sentence, Transparent Blocks: everything Add with: Petrify, Break, Seal [0B5], Seal [0BB], [Seal Evil], Blaster, Beak, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Grand Cross, Look of Devil, Bio 2 [0D0], Finishing Touch, Carve Model (25%), Bio 3 [0D3] (6%), Chaos Blade (25%), Stone Gun (1) Cancel with: Esuna, Stigma Magic, Remedy, Choco Esuna, Soft, Deathspell 2 Block with: Jade Armlet, Barette, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Poison] Appearance: Character is glowing green Description: Character takes [MaxHP / 8] damage at the end of each AT. Cancels: Regen Add with: Poison, Poison Nail, Poison Frog, Nameless Dance, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Grand Cross, Poison Rod (25%), Poison Bow (25%) Bio [0CB] (6%) Cancel with: Esuna, Stigma Magic, Heal, Antidote, Deathspell 2, Choco Esuna, {Dragon Care}, Octagon Rod (25%), add Regen Block with: 108 Gems, Cachusha, Ribbon Duration: 35 clockticks [Silence] Appearance: Dialogue balloon with '...' above character's head Description: Character cannot use magic or TALK SKILL (disables TALK SKILL as well as any attack that normally requires charging except for SING, DANCE, JUMP, CHARGE and LIMIT -- kind of weird that you can still SING when you're silenced!) Add with: Silence Song, Silence, Lose Voice, Silf, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Nameless Dance, Grand Cross, Look of Devil, Bio 2 [0CF], Blizzard (25%), Lightning Stab (25%), Mage Masher (25%) Cancel with: Esuna, Stigma Magic, Remedy, Deathspell 2, Choco Esuna, Heal, Echo Grass, {Dragon Care} Block with: Magic Ring, Golden Hairpin, Cachusha, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Sleep] Appearance: Dialogue balloon with 'ZZZ' above character's head Description: Unit's CT stops incrementing; characters attacking a sleeping unit will receive a PA bonus (usually, new PA = [PA * 3/2]) (i.e., Sleepers will take about 1.5 times as much damage from physical attacks). Sleeping units cannot evade or use reaction abilities (including Blade Grasp and Abandon, which will be inactive while a character is asleep). Sleeping characters are immune to TALK SKILL. Add with: Sleep, MS Sleep, Mimic Daravon, Sleep 2, Nightmare, Nameless Dance, Parasite, Bad Bracelet, Grand Cross, Demon Fire (25%), Sleep Sword (25%), Zorlin Shape (25%), Dark Whisper (6%) Cancel with: Esuna, Stigma Magic, Remedy, Deathspell 2, {Dragon Care}, HP damage Block with: Defense Ring, Grand Helmet, Barette, Ribbon Duration: 59 clockticks [Slow] Appearance: Slower animation than normal Description: Character's effective speed is halved (round down). Cancels: Haste Add with: Slow, Slow 2, Death Cold, Bio 2 [0CE], Nameless Dance, Grand Cross, Gusty Wind (25%), Heaven's Cloud (25%), Slasher (25%) Cancel with: add Haste, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: Diamond Armlet, Cachusha, Ribbon Duration: 23 clockticks [Stop] Appearance: Character stops moving Description: Freezes character's CT meter. Stopped characters cannot evade or use reaction abilities, including Blade Grasp and Abandon. Stop will wear off on its own after a short time. Add with: Stop, Galaxy Stop, Shadow Stitch, Spell, Nameless Dance, Blaster, Finishing Touch, Hell Ivy (25%), Stasis Sword (25%) Cancel with: Deathspell 2, Choco Esuna, {Dragon Care}, Finishing Touch, Octagon Rod (25%) Block with: Jade Armlet, Cachusha, Ribbon, Black Costume Duration: 19 clockticks [Undead] Appearance: Character has a magenta tint Description: Character becomes undead. This has several effects: (1) most attacks which normally restore HP, such as Cure spells, Potions, and the Healing Staff, will instead subtract HP. Exception: Chakra will still heal HP. Even though Cure spells will damage the character, he still will not try to evade them. HP loss from Cure spells will still trigger damage-dependent reaction abilities, like MP Switch and Auto Potion (the latter of which sucks for the Undead unit, since it will cause even more damage!). 'Regen' status still works as normal. (2) 'Reraise' cannot be set on that character. If the character has Auto-Reraise (as from Chantage or Angel Ring), then Reraise will remain set when Undead is set. If the Undead/Reraised character is killed, that character cannot be revived by any means (aside from ending the battle). (3) the 'Death' spell will restore the character to full HP. The 'Raise' spell will subtract [Undead Character's MaxHP / 2] HP. The 'Raise 2' spell will subtract (Undead Character's Remaining HP) Note that though Undead absorb 'Death', they are _not_ immune to attacks that add: Dead, such as Stop Bracelet. (The 'Death' spell is special-cased -- it both adds Dead AND subtracts (Target's Max HP) HP. The effect of the Undead ailment is to (a) remove the add: Dead property from 'Death', and (b) reverse damage from 'Death' into healing.) Undead units will still try to evade 'Death', even though it's beneficial to them. (4) HP-draining attacks, such as Life Drain and Blood Suck, work as follows (MP is still drained as normal). effect on effect on target caster target ------ --------- --------- normal + HP - HP undead - HP + HP These rules apply whether the caster is normal or whether he is Undead as well. (5) when an Undead character has the 'Dead' status, there is a roughly 50% chance that instead of crystallizing when the countdown runs out, he will be revived with a random amount of HP (CurHP = (1..MaxHP)). (6) when a 'Death Sentence' runs out on an undead character, it will simply cancel 'Death Sentence' rather than adding 'Dead'. Blocks: Reraise Add with: Zombie, MS Zombie, Zombie Touch, Bio 3 [0D2] (6%), Cursed Ring (A) Cancel with: Holy Water Block with: 108 Gems, Cachusha, Ribbon Duration: infinite _______________________________________________________________________________ [4.4] damage-derived status changes ========================================================================= These status abnormalities occur when a character has sustained too much damage in battle. [Critical] Appearance: Character is kneeling Description: Character's current HP is less than RU{MaxHP / 5}. Critical has no adverse effects per se, but a Critical character is in danger of dying. Critical can be cancelled with HP recovery. Certain reaction abilities can only be activated when the reacting unit is in Critical status. Add with: HP depletion Cancel with: HP recovery Duration: infinite [Dead] Appearance: Character is lying on ground Description: Character has 0 HP and is incapacitated. Character does not get a turn. When 'Dead' is set, a countdown will begin from 3 and decrement by 1 at each AT the character would have had. When the countdown reaches -1, the character either turns into a treasure box or a crystal (50% chance of either outcome), and is removed from the game. Not surprisingly, a Dead unit is considered Unable to Fight. If all the members of a team are simultaneously Unable to Fight, that team loses the battle. (Interesting side note: because Dead cancels Blood Suck, and because Dead is a lot easier to remove than Blood Suck is, killing a Blood Sucked unit is often the best way to deal with it if you don't have any Holy Water handy.) Cancels: Berserk, Blood Suck, Confusion, Charm, Charging, Critical, Death Sentence, Defending, Don't Move, Don't Act, Faith, Float, Haste, Innocent, Performing, Poison, Protect, Reflect, Regen, Shell, Slow, Stop, Transparent Add with: HP depletion, Death, Stop Bracelet, Finishing Touch, Lava Ball (25%), Crush Punch (25%), Sudden Cry (25%), Bio 3 [0D1] (6%), Dark Whisper (6%) Cancel with: Raise, Raise 2, Phoenix Down, Revive, Oink Block with: Angel Ring, Barette, Ribbon, Judo Outfit, Chameleon Robe NOTE: 'Dead' inflicted by HP depletion cannot be blocked by equipment. Duration: four turns _______________________________________________________________________________ [4.5] other status changes ========================================================================= These are miscellaneous status changes that do not fit into any other category; they are not intrinsically positive or negative but can vary depending on the situation. [Berserk] Appearance: Character has a bright red tint and a red star in a speech balloon hovering above his head Description: Character's effective PA is equal to [PA * 3/2]. Character is uncontrollable, and will always use the ATTACK command. Character cannot use reaction abilities and certain move abilities, such as Move-HP Up and Move-Get Exp. Add with: Blind Rage, Berserk, Insult, Mind Blast, Grand Cross Cancel with: Esuna, Stigma Magic Block with: Magic Ring, Barette, Ribbon Duration: infinite [Faith] Appearance: Arrow up and Glabados cross in a speech balloon above character's head Description: Character's Faith is considered to be 100. (exception: UN-TRUTH attacks consider the character's Faith to be zero.) Cancels: Innocent Add with: Pray Faith, Faith, Faith Rod (25%), Faith Rod (A) Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, add Innocent Duration: 31 clockticks [Innocent] Appearance: Arrow down and Glabados cross in a speech balloon above character's head Description: Character's Faith is considered to be zero. (exception: UN-TRUTH attacks consider the character's Faith to be 100.) Cancels: Faith Add with: Doubt Faith, Innocent, Gokuu Rod (25%) Cancel with: add Faith Duration: 31 clockticks [Invite] Appearance: none visible Description: Character joins the enemy's party (as a Guest). An Invited ally becomes an enemy, and an Invited enemy becomes an ally. At the end of the battle, any Invited enemies will be given the chance to permanently join the ally party. Invited units are considered Unable to Fight (for their original team). If all the members of a team are simultaneously Unable to Fight, that team loses the battle. As far as I can tell, the AI will never try to Invite your units, even under Confusion and even if Invite is the only option possible. A unit can only be Invited once per battle; units with Invite are immune to Invite. Blocks: Invite Add with: Invitation, {Train} (when target is Critical), {Dragon Tame} Block with: Cursed Ring, Barette, Ribbon, add Invite Duration: infinite [Reflect] Appearance: none Description: Reflectable spells bounce off a character with the 'Reflect' condition and are redirected to another panel. The new target panel of the spell will at the end of a line segment drawn between caster and target, where the target is the midpoint. This is much easier to explain with a diagram: _|_|_|_|_|_|_ _|_|_|_|_|_|_ c = caster _|_|_|_|_|r|_ t = target _|_|_|t|_|_|_ r = new target panel for reflected spell _|c|_|_|_|_|_ _|_|_|_|_|_|_ Add with: Reflect, Carbunkle, Lick, Reflect Mail (A), Reflect Ring (A), Cherche (A) Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave Duration: 31 clockticks [Quick] Appearance: n/a Description: If the Quicked character is eligible (i.e., he has no status ailments that would prevent him from taking a turn), that character gets a quick-turn. Quick is cancelled upon the beginning of this AT. (If a Stopped character is Quicked, he will remain at CT 100 until after Stop wears off). Quick-turns take precedence over all other turns; they are placed at the top of the AT_list regardless of the character's position on the character_list (see A.2). See A.4 for a detailed discussion of the Quick status. Add with: Quick, {Dragon LevelUp}, Last Song, Critical Quick (R) Duration: instantaneous NNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNNNNNNNNNNN) JNNN NNNN_________. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNL (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) 4NNN) _ (NNN) 4NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "NNNNNNNNNNNN" M I S C E L L A N Y CREDITS ******************************************************** > Goryus , through tireless testing, provided much of the data for the miscellaneous factoids in this section, including the formula for teleport percentage and the chances of random events occurring. ******************************************************** _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.1] crystals ========================================================================= When an enemy crystallizes and you are given the opportunity to learn its abilities, you will gain ALL of the abilities on the list, not just the one you select. Each ability has a characteristic chance of appearing on the list that is generated when a unit picks up a crystal. In order for the crystal- picking unit to learn a given ability, these conditions must be met: (1) The unit that left the crystal must have had the ability learned; (2) The unit that picks up the crystal must have access to the EXACT job from which the dead unit learned the ability. For instance, a (34)-Holy Knight (Agrias' class) cannot learn Lightning Stab from a dead (05)-Holy Knight (Delita's class). Note that only humans can transfer abilities via crystal -- monsters always have access to their full complement of abilities anyway, so it would be kind of pointless. Here are these crystallization probabilities for all the game's abilities. ABILITY CHANCE | ABILITY CHANCE | ABILITY CHANCE ----------------------+------------------------+---------------------- Cure 90% | Diamond Sword 50% | Triple Bracelet 100% Cure 2 80% | Hydragon Pit 50% | Triple Thunder 100% Cure 3 60% | Space Storage 50% | Triple Flame 100% Cure 4 40% | Sky Demon 50% | Dark Whisper 100% Raise 70% | Heaven Bltback 100% | Snake Carrier 100% Raise 2 50% | Asura Back 50% | Poison Frog 100% Reraise 50% | Dia Swd Back 50% | Midgar Swarm 100% Regen 60% | Dragon Pit Back 50% | Lifebreak 100% Protect 60% | Space Str Back 50% | Nanoflare 100% Protect 2 10% | Sky Demon Back 50% | Grand Cross 100% Shell 60% | Seal 100% | Destroy 100% Shell 2 10% | Shadow Stitch 100% | Compress 100% Wall 20% | Stop Bracelet 100% | Dispose 100% Esuna 60% | [Ability 0B8] 0% | Crush 100% Holy 50% | Shock 100% | Energy 100% Fire 90% | Difference 100% | Parasite 100% Fire 2 65% | Seal 100% | [Ability 165] 100% Fire 3 40% | Chicken Race 100% | [Ability 166] 100% Fire 4 30% | Hold Tight 100% | [Ability 167] 100% Bolt 90% | Darkness 100% | [Ability 168] 100% Bolt 2 75% | Lose Voice 100% | [Ability 169] 100% Bolt 3 55% | Loss 100% | [Ability 16A] 100% Bolt 4 30% | Spell 100% | [Ability 16B] 100% Ice 90% | Nightmare 100% | [Ability 16C] 100% Ice 2 85% | Death Cold 100% | [Ability 16D] 100% Ice 3 70% | Magic Ruin 100% | [Ability 16E] 100% Ice 4 30% | Speed Ruin 100% | [Ability 16F] 100% Poison 60% | Power Ruin 100% | Potion 100% Frog 50% | Mind Ruin 100% | Hi-Potion 70% Death 20% | Blood Suck 100% | X-Potion 45% Flare 50% | Allure 100% | Ether 25% Haste 80% | Bio 100% | Hi-Ether 10% Haste 2 20% | Bio 100% | Elixir 5% Slow 80% | Bio 100% | Antidote 65% Slow 2 20% | Bio 2 100% | Eye Drop 35% Stop 40% | Bio 2 100% | Echo Grass 35% Don't Move 60% | Bio 2 100% | Maiden's Kiss 35% Float 40% | Bio 2 100% | Soft 35% Reflect 70% | Bio 3 100% | Holy Water 10% [Ability 028] 0% | Bio 3 100% | Remedy 70% Quick 10% | Bio 3 100% | Phoenix Down 60% Demi 75% | MBarrier 100% | Shuriken 90% Demi 2 50% | Leg Aim 50% | Knife 50% Meteor 30% | Arm Aim 50% | Sword 50% [Ability 02D] 0% | Seal Evil 50% | Hammer 50% Blind 80% | Melt 50% | Katana 50% Spell Absorb 20% | Tornado 50% | Ninja Sword 50% Life Drain 50% | Quake 50% | Axe 50% Pray Faith 60% | [Ability 0DB] 0% | Spear 50% Doubt Faith 60% | [Ability 0DC] 0% | Stick 50% Zombie 20% | Toad 2 100% | Knight Sword 50% Silence Song 70% | Gravi 2 100% | Dictionary 50% Blind Rage 40% | Flare 2 100% | Ball 50% Foxbird 50% | Blind 2 100% | Level Jump2 50% Confusion Song 60% | Small Bomb 100% | Level Jump3 50% Dispel Magic 30% | Small Bomb 100% | Level Jump4 50% Paralyze 60% | Confuse 2 100% | Level Jump5 50% Sleep Song 70% | Sleep 2 100% | Level Jump8 50% Petrify Song 20% | Ultima 100% | Vertical Jump2 50% Moogle 90% | All-ultima 100% | Vertical Jump3 50% Shiva 70% | Mute 100% | Vertical Jump4 50% Ramuh 75% | Despair 2 100% | Vertical Jump5 50% Ifrit 80% | Return 2 100% | Vertical Jump6 50% Titan 60% | Blind 60% | Vertical Jump7 50% Golem 10% | Aspel 62% | Vertical Jump8 50% Carbuncle 50% | Drain 64% | Charge +1 70% Bahamut 20% | Faith 66% | Charge +2 50% Odin 20% | Innocent 68% | Charge +3 50% Leviathan 40% | Zombie 70% | Charge +4 50% Salamander 30% | Silence 72% | Charge +5 50% Sylph 60% | Berserk 74% | Charge +7 50% Fairy 60% | Chicken 76% | Charge +10 50% Lich 30% | Confuse 78% | Charge +20 50% Cyclops 20% | Despair 80% | CT 40% Zodiac 90% | Don't Act 82% | Level 45% Asura 50% | Sleep 84% | Exp 55% Kotetsu 50% | Break 86% | Height 60% Bizen Boat 50% | Ice Bracelet 100% | Prime Number 50% Murasame 50% | Fire Bracelet 100% | 5 55% Heaven's Cloud 50% | Thnder Bracelet 100 | 4 65% Kiyomori 50% | Dragon Tame 50% | 3 70% Muramasa 30% | Dragon Care 50% | A Save 50% Kikuichimoji 40% | Dragon PowerUp 50% | MA Save 50% Masamune 20% | Dragon LevelUp 50% | Speed Save 50% Chirijiraden 10% | Holy Bracelet 50% | Sunken State 10% Angel Song 50% | Shock! 10% | Caution 10% Life Song 50% | Braver 100% | Dragon Spirit 50% Cheer Song 50% | Cross-slash 100% | Regenerator 50% Battle Song 50% | Blade Beam 100% | Brave Up 45% Magic Song 50% | Climhazzard 100% | Face Up 45% Nameless Song 50% | Meteorain 100% | MP Restore 50% Last Song 50% | Finishing Touch 100% | HP Restore 50% Witch Hunt 50% | Omnislash 100% | Critical Quick 30% Wiznaibus 50% | Cherry Blossom 100% | Meatbone Slash 50% Slow Dance 50% | Choco Attack 100% | Counter Magic 50% Polka-Polka 50% | Choco Ball 100% | Counter Tackle 50% Disillusion 50% | Choco Meteor 100% | Counter Flood 50% Nameless Dance 50% | Choco Esuna 100% | Absorb Used MP 50% Last Dance 50% | Choco Cure 100% | Gilgame Heart 20% Spin Fist 90% | Tackle 100% | Reflect 50% Repeated Fist 50% | Goblin Punch 100% | Auto Potion 50% Wave Fist 50% | Turn Punch 100% | Counter 80% Earth Slash 50% | Eye Gouge 100% | [Ability 1BB] 50% Secret Fist 50% | Mutilate 100% | Distribute 40% Stigma Magic 60% | Bite 100% | MP Switch 50% Chakra 70% | Small Bomb 100% | Damage Split 50% Revive 30% | Self Destruct 100% | Weapon Guard 60% Gil Taking 90% | Flame Attack 100% | Finger Guard 40% Steal Heart 40% | Spark 100% | Abandon 50% Steal Helmet 50% | Scratch 100% | Catch 50% Steal Armor 50% | Cat Kick 100% | Blade Grasp 50% Steal Shield 50% | Blaster 100% | Arrow Guard 50% Steal Weapon 50% | Poison Nail 100% | Hamedo 50% Steal Accessory 50% | Blood Suck 100% | Equip Armor 50% Steal Exp. 55% | Tentacle 100% | Equip Shield 45% Invitation 80% | Black Ink 100% | Equip Sword 50% Persuade 50% | Odd Soundwave 100% | Equip Katana 50% Praise 50% | Mind Blast 100% | Equip Crossbow 50% Threaten 50% | Level Blast 100% | Equip Spear 10% Preach 50% | Knife Hand 100% | Equip Axe 5% Solution 50% | Thunder Soul 100% | Equip Gun 25% Death Sentence 50% | Aqua Soul 100% | Half of MP 50% Negotiate 50% | Ice Soul 100% | Gained JP-UP 50% Insult 50% | Wind Soul 100% | Gained EXP-UP 50% Mimic Daravon 50% | Throw Spirit 100% | Attack UP 50% Pitfall 50% | Zombie Touch 100% | Defense UP 50% Water Ball 60% | Sleep Touch 100% | Magic Att. UP 50% Hell Ivy 60% | Drain Touch 100% | Magic Def. UP 50% Carve Model 60% | Grease Touch 100% | Concentrate 50% Local Quake 60% | Wing Attack 100% | Train 50% Kamaitachi 60% | Look of Devil 100% | Secret Hunt 50% Demon Fire 60% | Look of Fright 100% | Martial Arts 50% Quicksand 60% | Circle 100% | Monster Talk 50% Sand Storm 60% | Death Sentence 100% | Throw Item 50% Blizzard 60% | Scratch Up 100% | Maintenance 50% Gusty Wind 60% | Beak 100% | Two Hands 50% Lava Ball 60% | Shine Lover 100% | Two Swords 50% Head Break 50% | Feather Bomb 100% | Monster Skill 55% Armor Break 50% | Beaking 100% | Defend 35% Shield Break 50% | Straight Dash 100% | Equip Change 100% Weapon Break 50% | Nose Bracelet 100% | [Ability 1E1] 0% Magic Break 50% | Oink 100% | Short Charge 50% Speed Break 50% | Pooh- 100% | Non-charge 50% Power Break 50% | Please Eat 100% | [Ability 1E4] 50% Mind Break 50% | Leaf Dance 100% | [Ability 1E5] 50% Accumulate 50% | Protect Spirit 100% | Move +1 50% Dash 90% | Clam Spirit 100% | Move +2 42% Throw Stone 80% | Spirit of Life 100% | Move +3 32% Heal 70% | Magic Spirit 100% | Jump +1 50% Yell 50% | Shake Off 100% | Jump +2 45% Cheer Up 50% | Wave Around 100% | Jump +3 32% Wish 100% | Mimic Titan 100% | Ignore Height 50% Scream 50% | Gather Power 100% | Move-HP Up 50% Ultima 100% | Blow Fire 100% | Move-MP Up 50% Stasis Sword 100% | Tentacle 100% | Move-Get Exp 50% Split Punch 80% | Lick 100% | Move-Get Jp 50% Crush Punch 70% | Goo 100% | Can't enter H2O 50% Lightning Stab 60% | Bad Bracelet 100% | Teleport 50% Holy Explosion 50% | Moldball Virus 100% | Teleport 2 100% Shellbust Stab 90% | Stab Up 100% | Any Weather 50% Blastar Punch 80% | Sudden Cry 100% | Any Ground 50% Hellcry Punch 70% | Hurricane 100% | Move in Water 50% Icewolf Bite 60% | Ulmaguest 100% | Walk on Water 50% Dark Sword 50% | Giga Flare 100% | Move on Lava 30% Night Sword 100% | Dash 100% | Move Underwate 50% Dark Holy 100% | Tail Swing 100% | Float 50% Deathspell 2 100% | Ice Bracelet 100% | Fly 50% Galaxy Stop 100% | Fire Bracelet 100% | Silent Walk 50% Heaven Thunder 100% | Thnder Bracelet 100 | Move-Find Item 75% Asura 50% | Triple Attack 100% | For generic humans, he color of the crystal is an indicator of the unit's palette: Ramza's units (palette 00) ............ teal-gray crystal Hokuten units (palette 01) ............ bright blue crystal Nanten units (palette 02) ............. red crystal Death Corps uints (palette 03) ........ yellow crystal Glabados Church units (palette 04) .... purplish-gray crystal Special humans and humanoid monsters will always drop teal-gray crystals, regardless of their palette byte (although the poof of smoke that accompanies crystal formation will be colored by the palette byte). Standard monsters' crystal color is determined by the unit's 'tier' within its species. Tier 1 monsters (Chocobo, Goblin, etc.) ................ teal-gray crystal Tier 2 monsters (Black Chocobo, Black Goblin, etc.) .... bright blue crystal Tier 3 monsters (Red Chocobo, Gobbledeguck, etc.) ...... red crystal _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.2] counter magic ========================================================================= The 'Counter Magic' reaction ability causes a character to respond to a magical attack with the same magical attack, with the caster of the original magic being the epicenter of the countered magic's range. Counter Magic is activated by the following spells: - All Black Magic except Fire 4, Ice 4, and Bolt 4 - Holy, Dark Holy - Yin-Yang Magic except Pray Faith and Doubt Faith - Slow, Slow 2, Don't Move, Quick, Stop, Demi, Demi 2, Meteor - Bio, Bio 2, Bio 3 - Melt, Tornado, Quake - Attacks from the Blaze Gun, Glacier Gun, and Blast Gun For a discussion of the Counter Magic-Quick phenomenon, see section A.3. Counter Magic cannot counter Calculated spells, nor can it counter spells which have already been Reflected. Similarly, a spell cast by Counter Magic cannot be Reflected. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.3] experience and job points ========================================================================= EXPERIENCE ---------- The Exp that a unit will gain when performing an action is given by the following equation. Exp = [Max{(10 + (T_Lv - C_Lv) + D), 1} * M] where T_Lv is the target's level C_Lv is the caster's (attacker's) level M = 2 if the caster has 'Gained Exp-UP' 1 otherwise D is a 'death modifier' that only applies if the action kills its target. We define the variable PrevKills as the number of times the target has been killed previously in this battle, excluding the current kill. D is then determined as follows: If PrevKills = 0, then D = +10 If PrevKills = 1, then D = 0 If PrevKills = 2, then D = -4 If PrevKills = 3, then D = -5 If PrevKills = 4, then D = -6 If PrevKills = 5, then D = -7 If PrevKills > 5, then D = -8 (Thanks to Degenerator 12 for this information!) As an example of this, let's imagine a level 50 unit without Gained Exp-UP killing a level 53 unit repeatedly. It doesn't matter if the killing is accomplished by adding Dead directly or by depleting the unit's HP. First kill: PrevKills = 0, D = 10 Exp = (10 + (53 - 50) + 10) = 13 + 10 = 23 Second kill: PrevKills = 1, D = 0 Exp = (10 + (53 - 50) + 0) = 13 + 0 = 13 Third kill: PrevKills = 2, D = -1 Exp = (10 + (53 - 50) - 1) = 13 - 1 = 12 . . . Sixth kill: PrevKills = 5, D = -8 Exp = (10 + (53 - 50) - 8) = 13 - 8 = 5 Seventh kill: PrevKills = 6, D = -8 Exp = (10 + (53 - 50) - 8) = 13 - 8 = 5 . . . And so on. As you can see, killing a unit nets you extra experiencne at first, but if you repeatedly kill the unit, you are penalized. The bonuses to Exp for consecutive kills of the same unit run as follows: +10, 0, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, .... The -8 seems to go on ad infinitum. Remember, minimum Exp that an action can give is 1. If the action has multiple (let's say N) targets, the caster will be awarded Max{Exp.(1),Exp.(2), ... ,Exp.(N)}, where Exp.(X) refers to the experience awarded for executing the action on target X. JOB POINTS ---------- JP are doled out according to this equation: JP = [(8 + (JobLevel * 2) + [Lv / 4]) * M] where JobLevel is caster's level at their current job (can range from 1 - 8) Lv is the level of the person performing the action M is 3/2 if the caster has 'Gained JP-UP' 1 otherwise JP SHARING When unit X gains JP, everyone else in the party will earn [gained JP / 4] towards the job which unit X currently has. Note: if unit X has 'Gained JP-UP', the extra JP given by that ability are ignored in the JP sharing equation. Monsters do not receive JP. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.4] learning magic without jp ========================================================================= The spells Ultima and Zodiac must be learned 'blue mage style': by experiencing their effects. However, other spells can be learned in this manner as well. In order for a unit to learn a spell blue mage style, his or her current job MUST coincide with the spell's job of origin. The learning unit must be a target of the spell, the spell must succeed on the learning unit. Success is defined as dealing damage greater than zero (for damaging attacks) or adding the intended status (for status-adding attacks). If these conditions are met, the target will be given a chance to learn the spell. WIZARD SUMMONER 03-SQUIRE (Ramza #3) -------------- ---------------- -------------------- Fire 4 Bahamut Ultima* Ice 4 Odin Bolt 4 Leviathan CLERIC Salamander -------------------- PRIEST Lich Ultima* -------------- Cyclops Cure 4 Zodiac* ASSASSIN Protect 2 -------------------- Shell 2 Ultima* TIME MAGE -------------------------------------- -------------- | * indicates spells that can ONLY | Haste 2 | be learned blue mage style | Slow 2 -------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.5] weather and terrain ========================================================================= The weather and terrain on the battlefield can have a (limited) influence on the battle mechanics. Normally you can move a number of sqaures equal to your Move statistic, so we might say that moving one square uses one 'Move Point'. WATER ----- When moving through flowing water, moving one square instead uses two Move Points. You cannot advance a square in flowing water unless you have two Move Points left. This means if you have a Move of 5, you will only be able to move two squares in flowing water. This effect is nullified if the unit in question has the movement abilities 'Any Ground' or 'Move Undrwater' equipped. Stagnant water has no effect on Move under normal conditions. However, if it is raining heavily or thunderstorming, stagnant water (as in marshes and small ponds) also requires two Move Points to traverse one square. This effect is nullified if the unit in question has the movement abilities 'Any Weather' or 'Move Undrwater' equipped. When standing in water, you are considered to be at a height equal to the stated height of the panel minus the depth of the water, unless you have an ability that changes this such as 'Float' (which allows you to hover 1h over the water) or 'Move in Water' (which allows you to walk on the water). If a unit is submerged in water 2h deep or greater, the unit cannot Act or use reaction abilities (including Abandon and Blade Grasp, which will become disabled). This effect is neutralized if the unit has the 'Float' status or the movement abilities 'Move in Water' or 'Walk on Water'. THUNDERSTORMS ------------- In some battles, thunderstorms will be occurring. If this is the case, then damage from Lightning-elemental spells = [normal_damage * 5/4] and damage from Fire-elemental spells = [normal_damage * 3/4]. This effect is also nullified if the caster has the 'Any Weather' ability. SNOWSTORMS ---------- In the case of a snowstorm during battle, damage from Ice-elemental spells = [normal_damage * 5/4]. This, too, is nullified if the caster has 'Any Weather'. SLOPED PANELS ------------- When moving onto a panel over a height difference, the overall height of the panel is irrelevant; what is relevant is the height of the edge that borders the panel you are moving to. To illustrate: (B) - stated height = '7' |\ 8 Assume each panel is two characters wide, and 1h = | \ 7 1 character high. A unit standing on C (3h) | | 6 with a Jump of 3 can make it onto panel (B), even | | 5 though the stated height is 7, because the closer (A)| |(C) 4 edge is of height 6. Similarly, a unit standing --|-- --|--| 3 on (A) with a Jump of 4 _cannot_ make it onto panel (B), even though the stated height is 7, because the closer edge is at height 8. HORIZONTAL JUMPING ------------------ A unit is able to jump over a horizontal gap of length [Jump / 2] panels, where 'Jump' is the unit's Jump statistic. Jump +1, Jump +2, and Jump +3 increase your ability to Jump horizontally, as they affect your Jump statistic directly, but Ignore Height does not, as it only permits infinite vertical jumping. FALLING ------- If a character falls (because of the knocking back effect of Throw Stone, a critical hit, or a similar attack) a distance greater than his Jump statistic, he will sustain damage: fall_damage = RU{((fall_distance - Jump) * MaxHP) / 10} STEEL NEEDLE TRAPS ------------------ Steel Needle traps deal damage equal to [MaxHP / 5]. DEGENERATOR TRAPS ----------------- Degenerator traps cause you to lose 1 level, and lose the stat growth that you would have gained during that level up had it occured in your current job. If you step on one at level 1, you will remain at level 1, but your stats will still undergo a decrease according to the level down formula found in section 7.4. A SHOT IN THE DARK ------------------ When the battle takes place at night, there is an accuracy penalty charged to users of bows and crossbows. A target's evade percentages (P.CEv, P.SEv, P.AEv) are increased as follows: night_evade = RU{evade * 4/3} Note that this doesn't apply for guns. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.6] blade grasp ========================================================================= The Samurai's 'Blade Grasp' is a powerful little reaction ability which has the effect of adding an additional evade multiplier of (1 - (Br/100)) to the success% of the attack in question. Blade Grasp is not the same as evasion, however -- several attacks which can be evaded cannot be blocked by Blade Grasp, and a few that can be blocked by Blade Grasp cannot be evaded by other means. Blade Grasp works on the same attacks that Counter does (see the list in section 3.3), with the exception that Blade Grasp works against Spell Guns, while Counter does not. Note that in the case of a Two Swords attack, Blade Grasp can only block one of the two hits -- if the first hit is Grasped, the second can't be (but if the first hit connects, the second can be Grasped). Blade Grasp does not activate in response to blows from the Counter, Hamedo or Meatbone Slash reaction abilities. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.7] teleport ========================================================================= (thanks to Goryus on the GameFAQs FFT Message Board for this data) The 'Teleport' ability from the Time Mage is one of the game's best, allowing a unit to ignore height differences and pass through walls and obstacles. Teleport can fail if you attempt to teleport too far, however, and the success rate is given by the formula below. success% = min(100, (100 - 10 * (teleport_distance - move))) where 'teleport_distance' is the number of squares that you are teleporting -- note that just as with normal movement, each square you move diagonally counts as two squares, because you can only move in four directions (forward, backward, left and right). 'Move' is the Move stat of the person who is teleporting. This equation essentially means that you are penalized 10% for each square outside your movement range that you attempt to teleport. If you teleport inside your movement range, you are guaranteed success. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.8] random events ========================================================================= (thanks to Goryus for the data in this section) There are a few attacks in FFT that have an additional effect sometimes when they are used. These include the Holy Sword attacks, weapons with 'Add:', and the Dash and Throw Stone abilities. Here is a list of random occurrences along with their probabilities of happening. EVENT PROB. DESCRIPTION / EXAMPLES -------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------- Add status 25% when the status name appears in red in the damage prediction area. examples include Death Sentence from Split Punch, Frog from the Nagrarock, and all the status ailments caused by Geomancy. The one exception to this is Blood Suck, which seems to have a 100% success rate on the human version, and a 25% success rate on the Vampire version. Weapon's magic 25% random spellcasting from weapons like the Ice Brand, Fire Rod, Holy Lance, and Lightning Bow Spell quote 15% long spell quote vs. only the name of the spell Critical hit 5% a physical attack that causes more damage. it will make a different sound and the damage numbers will appear in a different way than usual. See section 2.1 for details. Katana breakage 15% when using DRAW OUTs Knockback 50% targets of certain attacks will be knocked back one square (assuming there is an empty square in back of where the target is standing) fifty percent of the time. The following attacks can trigger this: (Critical hit), Dash, Throw Stone, Cat Kick, Tail Swing. Undead revival 50% a unit with 'Undead' status will be revived with a random number of HP from 1 to (MaxHP) instead of crystallizing when the Dead counter reaches -1. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.9] longbow range modifications ========================================================================= Normally, longbows can fire between three and five squares away from the archer. However, height differences modify this range. Call this height difference 'HD': HD = (shooter's height - target's height) bow range = 5 + [HD / 2] This means that you get a +1 range extension for each 2h in vertical height if you are higher, and a -1 range penalty for every 2h in vertical height if you are lower. Crossbows are not subject to this range modification. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.10] on brave and faith ======================================================================== When the game generates new units, it randomly assigns Brave and Faith values, with the exception of a few story battle enemies (bosses and the Wizards at Bethla Sluice, for example) that have fixed Faith. The range of Brave and Faith values depends on where the unit is generated: UNIT IS GENERATED RANGE OF BR & FA ----------------- ---------------- At start of game (45..74) As random enemy (45..74) In soldier office (40..70) From monster egg (40..70) Unlike most other stats, you can permanently change Brave and Faith during a battle. The formula by which the permanent Brave or Faith gain is determined is permanent_BraveGain = [battle_BraveGain / 4] permanent_FaithGain = [battle_FaithGain / 4] where battle_BraveGain = (Brave at end of battle - Brave at start of battle) battle_FaithGain = (Faith at end of battle - Brave at start of battle) To write the equation in plain English: for ever four points of Brave or Faith you gain (lose) in battle, you will gain (lose) one permanently. Furthermore, if your Brave gets too low, or your Faith too high, bad things will happen. If his or her Faith is greater than or equal to 95 at the end of a battle, any character except for Ramza or a Guest will immediately leave the party out of religious fervor, never to be heard from again (maybe they join the Glabadosian Right?). If the unit's Faith is 85 to 94, you'll sometimes receive 'Warnings' at the end of battle warning you how your bloodthirsty ways are unholy. If the unit's Brave is 5 or lower at the end of a battle, the unit will immediately leave the party due to cowardice. If the unit's Brave is 6 to 15, you'll sometimes get a cowardly 'Warning' at the end of the battle. The above apply to in-battle Brave and Faith values, not permanent Brave and Faith values. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.11] enemy levels ======================================================================== Levels of enemy units in FFT can be determined by three different schemes. FIXED LEVEL: This is used for most enemies in story battles. The enemy's level is fixed at a certain value and will always be the same, regardless of the levels of your party members. For instance, Velius is always at Level 31. VARIABLE RANDOM: This is used for most enemies in random battles. The enemy's level is randomly chosen based on the highest-levelled member of your party. This counts all units on your 16-man roster, regardless of whether you actually bring them into battle. If we call the level of this highest-levelled unit 'HiLv': enemy level = ((HiLv - [HiLv/8]) .. HiLv) VARIABLE NONRANDOM: This scheme is used for certain enemies in random battles and is especially prevalent in the Deep Dungeon. If we use the same definition of HiLv as above: enemy level = HiLv + K where K is some constant (in practice, it ranges from 0 to ~24) In all cases, the maximum level that can be generated is 99. _______________________________________________________________________________ [5.12] missing and guarding ======================================================================== When attacks fail to connect, there are a few different messages that can be displayed. 'Missed!' is displayed under the following conditions: (1) The attack misses due to inherent inaccuracy (most status-inducing attacks, STEAL and BATTLE SKILL commands don't have a 100% success rate, even independent of evasion). (2) The target evades the attack through its C-Ev (class evasion). (3) The target is not a valid target for the attack, but the attack would have been beneficial to the unit had it succeeded (e.g., casting Dragon Care on a target that is not a Dragon or Hydra). 'Guarded' is displayed under the following conditions: (1) The target has inherent, equipment-mediated, or status-mediated immunity to the effect of the attack (e.g., trying to target Stop on a unit with the Black Costume, trying to use status effects on a Zodiac beast with inherent immunity, or trying to Invite a unit that has already been Invited). (2) The target evades the attack through its S-Ev (shield evasion). In this case, an image of the target's shield will also appear. (3) The target evades the attack through its W-Ev (weapon evasion) in conjunction with Weapon Guard. In this case, an image of the target's weapon will also appear. (3) The target evades the attack through its A-Ev (mantle evasion). (4) The target dodges the attack through Blade Grasp. In this case, the target will also raise both arms. (5) The target is not a valid target for the attack, but the attack would have been harmful to the target had it succeeded (e.g., casting Seal Evil on a non-Unead unit or casting a MIGHTY SWORD attack on a unit lacking the proper piece of equipment). 'Caught' is displayed if a unit intercepts a THROW attack using the Catch reaction ability. Attacks on Dead units (other than those that cancel: Dead) will not even graphically resolve, nor will attacks targeted on units of the wrong team (Allure on an ally, for example). _JNNNN. JNNNNNNNNN) .NNNNNNNNNN"" (NNNNF` NNNNL_________. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNL NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) NNNN" 4NNN) NNNN (NNN) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN `4NNNNNNNNNNN" R E A C T I O N , S U P P O R T, & M O V E M E N T A B I L I T I E S _______________________________________________________________________________ [6.1] reaction abilities ========================================================================= I've divided reaction abilities into five groups, based on how they are triggered: pseudo-support abilities, damage-triggered abilities, countergrasp abilities, abilities activated when critical, and other abilities. No reaction abilities will activate if the reacting unit has Berserk, Blood Suck, Don't Act, Sleep, Confusion or Stop. PSEUDO-SUPPORT ABILITIES: These reaction abilities act more like support abilities, in that they do not depend on Brave, nor do they require a specific trigger to activate -- essentially, they are always active if set. These are good choices for low-Brave units. [Abandon] (400 JP, Ninja): This ability doubles all inherent, shield, accessory, and weapon evade percentages. That is, instead of (1 - Ev), each evasion statistic contributes a multiplier of (1 - 2*Ev) to the success percent equation for evadable attacks. [Weapon Guard] (200 JP, Knight): This ability enables your weapon evasion (W-EV) statistic. DAMAGE-TRIGGERED ABILTIES: These abilities are triggered if you receive HP damage from any OTHER unit -- including 0 damage. They will trigger (Brave)% of the time. [A Save] (550 JP, Dancer): PA +1. [Auto Potion] (400 JP, Chemist): Use a Potion (recovers 30 HP). If you have no Potions in stock, use a Hi-Potion (recovers 70 HP). If you have no Hi-Potions in stock, use an X-Potion (recovers 150 HP). If you have none of these potions in stock, the ability has no effect. [Caution] (200 JP, Thief): Add: Defending. [Damage Split] (300 JP, Calculator): The unit that damaged you will take RU{damage / 2} damage and you will recover RU{damage / 2} HP. (Will only trigger if damage > 0.) [Gilgame Heart] (200 JP, Thief): Steal (Damage * 10) gil from the enemy, where Damage is the amount of damage that was just done to you. [MA Save] (450 JP, Bard): MA +1. [Regenerator] (400 JP, Priest): Add: Regen. [Speed Save] (800 JP, Archer): Speed +1. COUNTERGRASP: So called from the two most popular reaction abilities of this class, Counter and Blade Grasp, these attacks will be triggered by any of the physical attacks listed below. The attack does not have to succeed or cause damage in order for the reaction ability to activate. Like most reaction abilities, these will activate Br% of the time. ------------LIST OF COUNTERGRASP ACTIVATORS------------- |========================================================| | ATTACK* Eye Gouge Beaking | | JUMP Scratch Shine Lover | | THROW Poison Nail Straight Dash | | CHARGE Blood Suck** Bite | | BATTLE SKILL Tentacle (squid) Shake Off | | Steal Helmet Knife Hand Wave Around | | Steal Armor Sleep Touch Tentacle (morbol) | | Steal Weapon Grease Touch Goo | | Steal Accessry Drain Touch Stab Up | | Steal Shield Zombie Touch Sudden Cry | | Gil Taking Snake Carrier Dash (dragon) | | Choco Attack Wing Attack Tail Swing | | Tackle Scratch Up Triple Attack | | Goblin Punch Beak | | | | * Countergrasp reactions (except Blade Grasp) do not | | work against ATTACKs with magic guns | | ** Vampire version of 'Blood Suck' only! | -------------------------------------------------------- [Blade Grasp] - 700 JP, Samurai This ability makes the base hit percentage for Countergraspable attacks executed against you equal to (Base - Br) instead of Base, where Base is the success rate of the attack before evasion is considered. Unlike the other Countergrasp reaction abilities, Blade Grasp DOES work against magic guns. Blade Grasp can only activate once per attack, so it will at most block one of the two hits from a Two Swords attack. Blade Grasp is NOT considered to be evasion, and its effects stack with those of evasion. See section 5.6 for details. [Brave Up] - 500 JP, Dancer Br +3. [Counter] - 300 JP, Monk If the unit which attacked you is within range of your equipped weapon, you will counter with an ATTACK directive. The Counter-ATTACK can't trigger reactions (except pseudo-supports), which means it can't be blocked by Blade Grasp. [Counter Tackle] - 180 JP, Squire) If the unit that attacked you is within range of 'Dash', you will counter with 'Dash'. [Dragon Spirit] - 560 JP, Lancer Add: Reraise, unless you already have Reraise or are immune to Reraise. [Sunken State] - 900 JP, Ninja Add: Transparent, unless you are immune to Transparent. ABILITIES ACTIVATED WHEN IN CRITICAL STATUS: These abilities will activate Br% of the time if you receive HP damage from ANOTHER unit (including 0 damage) and are in Critical status after that damage resolves. It doesn't matter whether or not you were Critical before the damage was dealt. [Critical Quick] - 700 JP, Time Mage Add: Quick. This ability can be used to set up 'The Quickening', which allows your units to get infinite turns. See Shinmen Takazo's excellent Quickening FAQ on gamefaqs.com for details. [HP Restore] - 500 JP, Monk Restore (your MaxHP - your CurrentHP) HP. (In other words, restore your HP to maximum.) [Meatbone Slash] - 200 JP, Samurai If the attacker is within range of your weapon, you will counter with 'Meatbone Slash', a neutral MOD 0 attack that deals damage equal to your Max HP. [MP Restore] - 400 JP, Summoner Restore (your MaxMP - your CurrentMP) MP. (In other words, restore your MP to maximum.) OTHER REACTION ABILITIES: These don't fit in any category. [Absorb Used MP] - 250 JP, Oracle Whenever another unit uses an ability that costs MP, and you are one of the targets, you have a Br% chance of gaining the amount of MP that the other unit consumed. [Arrow Guard] - 450 JP, Archer This is like Blade Grasp, but it only works on bow and crossbow attacks (this includes ATTACK, CHARGE, BATTLE SKILL, and SNIPE, with bow or crossbow equipped). See 'Blade Grasp'. [Catch] - 200 JP, Thief If you are targeted with a THROW attack, you will catch the item and add it to your inventory Br% of the time. The message 'Caught' will be displayed in red upon a successful Catch. Mimed THROW attacks cannot be Caught (I guess this is because no 'real' item is consumed for a mimed THROW). [Counter Flood] - 300 JP, Geomancer If you are targeted by a Counter Flood-enabled attack (Check the big list (section 3.3) to see if an attack is Counter Flood- enabled. For the most part, these are Countergraspable attacks that also cause damage, plus ELEMENTAL attacks and some other oddballs), you will counter with an ELEMENTAL directive corresponding to the ground you are currently standing on, regardless of your assailant's distance from you and regardless of whether you have actually learned that ability. The ELEMENTAL directive will have its usual effect area, so if one of your units happens to be standing next to the target of Counter Flood and is on the same height, (s)he'll be damaged too! Like most reactions, Counter Flood will activate Br% of the time. [Counter Magic] - 800 JP, Wizard If you are targeted by a magic gun or a spell that is subject to Counter Magic (see the big list in section 3.3), you will cast that spell back at the caster, paying the appropriate MP cost. This will activate Br% of the time. [Distribute] - 200 JP, Calculator If you are healed by another unit (this ability does NOT activate if you are healing yourself!), every allied unit that does not have full HP will gain RU{(gained_HP - (maxHP - curHP)) / N}, where gained_HP is the magnitude of the triggering HP gain, maxHP is your maximum HP, curHP was your current HP before the HP gain, and N is the number of allied units that do not have full HP. (In other words, any excess healing will be split equally (round up) among all other party members that are not at full HP. Note that only one unit's healing will be shown in the animation, but all units that do not have full HP will be healed.) This ability will activate Br% of the time. [Face Up] - 500 JP, Bard If you are targeted by any Faith-based magical attack, this ability will increase your Faith by 3. It works Br% of the time. [Finger Guard] - 300 JP, Mediator Base success percentage of TALK SKILL attacks executed against you is now equal to (Base% - Br%). [Hamedo] - 1200 JP, Monk If you are targeted by an ATTACK, BATTLE SKILL, THROW, or CHARGE directive and your attacker is within range of your weapon, the attacker's directive will be cancelled and you will instead execute an ATTACK directive on the attacker. The Hamedo-ATTACK cannot trigger reactions (except for pseudo-supports). Note that this only works on the above-listed commands, which means it is useless on monsters, since they have special forms of physical attack. (And even though Berserk units can only ATTACK, Hamedo still doesn't work on Berserked monsters.) This ability will trigger Br% of the time. Note: unlike Counter, Hamedo will activate against spell guns. [MP Switch] - 400 JP, Time Mage If you receive HP damage and your CurMP > 0, the damage will instead be dealt to your MP Br% of the time. This works on almost _any_ source of damage, including Poison, falling damage, and self-inflicted damage. It does not, however, work on damage incurred by other reaction abilities like Hamedo, Counter, and Meatbone Slash. [Reflect] - 200 JP, GameShark only This has no effect. _______________________________________________________________________________ [6.2] support abilities ========================================================================= Unlike most reaction abilities, support abilities, once equipped, are always active. [Attack UP] - 400 JP, Geomancer For physical attacks except JUMP and some others (see 3.3), the effective value of your relevant stat XA = [XA * 4/3]. Usually, stat XA is PA, but it can sometimes be MA (as in a stick ATTACK), or Speed (as in a STEAL directive). Check the list in section 3.3 to see whether an attack is physical. [Concentrate] - 400 JP, Archer Targets cannot evade your physical attacks via their evasion percentages (P.CEV, P.SEV, P.AEV, W-EV). Note that this does not guarantee 100% success on attacks such as BATTLE SKILL, since these attacks can still MISS. Targets may also still evade using the 'Blade Grasp' and 'Arrow Guard' abilities. Concentrate has no effect on magic evasion. [Defend] - 50 JP, Squire Adds the DEFEND command (add: Defending on the caster) to your action menu. [Defense UP] - 400 JP, Oracle For physical attacks except JUMP and some others (see 3.3), units attacking you receive a penalty to their relevant stat XA such that XA = [XA * 2/3]. Usually, stat XA is PA, but it can sometimes be MA (as in a stick ATTACK), or Speed (as in THROW). Check the list in section 3.3 to see whether an attack is physical. [Equip Armor] - 500 JP, Knight You can equip armor and helmets regardless of your current job. [Equip Axe] - 200 JP, Squire You can equip axes regardless of your current job. [Equip Change] - 0 JP, Chemist Adds the EQUIP CHANGE command to your action menu. This allows you to change your equipment in battle. Using EQUIP CHANGE counts as an action. [Equip Crossbow] - 350 JP, Archer You can equip crossbows regardless of your current job. [Equip Gun] - 750 JP, Mediator You can equip guns (both regular and magical) regardless of your current job. [Equip Knife] - 400 JP, Samurai You can equip katana regardless of your current job. [Equip Shield] - 250 JP, Knight You can equip shields regardless of your current job. [Equip Spear] - 400 JP, Lancer You can equip spears regardless of your current job. [Equip Sword] - 400 JP, Knight You can equip swords (but not knight swords) regardless of your current job. [Gained Exp-UP] - 350 JP, Calculator When you receive experience for an action, you receive bonus experience such that received Experience = earned Exp * 2. [Gained JP-UP] - 200 JP, Squire When you receive JP for an action, you receive bonus JP such that received JP = [earned JP * 3/2]. [Half of MP] - 900 JP, Summoner Any MP-using ability now takes half as many MP to use (round up). (HalfMPCost = RU{MPCost / 2}) [Magic AttackUP] - 400 JP, Wizard For magical attacks, the effective value of your MA = [MA * 4/3]. This does not include physical attacks (such as stick and staff ATTACK) that use MA as their relevant stat. Check the list in section 3.3 to see whether an attack is magical. [Magic DefendUP] - 400 JP, Priest For magical attacks targeting you, the effective value of the caster's MA = [MA * 2/3]. This does not include physical attacks (such as stick and staff ATTACK) which use MA as their relevant stat. Check the list in section 3.3 to see whether an attack is magical. [Maintenance] - 250 JP, Chemist Your equipment cannot be stolen or broken. Any attack that steals or breaks equipment will have a 0% success rate if targeted against you. [Martial Arts] - 200 JP, Monk If you are barehanded, your effective XA for physical attacks except JUMP and THROW is equal to [XA * 3/2]. If you are not barehanded, those physical attacks that are weapon-elemental (ATTACK, CHARGE, BATTLE SKILL, SNIPE, sword skills) will not receive the bonus. [Monster Skill] - 200 JP, Squire Monsters standing on squares adjacent to you will have access to a new skill (vertical tolerance 3). This will have no effect if you are Berserk, Confused, or Unable to Fight. [Monster Talk] - 100 JP, Mediator Enables the use of TALK SKILL on monsters, regardless of your job. [Non-charge] - 3000 JP, GameShark only All slow actions, except for JUMP, CHARGE, SING, and DANCE, become fast actions. [Secret Hunt] - 200 JP, Thief If you kill a monster with damage from your weapon (i.e., through ATTACK, CHARGE or Counter), you will poach it; that is, it will be transformed into an item that you can buy at one of the Fur Shops located around Ivalice. Items bought at the Fur Shop will be half their normal price! Also, you can sell any item to the Fur Shop to raise some quick cash, and then later buy it back for the same amount you sold it for! It's like an interest-free loan. [Short Charge] - 800 JP, Time Mage For all slow actions except for JUMP, CHARGE, SING and DANCE, ctr = RU{ctr/2}. [Throw Item] - 350 JP, Chemist Range of ITEM becomes 4/1 (line of sight), regardless of your current job. [Train] - 450 JP, Mediator If you strike a monster directly with your weapon (e,g., through ATTACK, CHARGE, or Counter), and that monster is Critical after the attack resolves, you will also add: Invite to that same monster. [Two Hands] - 900 JP, Samurai You are able to grip one-handed weapons with both hands, doubling weapon power (does not apply to non-striking weapons like guns and crossbows). Weapon power is doubled for the ATTACK command only and does not affect other physical attacks -- even those that employ weapons such as JUMP, BATTLE SKILL, HOLY SWORD, DARK SWORD and MIGHTY SWORD. (It does apply, however, to the ATTACK that results from targetting a BATTLE SKILL on a piece of equipment that the target does not have.) [Two Swords] - 900 JP, Ninja You are able to equip two one-handed weapons at once. This has some interesting upshots -- for instance, all BATTLE SKILL, CHARGE, and SNIPE directives are executed twice if you are carrying two weapons. In addition, if you attack a target that has Blade Grasp set, Blade Grasp can only block one of the two hits that you incur. If the first hit of a Two Sworded attack fails to connect for any reason (evade, Blade Grasp, or inherent inaccuracy of the attack), then the target will turn to face the attacker prior to the second hit, and the second hit will be treated as if it were executed from the front (i.e., all possible evade parameters will be considered). _______________________________________________________________________________ [6.3] movement abilities ========================================================================= Movement abilities allow you to move about the battlefield more easily, or activate special powers when you move. [Any Ground] - 220 JP, Geomancer Normally each square of flowing water you walk through costs you two movement points instead of one. With this ability, the movement penalty to walk through flowing water vanishes. [Any Weather] - 200 JP, Oracle Normally, you can walk over marsh sqaures without suffering the water penalty. However, if it is raining heavily in a marshland, you will face a similar penalty -- you must use two movement points for every square of marsh you move over. If you have Any Weather equipped, that penalty will not take effect. In addition, weather effects on magic (increase in Lightning damage and decrease in Fire damage during thunderstorms) are nullified if the caster has Any Weather. This is in a heated battle with Move on Lava for the title of 'most useless ability'. And another curiosity: the programmers gave the Steel Giant class Any Ground and Any Weather inherent, but they also gave it Cannot enter water inherent, making Any Ground and Any Weather completely useless! Perhaps they intended to program more weather and terrain effects into the game but never got around to it. [Cannot enter water] - 200 JP, inherent for several monsters) You cannot move or stop on squares that are submerged in water. [Float] - 540 JP, Time Mage Add: Float. And it can't be removed. Unlike the Feather Boots and the Float spell, this will allow you to stop on lava squares. [Fly] - 1200 JP, Bard and Dancer Allows you to fly over all height differences, enemies, and obstacles. Nullifies fall damage. [Ignore Height] - 700 JP, Lancer You are able to jump to any vertical height, regardless of your 'Jump' stat. This has no effect on the Lancer's JUMP command. [Jump +1] - 200 JP, Archer 'Jump' stat + 1. This has no effect on the Lancer's JUMP command. [Jump +2] - 480 JP, Thief 'Jump' stat + 2. This has no effect on the Lancer's JUMP command. [Jump +3] - 1000 JP, Dancer 'Jump' stat + 3. This has no effect on the Lancer's JUMP command. [Move +1] - 200 JP, Squire 'Move' stat + 1. [Move +2] - 520 JP, Thief 'Move' stat + 2. [Move +3] - 1000 JP, Bard 'Move' stat + 3. [Move in Water] - 420 JP, Ninja You can move (and stop) on top of water; water is treated like normal ground. [Move on Lava] - 150 JP, Geomancer You can move (and stop) on top of lava; lava is treated like normal ground. [Move Undrwater] - 200 JP, inherent for Mindflayer type monsters You can move (and stop) in water up to 3h deep without penalty. [Move-Find Item] - 100 JP, Chemist You can extract hidden items from booby-trapped squares without triggering the traps. Each square has two items: the odds of getting one (usually the commoner item) are Br%, and the odds of getting the other (usually the rarer item) are (100 - Br)%. [Move-Get Exp] - 400 JP, Calculator You gain 1 Exp. per panel moved, unless you are afflicted with Berserk, Confusion, or Blood Suck status. [Move-Get JP] - 360 JP, Calculator You gain 2 JP per panel moved, unless you are afflicted with Berserk, Confusion, or Blood Suck status. [Move-HP Up] - 300 JP, Monk Recover RU{MaxHP / 10} HP if you move at least one panel, unless you are afflicted with Berserk, Confusion, or Blood Suck status. [Move-MP Up] - 350 JP, Oracle Recover RU{MaxMP / 10} MP if you move at least one panel, unless y ou are afflicted with Berserk, Confusion, or Blood Suck status. [Silent Walk] - 700 JP, GameShark only No known effect. [Teleport] - 600 JP, Time Mage Able to teleport through obstacles, height differences, units, etc. Chance of success is 100% within your Move range and decreases 10% per extra square you move. See section 5.7 for details. [Teleport 2] - 0 JP, inherent for Arch Angel, Holy Angel Teleport anywhere on the battlefield with 100% success. [Walk on Water] - 300 JP, Samurai Ignore water depth; all water is treated like it is 1h deep, regardless of actual depth. (Doesn't it seem like this should be called Move in Water, and Move in Water should be called Walk on Water?) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN (NNNN` `NN (NNNN) .NNNNF NNNNF NNNNN JNNNN` (NNNN) (NNNN) NNNNF S T A T S & S T A T G R O W T H CREDITS ********************************************************* > George Greer first discovered that there were three bytes of data corresponding to each of the stats. George's website, featuring a bunch of technical information especially regarding the contents of the FFT CD, is at http://www.fftactics.org/ > Garanhir created an excellent FAQ on levelling up and down. This FAQ provided much of the inspiration for me to write this section, and it's available at http://www.angelfire.com/games2/garanhir/ > NeoKamek made a RAM dump that I used to correct the tables in this section after I realized (by way of CzarDragon's site) that the stat multipliers and C values were stored in the RAM. ********************************************************* _______________________________________________________________________________ [7.1] the stats you know ========================================================================= All the formulae in the previous section contain just a handful of quantities that, in various combinations, determine the damage or success rate of an attack. Here is a brief review of those quantities: BRAVE (Br) is a numerical representation of a unit's courage. Its initial value for a unit (except predefined special characters) is randomly generated between 45 and 74 (start of game; random enemies) or 40 and 70 (soldier office; bred monsters). It can be raised or lowered by various effects. FAITH (Fa) numerically represents belief in magical and supernatural phenomena. Its initial value is determined in the same way as Brave's, and it too can be easily altered. LEVEL (Lv) is a quantity representing how experienced a unit is in battle. Generics start at level 1; special allies and enemies in story battles start at preset levels; units in random battles start at levels comparable to the highest-levelled unit in your party (see section 5.11). A unit goes up one Level for every 100 Experience Points gained. HIT POINTS (HP) are a measure of how much damage a unit can take before expiring. Armors can add HP to a unit, but the base HP of a unit are dependent on a unit's class and are determined through a complex process which is detailed in section 7.2. MAGIC POINTS (MP) allow your character to cast magic spells. Armors can also add MP, but the base MP are dependent on a unit's class and are determined through a process similar to that for HP. PHYSICAL ATTACK POWER (PA) governs the strength of a number of attacks, usually involving the body, fists, or weapons. PA can be modified by equipment, but a unit's base PA is dependent on its class, gender, and a number of other factors. MAGICAL ATTACK POWER (MA) imparts strength to magic spells and other magical (and a few physical) attacks. It is determined in a similar way that PA is, dependent on the same things. SPEED (Sp) is a unit's quickness, and also influences the success rate of stealing and a few weapon attacks. It can be modified by equipment, but, like PA and MA, the base Speed depends on a number of variables. _______________________________________________________________________________ [7.2] the stats you don't know ========================================================================= Well, it turns out that your character's HP, MP, PA, MA, and Speed aren't the most basic stats after all. Squirrelled away in the bowels of the RAM are five three-byte values which govern every aspect of your character's stats and stat growth. The stats you actually see are derived from these hidden parameters by these equations: HP = [(HPP * ClassHPMult) / 1638400] MP = [(MPP * ClassMPMult) / 1638400] Sp = [(SpP * ClassSpMult) / 1638400] PA = [(PAP * ClassPAMult) / 1638400] MA = [(MAP * ClassMAMult) / 1683400] Notes: - If the final value is less than 1, it becomes 1 -- that is, revised_value = max{value, 1}. - Enemy Zodiac beasts, in the special story battles where you fight them, have unique equations that determine their HP and MP: HP = [(HPP * ClassHPMult) / 163840] MP = [(MPP * ClassMPMult) / 163840] The division by 163,840 instead of by 1,638,400 accounts for the Zodiac beasts' extremely high HP and MP despite their unremarkable multipliers. The following subsections discuss the different components of the stat determination formula. STATPOINTS ---------- > HPP, MPP, PAP, MAP, and SpP (HP Points, MP Points, PA Points, etc.) are three-byte values (values between 0 and $FFFFFF, or 16777215). They are stored at the following locations in the RAM (this is unimportant unless you have a GameShark or other means of modifying the RAM): STAT BYTE 3 BYTE 2 BYTE 1 ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- HPP $05xx8F $05xx8E $05xx8D MPP $05xx92 $05xx91 $05xx90 SpP $05xx95 $05xx94 $05xx93 PAP $05xx98 $05xx97 $05xx96 MAP $05xx9B $05xx9A $05xx99 (xx defines which character you're modifying, as with the job and sprite GameShark codes... $7F = unit 01, $80 = unit 02, $81 = unit 03, etc. To make GS codes out of these addresses, just add '30' to the beginning of the address [3005xx8F + 3005xx8E + 3005xx8D would be the HPP modifier].) Collectively, I call these values a character's 'statpoints'. If byte 3 were $08, byte 2 were $3E, and byte 1 were $99, the statpoint would have the value $083E99, or 540313. Note that the bytes are IN REVERSE ORDER in terms of their RAM locations -- that is, because most hex editors display addresses increasing from left to right, byte 1 comes first in the RAM, followed by byte 2, followed by byte 3, whereas in the value of the actual statpoints, byte 3 is worth most, followed by byte 2, followed by byte 1. How do you determine how many statpoints your character has? What follows is a list of the initial statpoint values (i.e., at level 1) for different kinds of units. For human units, the initial value is a constant for a each gender for the SpP, PAP, and MAP stats. For monsters, which are all one gender and are neither male nor female, only SpP is nonrandom. initial values Gender SpP PAP MAP ------- ------ ------ ------ Male 98,304 81,920 65,536 Female 98,304 65,536 81,920 Monster 81,920 random random Because the level up bonus is ultimately based on this initial value, females will have better MA growth than males, and males will have better PA growth than females. EXCEPTION: Ramza starts with 81,920 of both PAP and MAP. Monsters have randomized initial PAP and MAP values. A monster's initial values will lie between the two extrema for each stat, inclusive. Gender initial PAP initial MAP ------- ---------------- ---------------- Monster (81,920..98,303) (81,920..98,303) However, HPP and MPP have random variation for all units, human and monster; different units will start with different amounts of HPP and MPP within a certain range: Gender initial HPP initial MPP ------- ------------------ ------------------ Male (491,520..524,287) (229,376..245,759) Female (458,752..491,519) (245,760..262,143) Monster (573,440..622,591) (98,304..147,455) Note that bred monsters, instead of having truly random stats, seem to have their statpoints all selected at once from a set of 250-500 preset 'stat configurations'. Bred monsters can have Brave and Faith ranging from 40 to 70, unlike other randomly-generated monsters and units found in battle, which can have Brave and Faith ranging from 45 to 74. Consequences of the initial statpoint distribution: - females gain more MP and MA on level up than males - males gain more HP and PA on level up than females - monsters gain more HP, PA, and MA than either human sex; monsters gain less MP and Speed than either human sex (though the Speed stat often rivals or exceeds humans because monster classes tend to have lower C values for Speed than do human classes -- see below). See section 7.3 for information on how stat point values change with level up. STAT MULTIPLIERS > ClassHPMult, ClassMPMult, ClassPAMult, etc. are multipliers peculiar to each class which determine the final value of each stat. A table of ClassMult values for the game's 150 or so classes follows. I've also included Move, Jump, and inherent Evade% in the table so it can serve as a compendium of sorts for class comparison. Some factoids based on the data below: - highest HP multiplier: Great Morbol (181) Arc Knight [Elmdor] (180) - highest MP multiplier: Archaic Demon (200) Holy Priest (200) - highest PA multiplier: Dark Behemoth (200) - highest MA multiplier: Cleric (160) - highest Speed multiplier: Arch Angel (150) - highest Move: Arch Angel (8) - highest Jump: Assassin (7) - highest C-Evade: Uribo (42%) - lowest HP multiplier: Bard (50) - lowest MP multiplier: Uribo (1) - lowest PA multiplier: Bard (60) - lowest MA multiplier: Knight Blade (50) - lowest Speed multiplier: Calculator (50) - lowest Move: tons of classes (3) - lowest Jump: Ultima Demon (2) - lowest C-Evade: Serpentarius (3%) ('lowest' values exclude zeroes) A few words before the table: - FFT's classes are divided into three main families: > HUMAN classes (00-5D) -- note that these include some classes that are monsterlike in appearance, such as the Zodiac beasts. Human classes are characterized by the ability to use primary, secondary, reaction, support, and move abilities. > MONSTER classes (5E-8D) -- these are monsters that have a fixed skill set -- secondary abilities, reaction abilities, support abilities and movement abilities, other than those that are inherent to each class, cannot be set on these classes. They tend to have higher stats than human classes, especially in the HP, PA, and MA departments. > HUMANOID classes (90-9A) -- these classes closely resemble humans, and can equip different types of abilities (though you must use the GS to do so). These classes cannot use equipment, however -- in fact, if you do put equipment on them using the Game Shark, it will disappear in battle. Humanoid classes have stats comparable to human ones. - Classes differ in the level up bonuses that they impart. This chart does not take these bonuses into account; these data were gathered with level at a constant. For information on level up bonuses, see section 7.3. - The HP and MP stats do not take equipment into account. - Though monsters have ClassMult values in the same range as humans, their HPP, PAP, and MAP values will be substantially higher because they start with more than humans do, and the level up bonus is a percentage of the original statpoint value. This explains the monsters' ridiculously high PA and MA. Monster classes also inherently receive more stat bonus -- especially for MA -- on level up than do human classes. See section 7.3. ---ClassMult Values--- | | JOB NAME IDENTITY HP MP PA MA Spd M J C.Ev ----------------- --------- --- --- --- --- --- - - ---- 01 Squire Ramza1 125 105 111 102 107 4 3 10% 02 Squire Ramza2 125 105 111 102 107 4 3 10% 03 Squire Ramza3 125 105 111 102 107 4 3 10% 04 Squire Delita1 130 100 120 100 100 4 3 5% 05 Holy Knight Delita2 135 100 120 105 110 4 3 10% 06 Arc Knight Delita3 150 100 120 110 120 4 3 15% 07 Squire Algus 120 100 110 100 100 4 3 15% 08 Arc Knight Zalbag 168 80 120 100 100 4 3 10% 09 Lune Knight Dycedarg 170 103 105 100 110 4 3 10% 0A Duke Larg 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 0B Duke Goltana 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 0C Princess Ovelia 100 100 100 100 100 4 3 20% 0D Holy Swordsman Orlandu 160 120 122 100 110 4 3 20% 0E High Priest Funeral 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 0F Dragoner Reis 140 115 120 110 120 3 3 7% 10 Holy Priest Zalmo 160 200 90 150 100 4 3 9% 11 Dark Knight Gafgarion 150 100 100 90 120 3 3 15% 12 Hell Knight ??? 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 8% 13 Bishop Simon 100 180 100 100 100 3 3 10% 14 Cleric Alma? 100 150 100 160 115 4 3 24% 15 Astrologist Olan 140 108 100 130 125 3 4 15% 16 Engineer Mustadio 100 75 95 100 115 3 4 18% 17 Dark Knight Gafgarion 150 100 100 90 120 3 3 15% 18 Cardinal Draclau 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 19 Heaven Knight Rafa 90 100 80 100 115 3 3 10% 1A Hell Knight Malak 100 110 105 100 110 4 3 8% 1B Arc Knight Elmdor 180 120 120 100 120 3 5 16% 1C Delita's Sis Teta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 1D Arc Duke Barinten 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 1E Holy Knight Agrias 140 100 100 100 100 3 3 25% 1F Temple Knight Beowulf 122 145 125 105 105 4 3 14% 20 White Knight Wiegraf1 140 150 116 100 100 3 3 10% 21 Arc Witch Balmafula 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 22 Engineer Mustadio 100 75 95 100 115 3 4 18% 23 Bi-count Rudvich 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 24 Divine Knight Vormav 165 100 124 100 115 4 3 25% 25 Divine Knight Rofel 150 100 122 100 115 4 3 21% 26 Knight Blade Izlude 155 50 120 50 110 4 4 10% 27 Sorceror Kletian 125 140 80 125 105 3 3 14% 28 White Knight Wiegraf2 165 150 120 95 110 3 3 15% 29 Heaven Knight Rafa 100 100 100 100 115 3 3 10% 2A Divine Knight Meliadoul 125 80 120 90 105 4 3 12% 2B Engineer Balk 140 100 100 120 125 4 3 18% 2C Cleric ??? 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 18% 2D Assassin Celia 160 125 120 125 110 4 7 30% 2E Assassin Lede 155 125 120 125 115 4 7 28% 2F Divine Knight Meliadoul 125 80 120 90 105 4 3 12% 30 Cleric Alma 90 100 100 160 105 4 3 18% 31 Phony Saint Ajora 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 10% 32 Soldier Cloud 125 116 123 120 100 3 3 20% 33 Arc Knight Zalbag-Z 170 105 125 105 125 4 3 22% 34 Holy Knight Agrias 140 100 100 100 100 3 3 25% 35 Chemist ??? 75 75 75 80 100 3 3 0% 36 Priest ??? 80 120 90 110 110 3 3 0% 37 Wizard ??? 75 120 60 150 100 3 3 0% 38 Oracle ??? 75 110 50 120 100 3 3 0% 3C Warlock Velius 80 86 141 140 132 5 5 18% 3D Knight (undead) 130 80 125 80 110 3 3 10% 3E Angel of Death Zalera 85 100 145 140 133 5 4 24% 3F Archer (undead) 110 65 115 80 105 3 3 10% 40 Regulator Hashmalum 83 87 141 125 148 5 4 12% 41 Holy Angel Altima1 70 90 113 120 118 5 4 11% 42 Wizard (undead) 100 120 60 150 105 3 3 5% 43 Impure King Queklain 50 90 144 130 130 4 4 12% 44 Time Mage (undead) 100 120 50 135 110 3 3 5% 45 Ghost of Fury Adramelk 90 95 139 110 150 5 4 19% 46 Oracle (undead) 90 110 50 120 110 3 3 5% 47 Summoner (undead) 85 125 50 125 100 3 3 5% 48 Holy Dragon Reis 130 115 147 110 132 5 3 5% 49 Arch Angel Altima2 125 100 120 130 150 8 5 10% JOB NAME TYPE HP MP PA MA Spd M J C.Ev ----------------- --------- --- --- --- --- --- - - ---- 4A Squire generic 100 75 90 80 100 4 3 5% 4B Chemist generic 80 75 75 80 100 3 3 5% 4C Knight generic 120 80 120 80 100 3 3 10% 4D Archer generic 100 65 110 80 100 3 3 10% 4E Monk generic 135 80 129 80 110 3 4 20% 4F Priest generic 80 120 90 110 110 3 3 5% 50 Wizard generic 75 120 60 150 100 3 3 5% 51 Time Mage generic 75 120 50 130 100 3 3 5% 52 Summoner generic 70 125 50 125 90 3 3 5% 53 Thief generic 90 50 100 60 110 4 4 25% 54 Mediator generic 80 70 75 75 100 3 3 5% 55 Oracle generic 75 110 50 120 100 3 3 5% 56 Geomancer generic 110 95 110 105 100 4 3 10% 57 Lancer generic 120 50 120 50 100 3 4 15% 58 Samurai generic 75 75 128 90 100 3 3 20% 59 Ninja generic 70 50 120 75 120 4 4 30% 5A Calculator generic 65 80 50 70 50 3 3 5% 5B Bard generic 55 50 30 115 100 3 3 5% 5C Dancer generic 60 50 110 95 100 3 3 5% 5D Mime generic 140 50 120 115 120 4 4 5% MONSTER CLASS TYPE HP MP PA MA Spd M J C.Ev ----------------- --------- --- --- --- --- --- - - ---- 5E Chocobo Chocobo 108 100 97 94 119 6 5 15% 5F Black Chocobo Chocobo 80 150 150 105 98 6 5 25% 60 Red Chocobo Chocobo 91 90 130 99 136 6 5 10% 61 Goblin Goblin 117 40 98 85 105 3 3 18% 62 Black Goblin Goblin 86 35 103 87 114 3 3 19% 63 Gobbledeguck Goblin 98 75 115 92 128 3 3 20% 64 Bomb Bomb 85 20 100 93 104 3 3 10% 65 Grenade Bomb 87 30 85 94 115 3 3 11% 66 Explosive Bomb 124 40 116 96 100 3 3 12% 67 Red Panther Panther 116 50 98 91 116 4 4 23% 68 Cuar Panther 91 60 116 105 129 4 4 26% 69 Vampire Panther 99 70 132 85 134 4 4 24% 6A Pisco Demon Squid 108 120 90 96 111 3 3 8% 6B Squidlarkin Squid 115 115 101 96 101 3 3 9% 6C Mindflare Squid 92 160 127 92 112 3 3 10% 6D Skeleton Skeleton 115 50 108 85 120 3 4 11% 6E Bone Snatch Skeleton 90 40 123 87 106 3 4 12% 6F Living Bone Skeleton 101 30 125 88 102 3 4 13% 70 Ghoul Ghost 83 124 90 105 103 4 4 26% 71 Gust Ghost 82 96 93 106 110 4 4 27% 72 Revenant Ghost 93 64 97 110 121 5 4 28% 73 Floatiball Ahriman 80 80 90 89 104 5 5 12% 74 Ahriman Ahriman 75 95 140 95 95 5 5 13% 75 Plague Ahriman 77 140 126 120 108 5 5 11% 76 Juravis Cocktric. 90 40 105 85 113 6 6 30% 77 Steel Hawk Cocktric. 85 60 108 90 131 6 6 28% 78 Cockatoris Cocktric. 101 10 152 100 135 6 6 33% 79 Uribo Boar 69 1 70 110 140 3 3 42% 7A Porky Boar 83 1 80 110 139 3 3 36% 7B Wildbow Boar 77 1 160 110 138 3 3 39% 7C Woodman Dryad 150 160 102 100 99 3 3 0% 7D Trent Dryad 130 180 89 95 96 3 3 0% 7E Taiju Dryad 175 150 97 99 94 3 3 0% 7F Bull Demon Minotaur 135 5 120 100 107 3 3 11% 80 Minitaurus Minotaur 160 8 152 100 108 4 3 15% 81 Sacred Minotaur 151 10 173 100 122 3 3 12% 82 Morbol Marlboro 175 15 105 99 97 3 3 0% 83 Ochu Marlboro 145 15 110 110 95 3 3 0% 84 Great Morbol Marlboro 181 10 98 95 93 3 3 0% 85 Behemoth Behemoth 140 120 134 105 117 4 3 13% 86 King Behemoth Behemoth 150 140 149 100 123 4 3 13% 87 Dark Behemoth Behemoth 161 160 200 95 125 4 3 18% 88 Dragon Dragon 133 75 136 100 118 5 3 5% 89 Blue Dragon Dragon 135 110 130 105 124 5 3 9% 8A Red Dragon Dragon 157 115 147 100 132 5 3 8% 8B Hyudra Hydra 80 50 133 100 126 4 4 0% 8C Hydra Hydra 100 160 151 100 133 4 4 0% 8D Tiamat Hydra 112 90 175 120 137 4 4 0% HUMANOID CLASS TYPE HP MP PA MA Spd M J C.Ev ----------------- --------- --- --- --- --- --- - - ---- 90 Byblos Apanda 130 110 100 100 104 3 6 33% 91 Steel Giant Worker 8 115 0 140 0 105 3 3 0% 96 Apanda Apanda 140 120 100 100 105 4 3 10% 97 Serpentarius Elidibs 100 150 50 125 90 4 3 3% 99 Archaic Demon Demon 140 200 130 145 110 4 3 5% 9A Ultima Demon Demon 155 180 135 128 105 5 2 10% _______________________________________________________________________________ [7.3] levelling up ========================================================================= HPP, MPP, SpP, PAP, and MAP are increased on level up. Different classes -- as well as different sexes -- receive different statpoint bonuses on level up, which results in the classes' differing stat growth. Stat point growth on levelling up is determined by the following equation: bonus = [current_xP / (C + Lv)] where xP is a generic term for any stat point (HPP, MPP, SpP, PAP or MAP) Lv is the LOWER level in question -- so if you are levelling up from 50 to 51, Lv = 50. C is a constant that varies for each class; the value of C is what differentiates one class' growth pattern from another. Keep in mind that since C is in the denominator of this expression, LOWER VALUES OF C YIELD HIGHER STATS. > Note that if you do not do any levelling down (see section 7.4 for the effect of levelling down), it just so happens that the number of statpoints you get on a level up will be a constant. That is, on a normal levelling up route, the ratio of current_xP to (C + Lv) remains constant -- meaning if you want to calculate the stat point increase from multiple level ups, you just have to calculate it once and multiply it by the number of level ups. The table of C values follows. A few observations based on the data: - Thief and Ninja are the only generic classes that offer Speed bonuses relative to the others: Ninja's bonus is greatest. - Mime is the best class for HP growth. - Summoner is the best class for MP growth. - Knight and Lancer are best for PA growth. - Mime is the ONLY generic class that offers an MA bonus relative to the others. - Monsters gain a hell of a lot more HP, PA and MA than humans do (especially MA -- notice how most monsters have a C value of only 7, whereas the strongest human MA gainer has a C value of 35. - I realize this isn't the most clear way to present which classes are best at what, since the 'lower = better' concept is contrary to intuition and to the other tables in this FAQ. However, this is the way THE GAME ACTUALLY DOES IT, and the aim of this file is to explain how the game performs its various functions -- and not to sacrifice that to provide the most user-friendly presentation of what those functions mean in terms of gameplay. The data may look strange, but the C values are real. I present them in this format rather than in decimal (and therefore 'higher = better') form because rounding off to 4 or 5 decimal places would cause rounding error when multiple level-up bonuses were applied -- 1/7 is different from 0.14286. Some factoids: HUMAN / HUMANOID Best HP gainers: Dragoner (C = 5), Mime (C = 6) Best MP gainers: Summoner, Assassin, Sorcerer (C = 8) Best PA gainers: Steel Giant (C = 30), Mime, Divine Knight Vormav (C = 35) Best MA gainers: Byblos, Apanda (C = 35), Mime (C = 40) Best Sp gainers: Byblos (C = 75), Ninja (C = 80) MONSTER Best HP gainers: All Hydra class (C = 3) Best MP gainers: It's a 48-way tie! (all classes C = 30) Best PA gainer: Dark Behemoth (C = 34) Best MA gainers: Dark Behemoth, Red Dragon (C = 6) Best Sp gainer: Chocobo (yellow only) (C = 75) C values (lower is better!) JOB NAME IDENTITY HPP MPP PAP MAP SpP ----------------- ---------- --- --- --- --- --- 01 Squire Ramza1 11 11 50 48 95 02 Squire Ramza2 11 11 50 48 95 03 Squire Ramza3 11 11 50 48 95 04 Squire Delita1 10 11 50 50 100 05 Holy Knight Delita2 10 11 50 50 100 06 Arc Knight Delita3 10 11 50 50 100 07 Squire Algus 10 11 50 50 100 08 Arc Knight Zalbag 10 11 40 50 100 09 Lune Knight Dycedarg 10 9 48 42 95 0A Duke Larg 11 11 50 50 100 0B Duke Goltana 11 11 50 50 100 0C Princess Ovelia 11 11 50 50 100 0D Holy Swordsman Orlandu 10 11 42 42 100 0E High Priest Funeral 11 11 50 50 100 0F Dragoner Reis 5 10 39 38 95 10 Holy Priest Zalmo 10 11 50 49 120 11 Dark Knight Gafgarion 11 11 50 50 100 12 Hell Knight Dead Malak 0 0 0 0 0 13 Bishop Simon 15 11 50 50 100 14 Cleric Alma? 11 11 50 50 100 15 Astrologist Olan 10 11 50 55 95 16 Engineer Mustadio 11 13 50 50 100 17 Dark Knight Gafgarion 11 11 50 50 100 18 Cardinal Draclau 11 11 50 50 100 19 Heaven Knight Rafa 11 11 50 50 100 1A Hell Knight Malak 10 11 50 50 100 1B Arc Knight Elmdor 9 10 40 42 100 1C Delita's Sis Teta 0 0 0 0 0 1D Arc Duke Barinten 11 11 50 50 100 1E Holy Knight Agrias 10 11 50 50 100 1F Temple Knight Beowulf 10 11 48 45 100 20 White Knight Wiegraf1 11 11 50 50 100 21 Arc Witch Balmafula 11 11 50 50 100 22 Engineer Mustadio 11 13 50 50 100 23 Bi-count Rudvich 11 11 50 50 100 24 Divine Knight Vormav 9 9 37 50 100 25 Divine Knight Rofel 10 10 38 50 100 26 Knight Blade Izlude 10 11 48 50 100 27 Sorcerer Kletian 10 8 55 49 100 28 White Knight Wiegraf2 10 11 50 50 100 29 Heaven Knight Rafa 11 11 50 50 100 2A Divine Knight Meliadoul 10 15 39 50 100 2B Engineer Balk 8 11 50 46 100 2C Cleric ??? 0 0 0 0 0 2D Assassin Celia 9 8 50 45 105 2E Assassin Lede 9 8 50 45 110 2F Divine Knight Meliadoul 10 15 39 50 100 30 Cleric Alma 11 11 50 50 100 31 Phony Saint Ajora 11 11 50 50 100 32 Soldier Cloud 11 10 42 46 100 33 Arc Knight Zalbag-Z 8 10 38 48 97 34 Holy Knight Agrias 10 11 50 50 100 35 Chemist ??? 12 16 75 50 100 36 Priest ??? 10 10 50 50 100 37 Wizard ??? 12 9 60 50 100 38 Oracle ??? 12 10 60 50 100 3C Warlock Velius 12 10 38 46 95 3D Knight (undead) 9 15 40 50 100 3E Angel of Death Zalera 12 10 38 46 90 3F Archer (undead) 10 16 45 50 100 40 Regulator Hashmalum 12 10 38 46 100 41 Holy Angel Altima1 12 10 40 46 100 42 Wizard (undead) 11 9 60 50 100 43 Impure King Queklain 12 10 42 46 100 44 Time Mage (undead) 11 10 65 48 100 45 Ghost of Fury Adramelk 12 10 43 47 100 46 Oracle (undead) 11 10 60 45 100 47 Summoner (undead) 12 8 70 40 100 48 Holy Dragon Reis 6 30 39 6 90 49 Arch Angel Altima2 10 15 38 48 95 JOB NAME IDENTITY HPP MPP PAP MAP SpP ----------------- ---------- --- --- --- --- --- 4A Squire generic 11 15 60 50 100 4B Chemist generic 12 16 75 50 100 4C Knight generic 10 15 40 50 100 4D Archer generic 11 16 45 50 100 4E Monk generic 9 13 48 50 100 4F Priest generic 10 10 50 50 100 50 Wizard generic 12 9 60 50 100 51 Time Mage generic 12 10 65 50 100 52 Summoner generic 13 8 70 50 100 53 Thief generic 11 16 50 50 90 54 Mediator generic 11 18 55 50 100 55 Oracle generic 12 10 60 50 100 56 Geomancer generic 10 11 45 50 100 57 Lancer generic 10 15 40 50 100 58 Samurai generic 12 14 45 50 100 59 Ninja generic 12 13 43 50 80 5A Calculator generic 14 10 70 50 100 5B Bard generic 20 20 80 50 100 5C Dancer generic 20 20 50 50 100 5D Mime generic 6 30 35 40 100 MONSTER CLASS TYPE HPP MPP PAP MAP SpP ---------------- ------- --- --- --- --- --- 5E Chocobo Chocobo 8 30 34 7 75 5F Black Chocobo Chocobo 7 30 39 7 85 60 Red Chocobo Chocobo 4 30 39 7 85 61 Goblin Goblin 7 30 39 7 85 62 Black Goblin Goblin 6 30 39 7 85 63 Gobbledeguck Goblin 6 30 39 7 85 64 Bomb Bomb 7 30 39 7 90 65 Grenade Bomb 7 30 39 7 90 66 Explosive Bomb 7 30 39 7 90 67 Red Panther Panther 6 30 39 7 85 68 Cuar Panther 6 30 39 7 85 69 Vampire Panther 6 30 39 7 85 6A Pisco Demon Squid 7 30 39 7 85 6B Squidlarkin Squid 7 30 39 7 85 6C Mindflare Squid 7 30 39 7 85 6D Skeleton Skeleton 5 30 39 7 85 6E Bone Snatch Skeleton 5 30 39 7 85 6F Living Bone Skeleton 5 30 39 7 85 70 Ghoul Ghost 7 30 39 7 85 71 Gust Ghost 7 30 39 7 85 72 Revenant Ghost 7 30 39 7 85 73 Flotiball Ahriman 6 30 40 7 85 74 Ahriman Ahriman 6 30 40 7 85 75 Plague Ahriman 6 30 40 7 85 76 Juravis Cockatrice 7 30 39 7 85 77 Steel Hawk Cockatrice 7 30 39 7 85 78 Cockatoris Cockatrice 7 30 39 7 85 79 Uribo Boar 9 30 39 7 85 7A Porky Boar 9 30 39 7 85 7B Wildbow Boar 9 30 39 7 85 7C Woodman Dryad 7 30 39 7 90 7D Trent Dryad 7 30 39 7 90 7E Taiju Dryad 7 30 39 7 90 7F Bull Demon Minotaur 6 30 39 7 85 80 Minitaurus Minotaur 6 30 39 7 85 81 Sacred Minotaur 6 30 39 7 85 82 Morbol Marlboro 8 30 38 30 90 83 Ochu Marlboro 8 30 39 27 90 84 Great Morbol Marlboro 8 30 39 24 88 85 Behemoth Behemoth 5 30 36 7 85 86 King Behemoth Behemoth 5 30 35 7 85 87 Dark Behemoth Behemoth 5 30 34 6 85 88 Dragon Dragon 6 30 39 7 85 89 Blue Dragon Dragon 6 30 39 7 85 8A Red Dragon Dragon 6 30 39 6 85 8B Hyudra Hydra 3 30 39 34 85 8C Hydra Hydra 3 30 39 31 85 8D Tiamat Hydra 3 30 35 29 85 HUMANOID CLASS TYPE HPP MPP PAP MAP SpP ---------------- ------- --- --- --- --- --- 90 Byblos Apanda 6 7 40 35 75 91 Steel Giant Worker 4 100 30 100 80 96 Apanda Apanda 6 7 36 35 98 97 Serpentarius Elidibs 10 8 70 50 100 99 Archaic Demon Demon 8 9 39 45 100 9A Ultima Demon Demon 9 8 39 43 100 _______________________________________________________________________________ [7.4] levelling down ========================================================================= For years, FFT players have been using the 'level up/down' trick to build characters with super stats. The idea behind the trick is that you level up in a job with strong stat growth (low C values) such as Ninja or Mime, and then level down (using Mindflare's 'Level Blast' technique or one of the many Degenerator traps scattered throughout the game's battlefields) with a class with poor stat growth (high C values) such as Bard or Dancer. Though the game adjusts your stats when you level down so that you lose the stats that you would have gained as that class, by using poor classes to level down you can fool the game and lose less going down than you gain going up; in this manner, you can build all your stats up to their maxima if you do enough levelling cycles. Note though, that if you level up and down _without_ changing classes, you will actually _lower_ your stats. This is because the level down algorithm is the following equation: decrement = [current_xP / (Lv + C)] where Lv is the level you are levelling DOWN to (i.e., the lower level). For instance, if you level down to 50 from level 51, Lv = 50. This results in a slight stat decrease. Consider the following example. Suppose you have a male Squire (491,520 < initial HPP < 524,288) with initial HPP of 504,000. Levelling up from 1 to 2, he will receive an HPP bonus as follows (C_HPP = 11): bonus = [504,000 / (11 + 1)] = [504,000 / 12] = 42000. Your new HPP at level 2 will be 546,000. So if you level down from 2 to 1, your HPP will decrease as follows: decrement = [546,000 / (11 + 1)] = [546,000 / 12] = 45500. Your new HPP at level 1 will then be 546,000 - 45500 = 500,500 instead of 504,000 as you had originally. While this isn't that big of a decrease, if done all the way down from level 99 to level 1, it can add up. However, if you do change classes while levelling down, this small loss will be compensated for by the higher C values of the poor stat-gaining class that you level down as. _______________________________________________________________________________ [7.5] list of inherent abilities ========================================================================= To complement the other information in this part of the guide, here is a list of the inherent abilities, status immunities, and elemental strengths and weaknesses of every class in FFT. Notation: [ability names] - class always has these abilities set I: - class is immune to these abnormal statuses/elements S: - class starts the battle with this abnormal status P: - class permanently has this abnormal status A: - class absorbs this element W: - class is weak against this element H: - class halves this element JOB NAME IDENTITY ABILITIES ----------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- 01 Squire Ramza1 I: Invite 02 Squire Ramza2 I: Invite 03 Squire Ramza3 I: Invite 04 Squire Delita1 I: Invite 05 Holy Knight Delita2 I: Invite, Blood Suck, Chicken, Charm, Death Sentence 06 Arc Knight Delita3 I: Invite, Blood Suck, Chicken, Charm 07 Squire Algus I: Invite 08 Arc Knight Zalbag I: Invite 09 Lune Knight Dycedarg [Defense UP, Magic DefendUP] I: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Sleep, Transparent, Reraise, Berserk, Stop, Poison, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 0A Duke Larg I: Invite 0B Duke Goltana I: Invite 0C Princess Ovelia [Defense UP, Magic DefendUP] I: Invite, Petrify 0D Holy Swordsman Orlandu I: Invite 0E High Priest Funeral I: Invite 0F Dragoner Reis [Monster Talk, Two Swords, Monster Skill, Train] I: Invite 10 Holy Priest Zalmo I: Undead, Dead, Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 11 Dark Knight Gafgarion I: Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Transparent, Berserk, Charm 12 Hell Knight ??? I: Undead, Crystal, Performing, Defending, Jumping, Charging, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Treasure, Critical, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Stop, Slow, Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen, Poison, Death Sentence, Reflect, Don't Act, Don't Move, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith 13 Bishop Simon I: Invite 14 Cleric Alma? [Defense UP, Magic DefendUP] I: Invite; S: Dead 15 Astrologist Olan I: Undead, Dead, Invite, Confusion, Transparent, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 16 Engineer Mustadio I: Invite 17 Dark Knight Gafgarion I: Invite 18 Cardinal Draclau I: Invite 19 Heaven Knight Rafa I: Invite 1A Hell Knight Malak I: Invite 1B Arc Knight Elmdor I: Undead, Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Reraise, Transparent, Berserk, Frog, Chicken, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 1C Delita's Sis Teta I: Undead, Crystal, Performing, Defending, Jumping, Charging, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Treasure, Critical, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Stop, Slow, Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen, Poison, Death Sentence, Reflect, Don't Act, Don't Move, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith; A: Dead 1D Arc Duke Barinten I: Invite 1E Holy Knight Agrias I: Invite 1F Temple Knight Beowulf I: Invite 20 White Knight Wiegraf1 I: Undead, Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Sleep, Charm, Death Sentence 21 Arc Witch Balmafula I: Invite 22 Engineer Mustadio [Maintenance] I: Invite 23 Bi-count Rudvich I: Invite 24 Divine Knight Vormav I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 25 Divine Knight Rofel I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 26 Knight Blade Izlude [Concentrate] I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 27 Sorceror Kletian I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Death Sentence 28 White Knight Wiegraf2 I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence 29 Heaven Knight Rafa I: Invite 2A Divine Knight Meliadoul I: Invite 2B Engineer Balk [Defense UP, Magic DefendUP, Monster Talk] I: Undead, Dead, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Reraise, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Death Sentence 2C Cleric Alma I: Undead, Crystal, Performing, Defending, Jumping, Charging, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Treasure, Critical, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Stop, Slow, Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen, Poison, Death Sentence, Reflect, Don't Act, Don't Move, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith; A: Dead 2D Assassin Celia [Two Swords] I: Dead, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Frog, Chicken 2E Assassin Lede [Two Swords] I: Dead, Invite, Petrify, Transparent, Frog, Chicken 2F Divine Knight Meliadoul I: Dead, Petrify, Invite 30 Cleric Alma [Defense UP, Magic DefendUP] I: Invite 31 Phony Saint Ajora I: Invite 32 Soldier Cloud I: Invite 33 Arc Knight Zalbag-Z I: Invite 34 Holy Knight Agrias I: Invite 35 Chemist ??? [Throw Item] 36 Priest ??? n/a 37 Wizard ??? n/a 38 Oracle ??? n/a 3C Warlock Velius [Cannot enter water, Martial Arts, Short Charge] I: Dead, Undead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Treasure, Blood Suck, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Regen, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Act, Death Sentence 3D Knight (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 3E Angel of Death Zalera [Cannot enter water, Fly, Short Charge, Monster Skill] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Silence, Treasure, Oil, Transparent, Reraise, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence; Auto-Float 3F Archer (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 40 Regulator Hashmalum [Cannot enter water, Short Charge] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Silence, Treasure, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Regen, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Act, Death Sentence 41 Holy Angel Altima1 [Martial Arts, Short Charge, Teleport 2] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Silence, Treasure, Oil, Transparent, Reraise, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Move, Death Sentence; Auto-Float 42 Wizard (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 43 Impure King Queklain [Martial Arts, Short Charge] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Blood Suck, Silence, Treasure, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Regen, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Act, Death Sentence 44 Time Mage (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 45 Ghost of Fury Adramelk [Cannot enter water, Short Charge] I: Dead, Undead, Crystal, Confusion, Invite, Petrify, Treasure, Blood Suck, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Regen, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Don't Act, Death Sentence 46 Oracle (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 47 Summoner (undead) [Monster Skill] I: Darkness, Invitation, Blood Suck, Transparent, Reraise, Regen, Poison, Charm, Death Sentence; Auto-Undead 48 Holy Dragon Reis [Cannot enter water] I: Invite, Blood Suck; A: Holy 49 Arch Angel Altima2 [Face Up, Short Charge, Teleport 2] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Treasure, Transparent, Reraise, Oil, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Regen, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Charm, Innocent, Faith, Death Sentence, Don't Act; Auto-Float 4A Squire generic n/a 4B Chemist generic [Throw Item] 4C Knight generic n/a 4D Archer generic n/a 4E Monk generic [Martial Arts] 4F Priest generic n/a 50 Wizard generic n/a 51 Time Mage generic n/a 52 Summoner generic n/a 53 Thief generic n/a 54 Mediator generic [Monster Talk] 55 Oracle generic n/a 56 Geomancer generic n/a 57 Lancer generic n/a 58 Samurai generic n/a 59 Ninja generic [Two Swords] 5A Calculator generic n/a 5B Bard generic n/a 5C Dancer generic n/a 5D Mime generic [Concentrate, Martial Arts, Monster Skill] 5E Chocobo Chocobo [Counter, Walk on Water] I: Blood Suck 5F Black Chocobo Chocobo [Counter, Walk on Water] I: Blood Suck 60 Red Chocobo Chocobo [Counter, Walk on Water] I: Blood Suck 61 Goblin Goblin [Counter] I: Blood Suck; W: Ice 62 Black Goblin Goblin [Counter] I: Blood Suck; W: Ice 63 Gobbledeguck Goblin [Counter] I: Blood Suck; W: Ice 64 Bomb Bomb [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float] I: Blood Suck, Oil, Float A: Fire; H: Ice; W: Water 65 Grenade Bomb [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float] I: Blood Suck, Oil, Float A: Fire; H: Ice; W: Water 66 Explosive Bomb [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float] I: Blood Suck, Oil, Float A: Fire; H: Ice; W: Water 67 Red Panther Panther [Counter, Cannot enter water, Ignore Height] I: Blood Suck; W: Earth 68 Cuar Panther [Counter, Cannot enter water, Ignore Height] I: Blood Suck; W: Earth 69 Vampire Panther [Counter, Cannot enter water, Ignore Height] I: Blood Suck; W: Earth 6A Pisco Demon Squid [Counter, Move Underwater] I: Blood Suck A: Water; W: Lightning 6B Squidlarkin Squid [Counter, Move Underwater] I: Blood Suck A: Water; W: Lightning 6C Mindflare Squid [Counter, Move Underwater] I: Blood Suck A: Water; W: Lightning 6D Skeleton Skeleton [Counter] I: Reraise, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 6E Bone Snatch Skeleton [Counter] I: Reraise, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 6F Living Bone Skeleton [Counter] I: Reraise, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 70 Ghoul Ghost [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float, Teleport] I: Reraise, Float, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 71 Gust Ghost [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float, Teleport] I: Reraise, Float, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 72 Revenant Ghost [Counter, Cannot enter water, Float, Teleport] I: Reraise, Float, Regen, Poison, Blood Suck; Auto-Undead; A: Dark; W: Fire, Holy 73 Floatiball Ahriman [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Ice 74 Ahriman Ahriman [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Ice 75 Plague Ahriman [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Ice 76 Juravis Bird [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Earth 77 Steel Hawk Bird [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Earth 78 Cockatoris Bird [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck H: Wind; W: Earth 79 Uribo Pig [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck 7A Porky Pig [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck 7B Wildbow Pig [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck 7C Woodman Dryad [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 7D Trent Dryad [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 7E Taiju Dryad [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 7F Bull Demon Minotaur [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 80 Minitaurus Minotaur [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 81 Sacred Minotaur [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 82 Morbol Marlboro [Counter, Move in Water] I: Blood Suck, Float W: Ice 83 Ochu Marlboro [Counter, Move in Water] I: Blood Suck, Float W: Ice 84 Great Morbol Marlboro [Counter, Move in Water] I: Blood Suck, Float W: Ice 85 Behemoth Behemoth [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 86 King Behemoth Behemoth [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 87 Dark Behemoth Behemoth [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 88 Dragon Dragon [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float 89 Blue Dragon Dragon [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float A: Ice, W: Fire 8A Red Dragon Dragon [Counter, Cannot enter water] I: Blood Suck, Float A: Fire, W: Ice 8B Hyudra Hydra [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck, Float; W: Ice, Wind 8C Hydra Hydra [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck, Float; W: Ice, Wind 8D Tiamat Hydra [Counter, Cannot enter water, Fly] I: Blood Suck, Float; W: Ice, Wind 90 Byblos Apanda [Counter, Cannot enter water, Ignore Height, Secret Hunt] I: Invite, Blood Suck 91 Steel Giant Worker 8 [Counter, Cannot enter water, Any Ground, Any Weather] I: Undead, Dead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Blood Suck, Silence, Frog, Chicken, Berserk, Transparent, Reraise, Float, Oil, Stop, Slow, Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen, Poison, Faith, Charm, Sleep, Death Sentence, Reflect, Don't Act, Don't Move, Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Holy, Dark; Auto-Innocent 96 Apanda Apanda [Counter, Cannot enter water, Ignore Height, Short Charge] I: Invite, Blood Suck, Float 97 Serpentarius Elidibs [Counter, Cannot enter water, Short Charge] I: Undead, Dead, Crystal, Invite, Petrify, Confusion, Blood Suck, Silence, Treasure, Float, Reraise, Transparent, Chicken, Berserk, Regen, Poison, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence, Ice 99 Archaic Demon Demon [Counter, Cannot enter water, Short Charge] I: Invite, Blood Suck, Float, Transparent, Holy 9A Ultima Demon Demon [Counter, Cannot enter water, Martial Arts, Short Charge] I: Invite, Blood Suck, Float, Transparent, Holy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A P P E N D I X (NNNL .NNNNN) NNNNNNN. JNNNNNNNN (NNNN NNNNL .NNNN` `NNNN) NNNN) (NNNN. JNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNL .NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) NNNN) (NNNN. NNNF 4NNNN A A D I T Y A R A N G A N ' S T H E O R Y O F G A M E F L O W CREDITS ****************************************************** > Aaditya Rangan developed essentially all the ideas presented in this section. ****************************************************** _______________________________________________________________________________ [A.1] action and reaction ========================================================================= Before considering FFT's gameflow, it is important to understand the three following terms: - A SLOW ACTION is any attack which requires a charging time between the time it is selected and the time when it is actually executed. Each slow action has an associated value known as 'ctr' (clockticks till resolution) which specifies this duration in clockticks. Slow actions can only resolve during SR phases. - A FAST ACTION is any attack which is resolved immediately upon selection. Fast actions resolve during CR phases; slow actions can never resolve in a CR phase. - A REACTION is any counterattack or ability immediately executed by the target of a just-resolved slow action, fast action, or act of mimicry. Reaction abilities cannot be reacted to or mimed. The nature of the reaction is determined by a unit's reaction ability. An altered version of Newton's third law governs reaction abilities in FFT: every action has a _chance_ to generate a reaction; however, as mentioned above, reactions do not count as actions themselves. Simple, huh? Now, for the good stuff... _______________________________________________________________________________ [A.2] basic gameflow ========================================================================= * NOTE: This section is based ENTIRELY on the theory of gameflow developed by Aaditya Rangan . I, Aerostar, take NO credit for this information. All credit should go to Aaditya. THE CHARACTER-LIST ------------------ At the beginning of each battle, enemy and ally characters are assigned numbers in a character_list, as follows. (1) Each enemy (red) formation comes with pre-selected enemy index_numbers. These units are numbered first in the character_list, starting at 01. (2) The numbers of the player (blue) units are determined by the player's placement of the units on the map before battle, in this order: ________________ /_L_/_K_/_J_/_I_/ /_H_/_G_/_F_/_E_/ /_D_/_C_/_B_/_A_/ (the actual perspective seen in the game is this drawing rotated roughly 30 degrees clockwise) The three 'rows' are ABCD, EFGH, and IJKL. Sometimes a map will have more rows than this, but you should be able to deduce the pattern for any map from this drawing. Squares are alphabetized (well, not really, but it makes it easier to visualize) in rows, the foremost row being considered first and the rearmost being considered last. Letter 'A' is assigned to the rightmost square in the foremost row. Blue units are then numbered sequentially on the character_list, starting from 17, based on the squares they are standing on in alphabetical order. In the case of multiple units with CT >= 100, the one with the lowest number on the character_list gets to go first. Since each unit has a unique number, this resolves all ties. PHASES OF BATTLE ---------------- Once the character_list is formed, gameflow proceeds as follows: S+ phase SR phase C+ phase CR phase Status Check This applies to ordinary battle situations -- i.e., no miming, critical quicking, counter-magic quick loops or the like. See sections A.3 and A.4 for that type of stuff. :) ~ S+ phase ~ One 'clocktick' is defined as the duration of time between two consecutive S+ phases. During this phase, the AT_list is checked, and every eligible slow-action has its ctr_countdown decremented by 1 (see below). Every slow_action has some initial_ctr that counts down during the S+ phase. If two slow_actions reach zero at the same time, the slow_action spawned by the character with the lower number on the character_list is resolved first. The initial ctr values are as follows: Charge +1 ............ 4 Charge +2 ............ 5 Charge +3 ............ 6 Charge +4 ............ 8 Charge +5 ........... 10 Charge +7 ........... 14 Charge +10........... 20 Charge +20........... 35 JUMP ................ [50 / (jumper's speed)] 5 SP actions ........ 20 7 SP actions ........ 15 10 SP actions ....... 10 12 SP actions ....... 9 13 SP actions ....... 8 15 SP actions ....... 7 17 SP actions ....... 6 20 SP actions ....... 5 25 SP actions ....... 4 34 SP actions ....... 3 50 SP actions ....... 2 'SP' refers to the Speed stat that is listed for the attack in the game. Notice that SP will only take on the values 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 25, 34, and 50. This is because it doesn't really exist per se: rather, it's just an encoded form of the ctr: SP = RU{100/ctr}. All slow_actions, EXCEPT THOSE ON THE LIST THAT FOLLOWS, have their initial ctr affected by Short Charge: short_ctr = RU{initial_ctr/2}. List of actions not affected by Short Charge: - JUMP command - CHARGE commands - SING commands - DANCE commands Slow_actions whose ctrs are altered by short-charge can also be made into fast_actions by the 'Non-charge' ability. In that case, they are treated *as* fast_actions and not as slow_actions. All active ctr_countdowns are decremented by 1 in the S+ phase, but nothing else can 'happen'. Character's don't gain CT, nobody gets any turns, and spells don't go off. Nothing happens. ~ SR phase ~ During this phase, slow actions can resolve. That is, all the slow actions on the AT_list are checked, and all those whose ctr_countdowns are at zero AND whose casters are healthy are executed. Slow actions that aren't fully charged are simply ignored. When a slow action resolves, each target, in character_list order, is given a chance to react (i.e., activate his reaction ability). Characters don't increment CT during this phase. Slow actions don't charge up during this phase. No characters can take any turns during this phase (with the exception of quick-turns, of course). ~ C+ phase ~ During this phase, characters charge up their CT. Each character adds to his CT appropriately: CT_increment = (character's Speed) Even if a character's CT exceeds 100, the extra CT _will_ be stored (though not displayed on the CT bar). No slow actions charge up in this phase, and no slow actions are resolved. No characters get any turns. ~ CR phase ~ During this phase, characters can take their standard (non-quick)turns. That is, characters get their 'natural' AT's during this phase. No slow actions charge. No slow actions resolve. No characters charge. During a character's turn he can execute a fast-action or he can start charging a slow-action. If multiple characters have CT >= 100, the order is determined by the enumeration in the character_list; characters with lower numbers go first When a fast action resolves, each target, in character_list order, is given a chance to react. Reaction abilities are NOT considered fast actions; they are 'faster than fast'. Once a character takes a turn, his CT is decreased as follows: If character moved and acted --> new_CT = min(60, CT - 100) If character moved but did not act --> new_CT = min(60, CT - 80) If character acted but did not move --> new_CT = min(60, CT - 80) If character neither moved nor acted --> new_CT = min(60, CT - 60) Note that if you have 'Don't Move' or 'Don't Act', for CT purposes the game always considers that you have already moved or acted: i.e., a 'Don't Move' character that waits or a 'Don't Act' character that doesn't move will still have his CT reduced by 80. If a unit has both 'Don't Move' and 'Don't Act', his CT will always be reduced by 100. ~ Status Check phase ~ The character_list is checked in order, and all status effects whose ctr_countdowns have reached zero are removed. The initial ctr_countdown values for the timed status effects follow: STATUS INITIAL CTR -------------- ------------- Charm ........ 31 clockticks Don't Act .... 23 clockticks Don't Move ... 23 clockticks Faith ........ 31 clockticks Haste ........ 31 clockticks Innocent ..... 31 clockticks Poison ....... 35 clockticks Protect ...... 31 clockticks Reflect ...... 31 clockticks Regen ........ 35 clockticks Shell ........ 31 clockticks Slow ......... 23 clockticks Sleep ........ 59 clockticks Stop ......... 19 clockticks After the status check, the loop has been traversed once and starts anew at the next S+ phase. _______________________________________________________________________________ [A.3] the mime-cycle ========================================================================= Ah, Mimes... probably one of the most useless classes in Final Fantasy Tactics because of the complexity involved in coordinating their mimicry. However, this one job, seldom actually used in the game, presents a host of new gameflow possibilities due to its continual copying of whatever action just happened. Well, sort of. Whenever a fast action or slow action resolves, a mime-cycle ensues. During the mime-cycle, each mime in battle will have a chance to mimic the last action that was taken (call this the last_action). ONE last_action is stored in the game's memory, along with who performed that last_action. Reaction abilities are NOT written into the last_action. If the Mime in question is not on the same team as the person who performed the last_action, the last_action is NOT mimicked (this prevents mimicking enemy actions). Note that mimicked actions do NOT count as fast actions; they, like reaction abilities, are 'faster than fast'. Upon mimicking an action, the mime's target(s) get a chance to react to the mimicry in order determined by the character list; then the next mime in the character_list mimics. This goes on until no more eligible mimes remain. _______________________________________________________________________________ [A.4] the quick and the dead ========================================================================= Of all FFT's 400-or-so spells and effects, there is one that presents more gameflow nightmares than any other -- this is the Time Mage spell, Quick, and its related reaction ability, Critical Quick. When a target is given the 'Quick' status, his CT is set to 100 (or sometimes 154 for mimed Quick -- probably a glitch) and he receives a 'quick-flag'. This quick-flag indicates that the character is in line to receive a quick-turn. A quick-turn is distinguished from a normal turn in that it can occur during ANY phase of battle, not just the CR. What creates the difficulty are our friends, the Mimes, which can mimic the Quick spell and hand out quick-flags during the mime-cycle! And to boot, Quick can be Counter Magicked (WHY, Squaresoft?!), which means a mimed Quick can be thrown back at the mime in the middle of the mime-cycle, creating a really nasty gameflow mess. To guide us through this mire of *cough* quick-sand *cough*, here is a superb analysis of the whole Quick-Mime-Counter Magic from the gameflow guru, Aaditya Rangan : - Begin Aaditya's section. What follows was NOT written by me, but by Aaditya Rangan. This is some amazing stuff. - -[QUOTE]----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARIES 0. An action (i.e., a fast action, or the resolution of a slow action) will always immediately spawn a reaction. Every action will ALWAYS allow for its targets to react. In other words, nobody can take quick-turns in between an action and its reactions. 1. A mime-cycle is when the mimes are checked in character_list order, and all the eligible mimes mimic the last_action. After each mime mimics the last action, his target gets a chance to react. Then the next mime on the list mimicks the last_action, and so on. Mime-cycles are always completed. That is, they are never interrupted. Nobody can take a quick-turn (of any type) in the middle of a mime-cycle. So basically, all a mime-cycle can do (for my purposes) is hand out a bunch of quick-flags all over the place. There is no way anybody can do anything 'funny' in the middle of a mime-cycle, and the mime-cycle is completely determined by the last_action (defined prior to the mime-cycle). 2. The game sometimes checks for quick-turns in between actions and mime-cycles. The game sometimes checks for quick-turns after mime-cycles. This is why I must introduce the notion of a 'quick- safety'. This can be either on or off. The quick-safety is basically some bit toggled somewhere which switches the gameflow between 'safe' mode (no quick-turns happening here, no siree) and 'quick' mode (alas! must resolve multiple quick-turns). The only reason I am introducing this quick-safety is that quick-turn resolution during SR phases makes NO SENSE without it. 3. There seem to be four different types of Quick. There is Quick (the spell); there is Critical Quick (the reaction); there is mime-Quick (when a character gets hit with the Quick spell during a mime-cycle); and there is mime-Critical Quick (when a character Critical Quicks during a mime-cycle). As far as I can tell, Counter Magic-Quick (the reaction) and Quick (the spell) are equivalent. So a character can have no quick flag, a quick-spell-flag, a critical-quick-flag, a mime-quick-spell-flag, or a mime-critical-quick-flag. I will denote these with N-flag, QS-flag, CQ-flag, MQS-flag and MCQ-flag respectively. 4. As far as I can tell right now, the only observable difference between MQS and MCQ is that MQS raises CT to 100, whereas MCQ raises CT to 154 (what the hell is that all about?). What is even more weird is that MCQ only raises CT to 154 most of the time -- sometimes it only raises CT to 100. QS is definitely different from CQ, and I'm pretty sure CQ is different from MCQ. So I'm guessing that QS is different from MQS. 5. As you probably guessed, the difference between QS and CQ has to do with the quick-safety. I'll get into that later. ENTER THE JUNGLE The standard way events are resolved is: 1. Resolve the initial basic action (and redefine last_action). This step can apply a QS-flag. 2. Resolve the initial reaction(s). This step can apply (several) CQ-flags. It can also apply a QS-flag (via Counter Magic). 3. Check the character_list for quick-flags. If nobody has any quick-flags, head on to step 4. Otherwise give the first quick-flagged character on the list a quick-turn. This character can act, and redefine the last-action. Then allow all appropriate reactions (hence applying CQ-flags). After the reactions, ignore the rest of the quick-flagged characters on the character_list, and immediately skip to the... 4. Mime-cycle. Examining the last_action, all eligible mimes do their thing. Each mime is checked in order of the character_list, and the first eligible mime acts (and triggers reactions). Then the next eligible mime acts (and triggers reactions), and so on. This allows the distribution of several MQS-flags or MCQ-flags. At the end of the mime-cycle, the last_action is cleared (set to null). 5. Check the character_list for quick-flags. If nobody has any quick-flags, head on to step 6. Otherwise, give the first quick-flagged character on the list a quick-turn. If that character acts, he redefines the last-action. Then allow all appropriate reactions (hence applying cq-flags). After this character's quick-turn is finished, go back to step 4. 6. Now the initial basic action is considered to have ended. The last-action is cleared, and the game moves on. (If we were in an SR phase, the game would check for the next eligible slow-action, and (if it finds one) then head back to step 1). If we were in a CR phase, the game would check for the next eligible character, and give them an AT. So what's the problem? Well, often during SR phases, steps 3 and 5 above are SKIPPED. That is, characters who should get quick-turns are instead 'passed over' until later (this is where I get to the quick-safety)... Once I explain this, it should generalize to the CR phases. (If you think that steps 3 and 5 are basically the same step, then you're right. I am pretty sure that 3 and 5 both involve calling the same subroutine to resolve the first quick-turn on the character_list. The only difference is that skipping 3 leads to 4, whereas skipping 5 leads to 6 (a difference in the function call only, not the subroutine)). So here are some rules to fix all this wackiness. First assume that the game ONLY looks at step 3 and 5 if the quick-safety is OFF (that is, steps 3 and 5 are automatically skipped if the game is in 'safe' mode). a. At the beginning of step 1, the character_list is checked for quick-flags. If anybody has any quick-flags, the quick-safety is turned OFF (that is, the game enters 'quick' mode). Otherwise, the quick-safety is turned ON (the game falls into 'safe' mode). b. If step 1 (or 2) applies a QS-flag, the quick-safety is turned OFF (note that application of a CQ-flag does NOT turn the safety off). So if the initial actor quick-spells somebody (or is hit by Counter Magic-Quick), then the game is put into 'quick' mode. c. Now, after step 2, the game will enter step 3 only if it is in 'quick' mode. If the quick-safety is on, the game will skip straight to step 4. d. At the beginning of step 4, the character_list is checked for quick-flags. If anybody has any quick-flags, the quick-safety is turned off. Otherwise, the quick-safety is not altered. The quick-safety is not altered during the resolution of the mime cycle. That is, the application of MQS-flags or MCQ-flags won't switch the game into 'quick' mode. So unless the quick-safety was OFF to begin with, the game will skip straight to step 6 after the mime-cycle. e. During step 6, the quick-safety is turned ON (and the game is put back into 'safe' mode). Now, this explains everything I have observed so far. Quick-spell (and Counter Magic-Quick) will immediately put the game into quick mode. That means that somebody will get a quick-turn before the resulting mime-cycle. Critical Quick will NOT put the game into quick-mode, until AFTER step 3 (at the beginning of step 4). That means that CQ won't trigger a quick- turn until after the resulting mimecycle. In addition (and this is the most important part), MimeQS and MimeQC will NOT switch the game into quick mode. That means that if the game is in safe mode BEFORE the mime-cycle, and then some MimeQS-flags or MimeCQ-flags are applied, those quick-turns get skipped until later (until the next 'step 3' comes around, to be more precise). SUMMARY ------- Here's a more concise version of what goes on. The above steps can be rewritten as follows: 1. Resolution of basic initial action: 1a. If there are any quick-flags, turn quick-safety OFF. 1b. Resolve basic inital action, handing out QS-flags as needed. 1c. Rewrite last_action appropriately. (including information about the action taken, and the team that took that action). 1d. Go on to step 2. 2. Resolution of basic initial reaction(s): 2a. Resolve basic initial reaction(s) (in character_list order), handing out QS-flags and CQ-flags as needed. 2b. If there are any QS-flags, turn quick-safety OFF. 2c. If the quick-safety is off, go to step 3. 2d. If the quick-safety is on, go to step 4. 3. Resolution of the first quick-turn: 3a. Check the character_list for the first fellow with a quick-flag. 3b. Give that sap a turn. 3c. If he acts, rewrite the last_action appropriately. 3d. If he acted, resolve all the reactions, and hand out the CQ-flags as needed. 3e. Go on to step 4. 4. Mime-cycle: 4a. If there are any quick-flags, turn quick-safety OFF. 4b. Go through the mime-cycle (I won't bore you with the details), handing out MQS-flags and MCQ-flags as necessary. 4c. Clear the last_action (rewrite it to empty). 4d. If the quick-safety is off, go to step 5. 4e. If the quick-safety is on, go to step 6. 5. Resolution of the first quick-turn: 5a. Check the character_list for the first fellow with a quick-flag. 5b. If there aren't any quick-flags, go on to step 6. 5c. Otherwise, give the first character on the charcter_list a quick-turn. 5c. If he acts, rewrite the last_action appropriately. 5d. If he acted, resolve all the reactions, and hand out the CQ-flags as needed. 5e. Go back to step 4. 6. End of action: 6a. If in an SR phase, turn quick-safety on. 6b. If in an SR phase, look for the next slow-action on the character_list. 6c. Once you find it, go back to step 1. EXAMPLE ------- Now here is an easily reproducible example that illustrates the need for the quick-safety. A,B and C all have CT 100, speed 99, and Short Charge. D and E are mimes. A starts casting Quick (targets an empty panel) B waits C waits (time passes, and every character's CT increments) A, B, C all wait (time passes) A's Quick goes off, and misses D mimes A and hits C E mimes A and hits B (every character's CT increments) Now, during the subsequent CR phase, the turn order is B, C, A As you can see, B and C definitely got quick-flags (MQS-flags, to be exact). But they did not get quick-turns until the following CR phase. In other words, they were ignored during the SR phase. There was a mime-cycle during the SR phase (after A's quick-spell went off). And yet B and C did NOT get quick-turns right after the mime-cycle. The reason is that at the beginning of the mime-cycle, nobody had any quick-flags, and so the game stayed in 'safe' mode. Here is a slightly different example. A,B and C all have CT 100, speed 99, and Short Charge. D and E are mimes. A starts casting Quick (targets an empty panel) B and C wait. (time passes, and every character's CT increments) B starts casting Haste (targets an empty panel) C starts casting Haste (targets an empty panel) (time passes) A's Quick spell goes off, missing. D mimes A, and hits C with a Quick spell E mimes A, and hits B with a Quick spell B's Haste spell goes off B gets a quick-turn B waits D mimes B, and hits C with a Haste spell E mimes B, and hits C with a Haste spell C gets a quick-turn C waits (every character's CT increments) Now, during the subsequent CR phase, the turn order is A, B, C Now you can see the effect of the quick-safety. Since there were no quick-flags during A's action, the game was left in safe mode. So after the resultant mime-cycle, C and B were ignored. However, at the beginning of B's haste spell, the game switched to 'quick' mode. Then, B got a quick-turn BEFORE the resultant mime-cycle. After B finished, the mime-cycle went off, and then C got a quick-turn. After C finished, every character's CT incremented. -------------------------------------------------------------------[END QUOTE]- Well, that pretty much covers gameflow -- thanks again to Aaditya Rangan for providing all that information. A P P E N D I X (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNL (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (NNNF********NNNN) (NNN) (NNN) (NNN) JNNN` (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. (NNNF""""""""4NNN) (NNN) (NNN) (NNN) NNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN` (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNF W E A P O N S , A R M O R , & A C C E S S O R I E S This is a list of all the weapons, armor, and accessories in the game. Here's a guide to the information you'll find: NAME: name of the item ##: the game's internal reference number (in hex) for the item (useful for GameShark codes and the like) WP: weapon power (for weapons) Ev: weapon evasion (for weapons) HP+: amount of HP this item will add when equipped (for armor) MP+: amount of MP this item will add when equipped (for armor) PRICE: price to buy the item in a standard shop, in gil. some items can only be bought from Fur Shops, in which case they'll be half of this cost. some items can't be bought at all (many of these have prices of 10 gil) E.LV: random enemies will start using the item at this level. this means - randomly generated units will be able to equip it at this level and above - enemy units with THROW will be able to THROW it at this level and above if this number is enclosed in parentheses, this means that random enemies cannot equip the item. for instance, Defender has "(92)" here. this means that you'll never see a random enemy with a Defender equipped, although enemy Ninjas with 'Knight Sword' learned will be able to THROW it starting at level 92. non-random enemies (e.g., Meliadoul, Dycedarg) also may equip this type of item. TERMS USED IN ITEM DESCRIPTIONS "Add:" means that an ATTACK with the weapon will add the listed status effects to the target if it connects. This will only happen a certain amount of the time (usually 25%). "Auto-" before the name of a status effect means that this piece of equipment automatically gives its wearer this status, and the status cannot be removed unless the equipment is removed. If the equipment is removed, broken, or stolen, auto-status will immediately be removed. "Block:" means that the unit equipped with this item is protected from the listed status effects and/or elements. In the case of status effects, any attempt to add the status effect will be reduced to a 00% success rate. In the case of elements, any attack that causes damage carrying the listed elements will have a 00% success rate. "Initial-" before the name of a status effect means that the wearer of this piece of equipment will start each battle with that status effect. The effect will not be added if you use 'Equip Change' to equip the item mid-battle, and it will not be removed if the item is removed, stolen, or broken (unless something else that happens in the course of removing, stealing, or breaking the item would have normally caused the status effect to disappear). "M:" means that an ATTACK with the weapon will randomly cast the spell listed after normal attack damage is dealt. This seems to happen 20-25% of the time. 'YES Two Swords' means that one of this type of weapon may be held in each hand using the 'Two Swords' support ability. 'YES Two Hands' means that equipping the 'Two Hands' support ability will allow you to grip this type of weapon in both hands, doubling damage. 'Both hands only' means that the weapon can only be held in both hands, and that 'Two Hands' has no effect on the weapon's damage. _______________________________________________________________________________ [B.1] weapons ========================================================================= DAGGERS: [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 01 Dagger 3 0 100 1 02 Mythril Knife 4 5 500 3 03 Blind Knife 4 5 800 7 Add: Darkness (25%) 04 Mage Masher 4 5 1500 11 Add: Silence (25%) 05 Platina Dagger 5 10 1800 14 06 Main Gauche 6 40 3000 21 07 Orichalcum 7 5 4000 25 08 Assassin Dagger 7 5 5000 29 Add: Death Sentence (25%) 09 Air Knife 10 5 8000 33 Wind-elemental 0A Zorlin Shape 12 10 12000 (96) Add: Sleep (25%) NINJA SWORDS: [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 0B Hidden Knife 8 5 3000 10 0C Ninja Knife 9 5 5000 13 0D Short Edge 10 5 7000 15 0E Ninja Edge 12 5 10000 22 0F Spell Edge 13 5 16000 27 Add: Don't Act (25%) 10 Sasuke Knife 14 15 10 (95) 11 Iga Knife 15 10 10 (96) 12 Koga Knife 15 5 10 (96) SWORDS: PA * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 13 Broad Sword 4 5 200 1 14 Long Sword 5 10 500 4 15 Iron Sword 6 5 900 7 16 Mythril Sword 7 8 1600 9 17 Blood Sword 8 5 2500 (12) Absorbs damage as HP (Undead reversal) 18 Coral Sword 8 5 3300 15 Lightning-elemental 19 Ancient Sword 9 5 5000 21 Add: Don't Move (25%) 1A Sleep Sword 9 5 5000 23 Add: Sleep (25%) 1B Platinum Sword 12 10 11000 28 1C Diamond Sword 10 10 8000 26 1D Ice Brand 13 10 14000 34 Ice-elemental; M: Ice 2 1E Rune Blade 14 15 20000 37 MA +2 1F Nagrarock 1 50 10 (95) Add: Frog (25%) 20 Materia Blade 10 10 10 (96) Required to enable LIMIT commands KNIGHT SWORDS: [PA * Br/100] * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev COST E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 21 Defender 16 60 40000 (92) 22 Save the Queen 18 30 10 (95) Auto-Protect 23 Excalibur 21 35 10 (96) Auto-Haste, Absorb: Holy, M: Holy, Strengthen: Holy 24 Ragnarok 24 20 10 (97) Auto-Shell 25 Chaos Blade 40 20 10 (98) Auto-Regen, Add: Petrify (25%) KATANA: [PA * Br/100] * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev COST E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 26 Asura Knife 7 15 1600 9 27 Koutetsu Knife 8 15 3000 12 28 Bizen Boat 9 15 5000 15 29 Murasame 10 15 7000 21 At least one of the appropriate 2A Heaven's Cloud 11 15 8000 24 katana must be in stock in order to 2B Kiyomori 12 15 10000 27 use the corresonding DRAW OUT attack. 2C Muramasa 14 15 15000 30 2D Kikuichimoji 15 15 22000 33 2E Masamune 18 15 10 (95) 2F Chirijiraden 25 15 10 (96) AXES: WP * F | F = (1..PA) Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) Both hands only NO Two Swords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev COST E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 30 Battle Axe 9 0 1500 4 31 Giant Axe 12 0 4000 12 32 Slasher 16 0 12000 31 Add: Slow (25%) RODS: PA * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev COST E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 33 Rod 3 20 200 1 34 Thunder Rod 3 20 400 5 Lightning-elemental, Strengthen: Lightning, M: Bolt 35 Flame Rod 3 20 400 5 Fire-elemental, Strengthen: Fire M: Fire 36 Ice Rod 3 20 400 5 Ice-elemental, Strengthen: Ice M: Ice 37 Poison Rod 3 20 500 12 Add: Poison (25%) 38 Wizard Rod 4 20 8000 23 MA +2 39 Dragon Rod 5 20 12000 (95) 3A Faith Rod 5 20 10 (96) Auto-Faith, Add: Faith (25%) STAVES: MA * WP Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 3B Oak Staff 3 15 120 1 3C White Staff 3 15 800 5 Cancel: Death Sentence (25%) (on target of ATTACK) 3D Healing Staff 4 15 4000 ( 9) Restores HP instead of damaging HP 3E Rainbow Staff 5 15 4000 12 3F Wizard Staff 4 15 2200 15 MA +1 40 Gold Staff 6 15 7000 24 41 Mace of Zeus 6 15 10 (95) PA +2, MA +1 42 Sage Staff 7 15 10 (96) HAMMERS: WP * F | F = (1..PA) Range 1v2 (from below) / 1v3 (from above) YES Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 43 Flail 9 0 1200 10 44 Flame Whip 11 0 4000 20 Fire-elemental, M: Fire 2 45 Morning Star 16 0 9000 32 46 Scorpion Tail 23 0 40000 (90) GUNS, PHYSICAL: WP * WP 3 <= Range <= 8 (line of sight) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 47 Romanda Gun 6 5 5000 (11) 48 Mythril Gun 8 5 15000 (15) 49 Stone Gun 16 5 10 (95) Initial-Petrify GUNS, MAGICAL: [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * Q * WP] Q = 14 : 60% of the time Q = 18 : 30% of the time Q = 24 : 10% of the time 3 <= Range <= 8 (line of sight) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 4A Blaze Gun 20 5 10 (91) Ice-elemental 4B Glacier Gun 21 5 10 (92) Fire-elemental 4C Blast Gun 22 5 10 (93) Lightning-elemental CROSSBOWS: PA * WP 3 <= Range <= 4 (line of sight) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 4D Bow Gun 3 5 400 1 4E Night Killer 3 5 1500 5 Add: Darkness (25%) 4F Cross Bow 4 5 2000 11 50 Poison Bow 4 5 4000 14 Add: Poison (25%) 51 Hunting Bow 6 5 8000 24 52 Gastrafitis 10 5 20000 (33) LONGBOWS: [(PA + Sp) / 2] * WP 3 <= Range <= 5 + [height_difference/2] (line of sight or parabolic arc) Both hands only NO Two Swords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 53 Long Bow 4 0 800 2 54 Silver Bow 5 0 1500 6 55 Ice Bow 5 0 2000 11 Ice-elemental, M: Ice 56 Lightning Bow 6 0 3000 15 Lightning-elemental, M: Bolt 57 Windslash Bow 8 0 8000 27 Wind-elemental 58 Mythril Bow 7 0 5000 20 59 Ultimus Bow 10 0 22000 37 5A Yoichi Bow 12 0 10 (52) 5B Perseus Bow 16 0 10 (53) INSTRUMENTS: [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP Range 3 (and only 3) (line of sight) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 5C Ramia Harp 10 10 5000 13 Add: Confusion (25%) 5D Bloody Strings 13 10 10000 25 Absorbs damage as HP (Undead reversal) 5E Fairy Harp 15 10 10 (36) Add: Charm (25%) DICTIONARIES: [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP Range 3 (and only 3) (line of sight) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 5F Battle Dict 7 15 3000 13 60 Monster Dict 8 15 6000 23 61 Papyrus Plate 9 15 10000 34 62 Madlemgen 11 15 30000 (95) SPEARS: PA * WP Range 2v3 (4 directions) NO Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 63 Javelin 8 10 1000 12 64 Spear 9 10 2000 16 65 Mythril Spear 10 10 4500 21 66 Partisan 11 10 7000 25 67 Oberisk 12 10 10000 29 68 Holy Lance 14 10 36000 (95) Holy-elemental, M: Holy 69 Dragon Whisker 17 10 44000 (96) 6A Javelin 30 10 10 (97) STICKS: MA * WP Range 2v3 (4 directions) NO Two Swords YES Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 6B Cypress Rod 6 20 1000 9 6C Battle Bamboo 7 20 1400 13 6D Musk Rod 8 20 2400 21 6E Iron Fan 9 20 4000 24 6F Gokuu Rod 10 20 7500 27 Add: Innocent (25%) 70 Ivory Rod 11 20 10000 (95) 71 Octagon Rod 12 20 20000 40 Cancel: Darkness, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Stop, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act (25%; on target of ATTACK) 72 Whale Whisker 16 20 37000 (96) BAGS: F * WP | F = (1..PA) Range 1v3 (from above) / 1v2 (from below) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands Only females can equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 73 C Bag 10 0 53000 (80) MA +1 74 FS Bag 20 0 60000 (81) 75 P Bag 12 0 52000 (82) Auto-Regen 76 H Bag 14 0 58000 (83) Sp +1 CLOTHS: [(PA + MA) / 2] * WP Range 2v3 (4 directions) NO Two Swords NO Two Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 77 Persia 8 50 7000 (24) 78 Cashmere 10 50 15000 (29) 79 Ryozan Silk 15 50 40000 (95) THROWN ITEMS: Can only be used for THROW (damage = Sp * WP) Range (Caster's Move)/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## NAME WP Ev PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- 7A Shuriken 4 0 ( 1) 7B Magic Shuriken 7 0 (18) 7C Yagyu Darkness 10 0 (33) 7D Fire Ball 8 0 ( 1) Fire-elemental 7E Water Ball 8 0 (18) Water-elemental 7F Lightning Ball 8 0 (29) Lightning-elemental _______________________________________________________________________________ [B.2] shields ========================================================================= Shields offer both physical (P.SEV) and magical (M.SEV) evasion bonuses. See section 1.4 for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /S-Ev\ ## NAME P. M. COST E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- --------------------------------------- 80 Escutcheon 10 3 400 1 81 Buckler 13 3 700 3 82 Bronze Shield 16 0 1200 6 83 Round Shield 19 0 1600 9 84 Mythril Shield 22 5 2500 12 85 Gold Shield 25 0 3500 15 86 Ice Shield 28 0 6000 22 Absorb: Ice, Half: Fire, Weak: Lightning 87 Flame Shield 31 0 6500 22 Absorb: Fire, Half: Ice, Weak: Water 88 Aegis Shield 10 50 10000 22 MA +1 89 Diamond Shield 34 15 12000 25 8A Platina Shield 37 10 16000 29 8B Crystal Shield 40 15 21000 36 8C Genji Shield 43 0 10 (36) 8D Kaiser Plate 46 20 10 (39) Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice 8E Venetian Shield 50 25 10 (40) Half: Fire, Lightning, Ice 8F Escutcheon 75 50 10 (50) _______________________________________________________________________________ [B.3] headgear ========================================================================= H E L M E T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- 90 Leather Helmet 10 0 200 1 91 Bronze Helmet 20 0 500 4 92 Iron Helmet 30 0 1000 7 93 Barbuta 40 0 1500 9 94 Mythril Helmet 50 0 2100 12 95 Gold Helmet 60 0 2800 15 96 Cross Helmet 70 0 4000 17 97 Diamond Helmet 80 0 6000 22 98 Platina Helmet 90 0 8000 25 99 Circlet 100 0 10000 29 9A Crystal Helmet 120 0 14000 27 9B Genji Helmet 130 0 10 (36) 9C Grand Helmet 150 0 10 (40) Block: Darkness, Sleep H A T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- 9D Leather Hat 8 0 150 1 9E Feather Hat 16 5 350 4 9F Red Hood 24 8 800 7 A0 Headgear 32 0 1200 10 PA +1 A1 Triangle Hat 40 12 1800 13 MA +1 A2 Green Beret 48 0 3000 16 Sp +1 A3 Twist Headband 56 0 5000 21 PA +2 A4 Holy Miter 64 20 6000 24 MA +1 A5 Black Hood 72 0 7000 27 A6 Golden Hairpin 80 50 12000 32 Block: Silence A7 Flash Hat 88 15 16000 38 MA +1, Sp +1 A8 Thief Hat 100 0 35000 46 Sp +2; Block: Don't Move, Don't Act R I B B O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- A9 Cachusha 20 0 20000 (50) Block: Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Stop, Berserk, Charm, Sleep AA Barette 20 0 20000 (51) Block: Undead, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Act, Don't Move, Death Sentence AB Ribbon 10 0 60000 (52) Block: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence _______________________________________________________________________________ [B.4] armor ========================================================================= A R M O R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- AC Leather Armor 10 0 200 1 AD Linen Cuirass 20 0 600 4 AE Bronze Armor 30 0 800 6 AF Chain Mail 40 0 1300 8 B0 Mythril Armor 50 0 2000 11 B1 Plate Mail 60 0 3000 14 B2 Gold Armor 70 0 3600 17 B3 Diamond Armor 80 0 6000 22 B4 Platina Armor 90 0 9000 26 B5 Carabini Mail 100 0 13000 30 B6 Crystal Mail 110 0 19000 37 B7 Genji Armor 150 0 10 (37) B8 Reflect Mail 130 0 18000 (39) Auto-Reflect B9 Maximillian 200 0 10 (45) C L O T H E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- BA Clothes 5 0 150 1 BB Leather Outfit 10 0 300 3 BC Leather Vest 18 0 500 5 BD Chain Vest 24 0 900 7 BE Mythril Vest 30 0 1500 10 BF Adaman Vest 36 0 1600 12 C0 Wizard Outfit 42 15 1900 14 C1 Brigandine 50 0 2500 17 C2 Judo Outfit 60 0 4000 21 PA +1; Block: Dead C3 Power Sleeve 70 0 7000 25 PA +2 C4 Earth Clothes 85 10 10000 29 Absorb: Earth; Strengthen: Earth C5 Secret Clothes 20 0 10 (35) Sp +2; Initial-Transparent C6 Black Costume 100 0 12000 37 Block: Stop C7 Rubber Costume 150 50 48000 (50) Block: Lightning R O B E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME HP+ MP+ PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- --- --- ----- ---- ------------------------------------- C8 Linen Robe 10 10 1200 3 C9 Silk Robe 20 16 2400 5 CA Wizard Robe 30 22 4000 11 MA +2 CB Chameleon Robe 40 28 5000 (16) Block: Dead; Absorb: Holy CC White Robe 50 34 9000 26 Half: Fire, Lightning, Ice CD Black Robe 60 30 13000 31 Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice CE Light Robe 75 50 30000 38 CF Robe of Lords 100 80 10 (45) Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, PA +2, MA +1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [B.5] accessories ========================================================================= S H O E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------------- D0 Battle Boots 1000 10 Move +1 D1 Spike Boots 1200 20 Jump +1 D2 Germinas Boots 5000 30 Move +1, Jump +1 D3 Rubber Shoes 1500 ( 5) Block: Don't Move, Lightning D4 Feather Boots 2500 (50) Auto-Float D5 Sprint Shoes 7000 (30) Sp +1 D6 Red Shoes 10000 (40) Move +1, MA +1 G A U N T L E T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------------- D7 Power Wrist 5000 20 PA +1 D8 Genji Gauntlet 10 (50) PA +2, MA +2 D9 Magic Gauntlet 20000 35 MA +2 DA Bracer 50000 60 PA +3 R I N G S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------------- DB Reflect Ring 10000 (50) Auto-Reflect DC Defense Ring 5000 25 Block: Sleep, Death Sentence DD Magic Ring 10000 25 Block: Silence, Berserk DE Cursed Ring 10 ( 5) PA +1, MA +1, Sp +1; Auto-Undead; Block: Invite DF Angel Ring 20000 (25) Initial-Reraise; Block: Dead, Darkness A R M L E T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------------- E0 Diamond Armlet 5000 26 PA +1, MA +1, Block: Slow E1 Jade Armlet 10000 25 Block: Petrify, Stop E2 108 Gems 15000 25 Block: Undead, Blood Suck, Frog, Poison; Strengthen: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy, Dark E3 N-Kai Armlet 10000 25 Block: Confusion, Charm; Half: Dark E4 Defense Armlet 7000 25 Block: Don't Move, Don't Act M A N T L E S Mantles (capes) offer physical (P.AEV) and magical (M.AEV) evasion bonuses. See section 1.4 for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /A-Ev\ ## NAME P. M. PRICE E.LV COMMENTS/SPECIAL EFFECTS -- -------------- -- -- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- E5 Small Mantle 10 10 300 10 E6 Leather Mantle 15 15 800 20 E7 Wizard Mantle 18 18 2000 30 MA +1 E8 Elf Mantle 25 25 8000 40 E9 Dracula Mantle 28 28 15000 49 EA Feather Mantle 40 30 20000 50 EB Vanish Mantle 35 0 10 ( 5) Initial-Transparent P E R F U M E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NAME PRICE E.LV EFFECTS -- -------------- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------------- EC Chantage 60000 ( 5) Auto-Regen, Auto-Reraise ED Cherche 60000 ( 5) Auto-Float, Auto-Reflect EE Salty Rage 60000 ( 5) Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell EF Setiemson 60000 ( 5) MA +1, Auto-Haste, Initial-Transparent _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This FAQ is dedicated to Dr Gamewiz (1936-1999), * * whose years of selfless service to the the Internet * * gaming community were an inspiration to us all. The * * Doc, as he was affectionately called, ran a forum * * on America Online for many years, founded on the * * principle of 'gamesters helping gamesters'. It was * * the best place on AOL to find hints, codes, * * walkthroughs, and altogether nice people, united by the * * Gamewiz slogan, 'BOOLAH!'. There were message boards, * * newsletters, file repositories, and a weekly newsletter * * -- the Doc would never miss an issue. Everyone who * * regularly visited the Gamewiz forum agreed: there was * * just something wonderful and magical about it. Many * * friendships were forged there, some of which are still * * going strong. In 1997, however, AOL terminated its * * contract with the Doc, opting instead to back Antagonist * * Online, a larger, more impersonal forum whose name * * pretty well reveals its nature. Though many Gamewiz * * regulars became disaffected, the Doc, ever the * * optimist, continued assiduously preparing the * * newsletters and kept running his trivia games. Even * * in the face of terminal cancer, the Doc rarely missed * * an issue. On September 28, 1999, Dr Gamewiz passed * * away -- even his eternal optimism could not ward off * * the terrible disease. And so, Doc, this FAQ is for * * you. Wherever you are now, I hope it makes you * * smile. Thanks for giving so much of yourself, and * * know that your work does not go unappreciated. * * BOOLAH! * * --Aerostar * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * =====- end of file -=========================================================== (c) 2003 Aerostar Final Fantasy Tactics, Squaresoft, and all related indicia are trademarks of Square Electronic Arts, L.L.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fftmech52.txt * revision 5.20 * 02-22-04 ===============================================================================